SSBO and VBO help


I decided to implement Batch Rendering using SSBO, where SSBO will contain an array of structs that contains all data for each object (lets say 100 objects). Along the way I also had to change the VBO in order to accommodate some changes from the previous pipeline.

The problem is, nothing renders. I doubled checked my math and everything checks out. glGetError() also showed no issues (perhaps I didn’t check for the proper enumerator), so I figured to ask for the forum’s opinion.

The setup is very simple:

  • each struct has a bunch of flags and other data for each object.
  • as the vertex data is pushed into VBO, the object’s index in the array is also pushed into the VBO.
  • shader accesses the struct using the object index that was acquired from vertex data
  • shader uses the struct’s data

This is the struct I am pushing into the SSBO:

struct objectVarsData {
	float	posVec[3];						// 12	12
	float	rotVec[3];						// 12	24
	float	scaleVec;						// 4	28

	int		textureLayer;					// 4	32

	int		drawEnable;						// 4	36
	int			colorMapEnable;				// 4	40
	float			colorVec[3];			// 12	52
	float			alphaScale;				// 4	56

	int			normalMapEnable;			// 4	60

	int			specularMapEnable;			// 4	64

	int			lightMapEnable;				// 4	68
	float			lightVec[3];			// 12	80
	float			lightScale;				// 4	84

	int			controlEnable;				// 4	88
	float			controlColorVec[3];		// 12	100

This is how initialize my SSBO and VBO:

	// Object VBO
		glGenBuffers(1, &(this->objectVBO));
		glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, this->objectVBO);
		glBufferData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, graphics2DMaximumVBOSize_Byte, NULL, GL_STATIC_DRAW);

		glGenVertexArrays(1, &(this->objectVAO));
		glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, this->objectVAO);
		glVertexAttribPointer(0, graphicsVertexPosSize,		  GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, graphicsVertexDataSize_Byte, NULL);
		glVertexAttribPointer(1, graphicsVertexTangentSize,	  GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, graphicsVertexDataSize_Byte,	(GLvoid*)(sizeof(GLfloat) * graphicsVertexTangentOffset));
		glVertexAttribPointer(2, graphicsVertexBitangentSize, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, graphicsVertexDataSize_Byte,	(GLvoid*)(sizeof(GLfloat) * graphicsVertexBitangentOffset));
		glVertexAttribPointer(3, graphicsVertexNormalSize,	  GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, graphicsVertexDataSize_Byte,	(GLvoid*)(sizeof(GLfloat) * graphicsVertexNormalOffset));
		glVertexAttribPointer(4, graphicsVertexUVSize,		  GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, graphicsVertexDataSize_Byte,	(GLvoid*)(sizeof(GLfloat) * graphicsVertexUVOffset));
		glVertexAttribIPointer(5, graphicsVertexObjectIndexSize, GL_UNSIGNED_INT, graphicsVertexDataSize_Byte,	(GLvoid*)(sizeof(GLfloat) * graphicsVertexObjectIndexOffset));

	// Object SSBO
		glGenBuffers(1, &(this->objectSSBO));
		glBindBuffer(GL_SHADER_STORAGE_BUFFER, this->objectSSBO);
		glBufferData(GL_SHADER_STORAGE_BUFFER, graphics2DMaximumSSBOSize_Byte, NULL, GL_STATIC_DRAW);
		glBindBufferBase(GL_SHADER_STORAGE_BUFFER, 1, this->objectSSBO);

Then I push everything into the substack (currently I don’t account for substack overflow for testing I just do 1 object):

		unsigned int objectCount = 0;
		unsigned int vertexIndex = 0;
		graphicsObject * bufferObject;

		std::cout << "         - Pushing Objects:" << std::endl;
		for (unsigned int i = 0; i < this->objectQueue->size; i++) {
			bufferObject = (graphicsObject *) this->objectQueue->lowestEntry->attachedObject;

			std::cout << "            Object " << bufferObject->objectID << " with " << bufferObject->meshSize << " geometries at " << graphics2DStartDepth + graphics2DDepthChange*(objectCount) << std::endl;
			this->push2DObject( bufferObject, &objectCount, &vertexIndex);


			if (objectCount == graphics2DMaximumObjects) { // Assumes 1 object per push
				std::cout << "         - Flushing Substack (Substack full)..."  << std::endl;
				std::cout << "            Object Count: " << objectCount << std::endl;
				std::cout << "            Vertex Count: " << vertexIndex << std::endl;

				this->drawSubStack(vertexIndex);	// Stages 1,2 and 3
				this->drawToBuffer();				// Stage 4

				std::cout << "            - Continuing Pushing..." << std::endl;
				objectCount = 0;
				vertexIndex = 0;


		if (vertexIndex > 0) {
			std::cout << "         - Flushing Substack (Remains):" << std::endl;
			std::cout << "            Object Count: " << objectCount << std::endl;
			std::cout << "            Vertex Count: " << vertexIndex << std::endl;

			this->drawSubStack(vertexIndex);	// Stages 1,2 and 3
			this->drawToBuffer();				// Stage 4

