Starting hardware skinning

Here is my vertex shader:

attribute byte weight; 
attribute byte indice;
uniform mat4 BoneMatrices[256];

void main(void) {
	gl_Position = ftransform();

I only want to do one bone/vertex, to start with.

How do I upload the matrix array? Do I use glUniform1fv?

Is “Byte” the correct term for an 8-bit value in GLSL?

How do I upload vertex attributes?


glUniformMatrix4fvARB(GLint location,GLsizei count,GLboolean transpose,GLfloat *value)

count = 256 in your case.

I don’t think there’s byte support in GLSL.

What do you mean by ‘upload vertex attributes’?
You can just access them within the shader with gl_Color, gl_Normal,gl_TexCoord, etc.


Okay, I have custom vertex attributes I want to store for the bone indice and weight. Actually, in this case I don’t even need the weight, since I am just doing 1 bone per vertex.

I have an array of bone indices in system memory that goes with the vertex array. How do I send that data to the GPU as a vertex attribute? I have stored them as bytes, and I just have a rule that no mesh can have more than 256 bones.

How about reading a GLSL tutorial?

You can take a look at the example code from the NVidia SDK.


Do you HAVE to call glBindAttribLocationARB() before linking the program, or can this be done after?

It’s explained in here

Attribute variable name-to-generic attribute index bindings can be specified at any time by calling glBindAttribLocationARB . Attribute bindings do not go into effect until glLinkProgramARB is called. Once a program object has been linked successfully, the index values for attribute variables remain fixed (and their values can be queried) until the next link command occurs.


I added this before the shader is linked:

Then I link the program, and call this:
Notify glGetAttribLocationARB(program,“BoneIndice”)

And it always says -1.

This is the vertex shader source:

attribute int BoneIndice;
uniform mat4 BoneMatrices[256];

void main(void) {
	gl_Position = ftransform();

If I even just do this, it says -1:

Notify glGetAttribLocationARB(program,“BoneIndice”)

Generic vertex attribute 0 is unique in that it has no current state, it is used to indicate the completion of a vertex just like a call to glVertex. In short, don’t use attribute with index 0.


This returns -1 as well:

Notify glGetAttribLocationARB(program,"BoneIndice")

glGetAttribLocationARB queries the previously linked program object specified by program for the attribute variable specified by name , and returns the index of the generic vertex attribute that is bound to that attribute variable. If name is a matrix attribute variable, then the index of the first column of the matrix is returned. If the named attribute variable is not an active attribute in the specified program object, or if name starts with the GLSL reserved prefix _gl , a value of -1 is returned.

An attribute variable (either built-in or user-defined) is considered active if it is determined during the link operation that it may be accessed during program execution.


Still doesn’t work.

attribute int BoneIndice;
uniform mat4 BoneMatrices[256];

void main(void) {
	gl_Position = ftransform();

	int a = BoneIndice;

Then I set the attr location.
Link the shader.
Retrieve the attr location. Returns -1.

Like I said, at linking time it has determined that BoneIndice is not an active attribute. You’re assigning it to a temporary variable that is not used in the fragment program. You could assign it to a varying variable which you must access in your fragment shader. Here’s an example where it returns the correct value:

attribute int BoneIndice;
uniform mat4 BoneMatrices[256];

void main(void) {
	gl_Position = ftransform();
	gl_Position.x = BoneIndice;


That worked. The compiler is smarter than I thought.

Thanks for your help.

Okay, let’s say I wanted to allow up to 4 bones per vertex.

Is there any way to pack 4 byte values into a 32-bit integer and read it in the shader? I mean, obviously I could do this on the CPU, but is this a good idea on the GPU? Or should I just use a vec4 attribute, and have 4 times the amount of data uploaded?

Sure, you could use them like you send the color value. This can be a 32 bpp value where the four 8-bit channels are packed into a 32-bit value. gl_Color is a built-in attribute that is defined as a vec4 so when you access it in the shader they are converted to floating point within the range [0…1.0]. You just have to multiply it with 255 to get the integer values.


So the attribute would be a vec4, but I would use glVertexAttribPointer( GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, blah, blah ) to send the bone indice data?

I haven’t got to the part where I actually upload the attribute data to the GPU. Not sure how to handle this.

Indeed, with glVertexAttribPointer you can set the size to 4 and the type to GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE. Within the shader however, they are interpreted as floats, just like fetching a GL_RGBA8 pixel with original unsigned byte values of 255,255,127,0 would result in 1.0,1.0,0.5,0.0 when accessing gl_Color. So int(gl_color.z*255) will get you the original value of 127.


It works, thanks for your help: