glvertex3f help! Very Urgent

I need help with a opengl project i am doing and i need someone to help me do sumthing really important. (Juss so i can get this job and im not fimilliar with opengl)i need to know how i would make a button lock onto a certain model with a certain amount of vertices within it calling tha glvertex3f function. here are the verticies.
Vertice counts:


One complete model is rendered between :


(collect information here)


that is all i know of at the moment. Please help me it is very important.(itll get me a job making 70 thou a year.)

thank you

Originally posted by azncrip4lif:
i need to know how i would make a button lock onto a certain model with a certain amount of vertices within it calling tha glvertex3f function. here are the verticies.

What do you mean, “button lock onto”?

i mean like if i was to push the button mouse2 that it would go to a certain model containing those specific amount of verticies within it. And if i was to let go of mouse2 it would unlock and then i would have free control of the mouse again.

Mouse2 held = locks onto model
Mouse2 Released = free control over pointer

does that make any sense?

go to a certain model containing those specific amount of verticies within it


does that make any sense?

No, not really.

Originally posted by knackered:
What dont u get? like a cube has a certain amount of vertices within that model. i have 12 models with different vertices i want my mouse to go to a model with … what i said above

[This message has been edited by azncrip4lif (edited 07-18-2002).]

Huh ? Just count the number of vertices/glVertex3f calls in your objects and select the one that has the amount you’re looking for ? Am I missing something ?

You’re still being very vague - maybe you should get a friend to ‘proof’ read your posts - it might make sense to you, but to me and everyone else whos read it, it obviously isn’t specific enough - I’m the only one whos at least trying to understand your problem.
Are you saying:-
“I type into an edit text a number (say 12). When I press return, I want THE MOUSE POINTER to move to a model in my view with that number of vertices”

I’m astounded that a 70 grand job depends on you solving this…apparently…simple problem. Maybe you should just give me the address of this dream employer…I could do with the money, believe me…maybe I’ll get some of my life back too.

I think he wants to know the window coordinate of a vertex belonging to a model which has n, given, vertices ?..

Mmm, and that would be useful in what way?

Landing that job ?

Seriously – maybe panning the camera to ensure the object is in-view, maybe after selecting it from a TreeView or something ? Or whatever.

Nope, that doesn’t make sense. Why would he need to select an object that contains n vertices in order to make the object fit inside a view?
Anyway, good luck with your job hunting, you might as well let this one go…

If you can’t solve this problem, what makes you think you can do the job the problem is allegedly gating?

May someone post the sourcecode of Doom 4 here, so i can get a job at id software, please?