Where each object pushed using:

	unsigned int objectIndex = *objectCount;

	// Load the data into buffer struct
		this->objectDataBuffer.posVec[0] = object->posVec[0];
		this->objectDataBuffer.posVec[1] = object->posVec[1];
		this->objectDataBuffer.posVec[2] = 1.0 - graphics2DDepthChange*(*objectCount); // change if the triangles are outside the camera limit
		this->objectDataBuffer.rotVec[0] = object->rotVec[0];
		this->objectDataBuffer.rotVec[1] = object->rotVec[1];
		this->objectDataBuffer.rotVec[2] = object->rotVec[2];
		this->objectDataBuffer.scaleVec = *(object->scaleVec);

		this->objectDataBuffer.textureLayer = object->textureLayer;

		this->objectDataBuffer.drawEnable = object->drawEnable;
			this->objectDataBuffer.colorMapEnable = object->colorMapEnable;
				this->objectDataBuffer.colorVec[0] = object->colorVec[0];
				this->objectDataBuffer.colorVec[1] = object->colorVec[1];
				this->objectDataBuffer.colorVec[2] = object->colorVec[2];
				this->objectDataBuffer.alphaScale = *(object->alphaScale);

			this->objectDataBuffer.normalMapEnable = object->normalMapEnable;

			this->objectDataBuffer.specularMapEnable = object->specularMapEnable;

			this->objectDataBuffer.lightMapEnable = object->lightMapEnable;
				this->objectDataBuffer.lightVec[0] = object->lightVec[0];
				this->objectDataBuffer.lightVec[1] = object->lightVec[1];
				this->objectDataBuffer.lightVec[2] = object->lightVec[2];
				this->objectDataBuffer.lightScale = *(object->lightScale);

			this->objectDataBuffer.controlEnable = object->controlEnable;
				this->objectDataBuffer.controlColorVec[0] = object->controlColorVec[0];
				this->objectDataBuffer.controlColorVec[1] = object->controlColorVec[1];
				this->objectDataBuffer.controlColorVec[2] = object->controlColorVec[2];

	// Load the data into OpenGL buffers
	//		Shader Storage Data
		glBindBuffer(GL_SHADER_STORAGE_BUFFER, this->objectSSBO);
		glBufferSubData(GL_SHADER_STORAGE_BUFFER, sizeof(objectVarsData)*objectIndex, sizeof(objectVarsData), &(this->objectDataBuffer));
	//		Vertex Array Data
	glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, this->objectVBO);
	for (int i = 0; i < object->meshSize; i++) {
			glBufferSubData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, graphicsVertexDataSize_Byte * (*vertexIndex),																 graphicsVertexMeshDataSize_Byte,	 &object->meshPoints[(*vertexIndex) * graphicsVertexMeshDataSize]);
			glBufferSubData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, graphicsVertexDataSize_Byte * (*vertexIndex) + graphicsVertexMeshDataSize_Byte,							 graphicsVertexUVSize_Byte,			 &object->uvPoints[(*vertexIndex) * graphicsVertexUVSize]);
			glBufferSubData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, graphicsVertexDataSize_Byte * (*vertexIndex) + graphicsVertexMeshDataSize_Byte + graphicsVertexUVSize_Byte, graphicsVertexObjectIndexSize_Byte,	&objectIndex);

			glBufferSubData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, graphicsVertexDataSize_Byte * (*vertexIndex),																 graphicsVertexMeshDataSize_Byte,	 &object->meshPoints[(*vertexIndex) * graphicsVertexMeshDataSize]);
			glBufferSubData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, graphicsVertexDataSize_Byte * (*vertexIndex) + graphicsVertexMeshDataSize_Byte,							 graphicsVertexUVSize_Byte,			 &object->uvPoints[(*vertexIndex) * graphicsVertexUVSize]);
			glBufferSubData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, graphicsVertexDataSize_Byte * (*vertexIndex) + graphicsVertexMeshDataSize_Byte + graphicsVertexUVSize_Byte, graphicsVertexObjectIndexSize_Byte, &objectIndex);


