normal problems? or maybe light

Well i am trying to get lights into my scene, but it looks just plain veird. .

Here is some of my code:

glTranslatef(x, y, z);
glRotatef(rx, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
glRotatef(ry, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);
glRotatef(rz, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
glBegin(GL_TRIANGLES); // Start Drawing Triangles
for (int i = 0; i < numtriangles; i++){
glNormal3f( normal[i].x, normal[i].y, normal[i].z);
glVertex3f(triangle[i].vertex[0].x, triangle[i].vertex[0].y, triangle[i].vertex[0].z); // Set The TexCoord And Vertice

  	glVertex3f(triangle[i].vertex[1].x, triangle[i].vertex[1].y, triangle[i].vertex[1].z);	// Set The TexCoord And Vertice
  	glVertex3f(triangle[i].vertex[2].x, triangle[i].vertex[2].y, triangle[i].vertex[2].z);	// Set The TexCoord And Vertice


Here is how i load models

int ReadVtxString(char *b, FILE f){
int tmp;
fgets(b, 255, f);
nasty hack to get number of vertexes */
if(b[0] == ‘/’){
tmp = atoi(&b[3]);
if(tmp !=0){
return tmp;
}while(b[0] == ‘/’ | | b[0] == ’ ’ | | b[0] == ’
’ | | b[0] == ‘.’);
return -1;

int LoadSectorVtx(SECTOR *sec, char *filename){
int faces; // nimber of faces
int *indexarray; // array to hold the faces or vertex indexes
int verts; // number of vertices(sp)
VERTEX *vertarray; // array to hold the vertexdata
VERTEX normalarray; // array to hold the normal data
char buff[255]; // readbuffer
float x, y, z, u, v; // temporary xyzuv vars
float nx, ny, nz; // temporary xyz normal vars
int ix, iy, iz; // temporary face vars
FILE file = fopen(filename, “r”);
return FALSE;
verts = ReadVtxString(buff, file); // get number of vertices
vertarray = new VERTEX[verts]; // make room for them all in the array
normalarray = new VERTEX[verts]; // there are justas many normals as vertices
for (int i = 0; i < verts; i++) // Loop Through All The verts
ReadVtxString(buff, file); // Read String To Work With
sscanf(buff, “%f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f”, &x, &y, &z, &nx, &ny, &nz, &u, &v);
// Store Values Into Respective arrays
vertarray[i].x = x;
vertarray[i].y = y;
vertarray[i].z = z;
vertarray[i].u = u;
vertarray[i].v = v;
normalarray[i].x = nx;
normalarray[i].y = ny;
normalarray[i].z = nz;
read faces section /
faces = ReadVtxString(buff, file); // get number of faces
indexarray = new int[faces
3]; // make room for all the data in the faces
// there are 3 ints per face
for(i = 0; i < faces; i++){ // loop trough all the faces
ReadVtxString(buff, file); // read one line
sscanf(buff, “%d %d %d”, &ix, &iy, &iz);
indexarray[i*3+0] = ix; // store the data in their place
indexarray[i*3+1] = iy;
indexarray[i*3+2] = iz;
sec->numtriangles = faces; // set number of triangles aka faces in the sector
sec->triangle = new TRIANGLE[faces]; // make room for them all
sec->normal = new VERTEX[faces]; // the normals as well
for(i = 0; i < faces; i++){ // loop trough all the faces
for(int c = 0; c < 3; c++){ // for every face there are 3 coords
read the data into the sector /
sec->triangle[i].vertex[c].x = vertarray[indexarray[i*3+c]].x;
sec->triangle[i].vertex[c].y = vertarray[indexarray[i*3+c]].y;
sec->triangle[i].vertex[c].z = vertarray[indexarray[i*3+c]].z;
sec->triangle[i].vertex[c].u = vertarray[indexarray[i*3+c]].u;
sec->triangle[i].vertex[c].v = vertarray[indexarray[i*3+c]].v;
sec->normal[i].x = vertarray[indexarray[i*3+c]].x;
sec->normal[i].y = vertarray[indexarray[i*3+c]].y;
sec->normal[i].z = vertarray[indexarray[i*3+c]].z;
cleanup */
delete indexarray;
delete vertarray;
delete normalarray;
return TRUE;