More 'Getting started on a mac with OSX'

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A followup to jmg’s posting on Makefiles.

I created my own Makefile and link with the OpenGL, Cocoa, Carbon and Foundation frameworks. ( I use them all. ) However when I start up the application it runs as a 'Terminal" application. ( The 'Terminal" menu shows up in the top menubar. ) When I run the executable created with XCode my menu shows up in the menu bar as expected. All the same source code between XCode and the Makefile. So do I need to change somthing in the build?

You need to make an application bundle.

Probably the easiest way to figure it out is to inspect the one PB/Xcode makes, either using the terminal, or “show package contents” in the ctrl-click menu for the application in Finder.

There is detailed documentation on Apple’s site if you need it.

Foxbat wrote:
{snip} So do I need to change somthing in the build?

I’m guessing that you’re saying you don’t want the terminal there when running your glut apps. :slight_smile:

My take is, if you stick with the makefile, your code will be more easily portable to other OS’s. If you create a glut project in Xcode, you get the “feature” of not having Terminal running your glut app for you.

I think OneSadCookie is suggesting that you should be able to modify your makefile to do what the Xcode project is doing. Though, I wouldn’t have a clue about how to do that.

Personally, I think it’s pretty nice to have the terminal there – just so I can occasionally spit out messages to std out during execution to see what I’m doing. :slight_smile:

[This message has been edited by jmg (edited 01-02-2004).]

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