			glBufferSubData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, graphicsVertexDataSize_Byte * (*vertexIndex),																 graphicsVertexMeshDataSize_Byte,	 &object->meshPoints[(*vertexIndex) * graphicsVertexMeshDataSize]);
			glBufferSubData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, graphicsVertexDataSize_Byte * (*vertexIndex) + graphicsVertexMeshDataSize_Byte,							 graphicsVertexUVSize_Byte,			 &object->uvPoints[(*vertexIndex) * graphicsVertexUVSize]);
			glBufferSubData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, graphicsVertexDataSize_Byte * (*vertexIndex) + graphicsVertexMeshDataSize_Byte + graphicsVertexUVSize_Byte, graphicsVertexObjectIndexSize_Byte, &objectIndex);


			if ((*vertexIndex / 3) >= graphics2DMaximumTriangles) {
				std::cout << "   Object Count: " << objectCount << std::endl;
				std::cout << "      Vertex Count: " << vertexIndex << std::endl;

				this->drawSubStack((*vertexIndex));	// Stages 1,2 and 3
				this->drawToBuffer();				// Stage 4

				(*objectCount) = 0;
				(*vertexIndex) = 0;

Finally, I draw the objects:

		glBindFramebuffer(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, this->subSceneFBO1);
		glClearColor(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);


			glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, this->textureAsset->colorMapID);
			glUniform1i(this->stage1ColorMapLocation, 0);

			glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, this->textureAsset->normalMapID);
			glUniform1i(this->stage1NormalMapLocation, 1);

			glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, this->textureAsset->specularMapID);
			glUniform1i(this->stage1SpecularMapLocation, 2);

			glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, this->textureAsset->lightMapID);
			glUniform1i(this->stage1LightMapLocation, 3);


			// Binding SSBO
			glBindBuffer(GL_SHADER_STORAGE_BUFFER, this->objectSSBO);
			glBindBufferBase(GL_SHADER_STORAGE_BUFFER, 1, this->objectSSBO);

			// Binding VBO
			glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, this->objectVBO);
			glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLES, 0, vertexIndex*graphicsVertexDataSize);

Vertex shader:

// shadertype=glsl
#version 450

layout (location = 0) in vec3	vertexPos;
layout (location = 1) in vec3	tangent;
layout (location = 2) in vec3	bitangent;
layout (location = 3) in vec3	normal;
layout (location = 4) in vec2	texCoord;
layout (location = 5) in uint	objectIndex; 

layout(std140, binding = 0) uniform cameraVars
		mat4	projectionMat;	// 64 bytes
		mat4	cameraMat;		// 128 bytes

struct objectVarsData {
			vec3	posVec;
			vec3	rotVec;
			vec3	scaleVec;

			int		textureLayer;

			int		drawEnable;
			int			colorMapEnable;
			vec3			colorVec;
			float			alphaScale;

			int			normalMapEnable;

			int			specularMapEnable;

			int			lightMapEnable;
			vec3			lightVec;
			float			lightScale;

			int			controlEnable;
	highp	vec3			controlColorVec;

layout(std430, binding = 1) buffer objectVars
	objectVarsData objectVarsArray[10000];

out vec2 tex_coord;
out mat3 normal_tran_mat;
out float object_depth;
flat out uint object_index;

void main() {
	object_index = objectIndex;

	objectVarsData objectVarsDataBuffer = objectVarsArray[object_index];

	vec3 objectPosVec = objectVarsDataBuffer.posVec;
	vec3 objectRotVec = objectVarsDataBuffer.rotVec;
	vec3 objectScaleVec = objectVarsDataBuffer.scaleVec;

	vec3 vertexTangent = tangent;
	vec3 vertexBitangent = bitangent;
	vec3 vertexNormal = normal;

		// Position
		mat4	objectPosMat = mat4(1.0);
				objectPosMat[3].xyz = vec3(objectPosVec.x, -objectPosVec.y, objectPosVec.z);

		// Rotation X
		mat4	objectRotXMat = mat4(1.0);
				objectRotXMat[1] = vec4(0.0,  cos(objectRotVec[0]), sin(objectRotVec[0]), 0.0);
				objectRotXMat[2] = vec4(0.0, -sin(objectRotVec[0]), cos(objectRotVec[0]), 0.0);

