Program linking error

I am using glib for dynamic arrays and just standard C99. I have written some function:

GArray* shaders2array(int num,...);

In the above function, num=number of Shaders and it takes a number of const GLchar* shaders as its arguments.

GLuint loadShaders(GArray* vertexShaders,GArray* fragmentShaders);

The above function returns a GLuint program.

Here are my code:

GArray* shaders2array(GLuint num,...)
    GArray* shadersArray = g_array_new(GL_FALSE,GL_FALSE,sizeof(const GLchar*));
    va_list list;
    for(GLuint i=0;i<num;i++)
        const GLchar* x = va_arg(list,GLchar*);
    return shadersArray;

GLuint loadShaders(GArray* vertexShaders,GArray* fragmentShaders)
    //Allocate Space for Shaders
    GLuint* vShaders = malloc(sizeof(GLuint)*vertexShaders->len);
    GLuint* fShaders = malloc(sizeof(GLuint)*fragmentShaders->len);

    //Compile Shaders
    for(guint i=0;i<vertexShaders->len;i++)
        vShaders[i] = compileShader(g_array_index(vertexShaders,const GLchar*,i),GL_VERTEX_SHADER);
    for(guint i=0;i<fragmentShaders->len;i++)
        fShaders[i] = compileShader(g_array_index(fragmentShaders,const GLchar*,i),GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER);

    GLuint shaderProgram = glCreateProgram();
    //Attach Shaders
    for(guint i=0;i<vertexShaders->len;i++)
    for(guint i=0;i<fragmentShaders->len;i++)
    //Check For Linking Errors

    //Delete the Shaders
    for(guint i=0;i<vertexShaders->len;i++)
    for(guint i=0;i<fragmentShaders->len;i++)
    return shaderProgram;

When I do something like:

const GLchar* vertexSrc = readFile("vertexShader.vert");
const GLchar* fragmentSrc = readFile("fragmentShader.frag");

 GArray* vShaders = shaders2array(1,vertexSrc);
 GArray* fShaders = shaders2array(1,fragmentSrc);
 GLuint shaderProgram = loadShaders(vShaders,fShaders);

I get an Error:

Error: Program linking failed. Error: 

My Error checking program is:

void checkShader(GLuint* shader, GLenum statusType)
    GLint success; GLchar infoLog[512];
        case GL_COMPILE_STATUS:
            if (!success)
                glGetShaderInfoLog(*shader, 512, NULL, infoLog);
                printf("Error: Shader compilation failed! Error: %s
    case GL_LINK_STATUS:
            if (!success) {
                glGetProgramInfoLog(*shader, 512, NULL, infoLog);
                printf("Error: Program linking failed! Error: %s

As you can see from above, if there was any GLSL based error then I could have get the


but I am not able to get it. But when I was doing something like:

GArray* list = shaders2array(2,vertexSrc,fragmentSrc);
    for (guint k = 0; k < list->len; k++)
        printf("Array val: %s

    GLuint vertexShader =  compileShader(vertexSrc,GL_VERTEX_SHADER);
    GLuint fragmentShader = compileShader(fragmentSrc,GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER);

the program worked perfectly. I tried very hard to detect the bug, but I wasn’t able to identify it. I know its a lot of code but if anyone is able to help me out then I will be grateful to him/her. If you need anymore data then feel free to ask.

You’re checking for linking errors but you haven’t actually linked the program. You need to call glLinkProgram() after attaching the shaders.

Thanks! I had forget to link the program and somehow I had missed that to check! Thankyou!:):slight_smile:
One more question: As my bug is now fixed, how do I close this thread?

This forum doesn’t have any mechanism for closing threads. Even if a question has been answered, people are free to reply if they feel they have a better answer. Activity is low enough that it’s not really a problem for regulars to just read all new threads on each visit.