		// Rotation Y
		mat4	objectRotYMat = mat4(1.0);
				objectRotYMat[0] = vec4(cos(objectRotVec[1]), 0.0, -sin(objectRotVec[1]), 0.0);
				objectRotYMat[2] = vec4(sin(objectRotVec[1]), 0.0, cos(objectRotVec[1]), 0.0);

		// Rotation Z
		mat4	objectRotZMat = mat4(1.0);
				objectRotZMat[0] = vec4( cos(objectRotVec[2]), sin(objectRotVec[2]), 0.0, 0.0);
				objectRotZMat[1] = vec4(-sin(objectRotVec[2]), cos(objectRotVec[2]), 0.0, 0.0);

		mat4 transformMat = cameraMat*objectPosMat*objectRotZMat*objectRotYMat*objectRotXMat; //cameraMat

		tex_coord = texCoord;

		object_depth = 1.0 - objectPosVec[2];

		vec4 bufferVec1 = normalize(transformMat*vec4(normalize(vertexTangent), 0.0));
		vec4 bufferVec2 = normalize(transformMat*vec4(normalize(vertexBitangent), 0.0));
		vec4 bufferVec3 = normalize(transformMat*vec4(normalize(vertexNormal), 0.0));
		normal_tran_mat = mat3(,,; 

		vec3 vertexPosBuffer = vertexPos;
		vertexPosBuffer.x = vertexPos.x*objectScaleVec.x;
		vertexPosBuffer.y = vertexPos.y*objectScaleVec.y;
		vertexPosBuffer.z = vertexPos.z*objectScaleVec.z;

		gl_Position = projectionMat*transformMat*vec4(vertexPosBuffer, 1.0); //projectionMat

Fragment shader:

// shadertype=glsl
#version 450

uniform	sampler2D colorMap;
uniform sampler2D normalMap;
uniform sampler2D specularMap;
uniform sampler2D lightMap;

struct objectVarsData {
			vec3	posVec;
			vec3	rotVec;
			vec3	scaleVec;

			int		textureLayer;

			int		drawEnable;
			int			colorMapEnable;
			vec3			colorVec;
			float			alphaScale;

			int			normalMapEnable;

			int			specularMapEnable;

			int			lightMapEnable;
			vec3			lightVec;
			float			lightScale;

			int			controlEnable;
	highp	vec3			controlColorVec;

layout(std430, binding = 1) buffer objectVars
	objectVarsData objectVarsArray[10000];

in vec2 tex_coord;
in mat3 normal_tran_mat;
in float object_depth;
flat in uint object_index;

layout(location = 0) out vec4 stage1ColorMap;
layout(location = 1) out vec4 stage1NormalMap;
layout(location = 2) out vec4 stage1SpecularMap;
layout(location = 3) out vec4 stage1LightMap;
layout(location = 4) out vec4 stage1ControlMap;

void main() {

	objectVarsData objectVarsDataBuffer = objectVarsArray[object_index];

		int		textureLayer =	objectVarsDataBuffer.textureLayer;
		int		drawEnable = objectVarsDataBuffer.drawEnable;
		int			colorMapEnable = objectVarsDataBuffer.colorMapEnable;
		vec3			colorVec = objectVarsDataBuffer.colorVec;
		float			alphaScale = clamp(objectVarsDataBuffer.alphaScale, 0.0, 1.0);
		int			normalMapEnable = objectVarsDataBuffer.normalMapEnable;
		int			specularMapEnable = objectVarsDataBuffer.specularMapEnable;
		int			lightMapEnable = objectVarsDataBuffer.lightMapEnable;
		vec3			lightColorVec = objectVarsDataBuffer.lightVec;
		float			lightScale = objectVarsDataBuffer.lightScale;
		int			controlEnable = objectVarsDataBuffer.controlEnable;
	highp vec3			controlColorVec = objectVarsDataBuffer.controlColorVec;

	vec4 textureBuffer = texture(colorMap, tex_coord);
	vec4 normalBuffer = texture(normalMap, tex_coord);
	vec4 specularBuffer = texture(specularMap, tex_coord);
	vec4 lightBuffer = texture(lightMap, tex_coord);

	float fragmentAlpha = alphaScale*textureBuffer.a;
	fragmentAlpha = clamp(fragmentAlpha, 0.0, 1.0);

	if (fragmentAlpha == 1.0) {

		// CONTROL MAP          controlColorVec
			if (controlEnable == 1) {
					stage1ControlMap = vec4(controlColorVec, 1.0);
			} else {
					stage1ControlMap = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);

			if (drawEnable == 1) {

				if (colorMapEnable == 0) {
					stage1ColorMap = vec4(colorVec, 1.0);
				} else {
					stage1ColorMap = vec4(, 1.0);

				if (normalMapEnable == 0) {
					stage1NormalMap =  vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
				} else {
					vec3 normalFromMap = 2.0* - vec3(1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
					stage1NormalMap = vec4((normalize(normal_tran_mat*normalFromMap) + 1.0) / 2.0, 1.0);

				if (specularMapEnable == 0) {
					stage1SpecularMap = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
				} else {
					stage1SpecularMap =  vec4(vec3(specularBuffer.x),1.0);

				if (lightMapEnable == 0) {
					stage1LightMap = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
				} else {
					stage1LightMap = vec4(,1.0);
			} else {
				stage1ColorMap = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);	
				stage1NormalMap = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);	
				stage1SpecularMap = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);	
				stage1LightMap = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);	

			gl_FragDepth = object_depth;
	} else {

These are the only parts of the code that were changed, the rest of my code was unchanged from previous render version and well tested.

Any suggestions on debugging techniques for SSBOs would be awesome.


It appears I made a mistake in the code above, this is how I upload the data to the VBO:

    unsigned int objectIndex = *objectCount;

    // Load the data into buffer struct
        this->objectDataBuffer.posVec[0] = object->posVec[0];
        this->objectDataBuffer.posVec[1] = object->posVec[1];
        this->objectDataBuffer.posVec[2] = 1.0 - graphics2DDepthChange*(*objectCount); // change if the triangles are outside the camera limit
        this->objectDataBuffer.rotVec[0] = object->rotVec[0];
        this->objectDataBuffer.rotVec[1] = object->rotVec[1];
        this->objectDataBuffer.rotVec[2] = object->rotVec[2];
        this->objectDataBuffer.scaleVec = *(object->scaleVec);

        this->objectDataBuffer.textureLayer = object->textureLayer;

        this->objectDataBuffer.drawEnable = object->drawEnable;
            this->objectDataBuffer.colorMapEnable = object->colorMapEnable;
                this->objectDataBuffer.colorVec[0] = object->colorVec[0];
                this->objectDataBuffer.colorVec[1] = object->colorVec[1];
                this->objectDataBuffer.colorVec[2] = object->colorVec[2];
                this->objectDataBuffer.alphaScale = *(object->alphaScale);

            this->objectDataBuffer.normalMapEnable = object->normalMapEnable;

            this->objectDataBuffer.specularMapEnable = object->specularMapEnable;

            this->objectDataBuffer.lightMapEnable = object->lightMapEnable;
                this->objectDataBuffer.lightVec[0] = object->lightVec[0];
                this->objectDataBuffer.lightVec[1] = object->lightVec[1];
                this->objectDataBuffer.lightVec[2] = object->lightVec[2];
                this->objectDataBuffer.lightScale = *(object->lightScale);

            this->objectDataBuffer.controlEnable = object->controlEnable;
                this->objectDataBuffer.controlColorVec[0] = object->controlColorVec[0];
                this->objectDataBuffer.controlColorVec[1] = object->controlColorVec[1];
                this->objectDataBuffer.controlColorVec[2] = object->controlColorVec[2];

    // Load the data into OpenGL buffers
    //        Shader Storage Data
        glBindBuffer(GL_SHADER_STORAGE_BUFFER, this->objectSSBO);
        glBufferSubData(GL_SHADER_STORAGE_BUFFER, sizeof(objectVarsData)*objectIndex, sizeof(objectVarsData), &(this->objectDataBuffer));
    //        Vertex Array Data
    glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, this->objectVBO);
    for (int i = 0; i < (object->meshSize)*3; i++) {
            // Vertex Data
            glBufferSubData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, graphicsVertexDataSize_Byte * (*vertexIndex) + graphicsVertexPosOffset_Byte            , graphicsVertexMeshDataSize_Byte        , (const GLvoid *) &(object->meshPoints[(*vertexIndex) * graphicsVertexMeshDataSize]));

            // UV Vector
            glBufferSubData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, graphicsVertexDataSize_Byte * (*vertexIndex) + graphicsVertexUVOffset_Byte                , graphicsVertexUVSize_Byte                , (const GLvoid *) &(object->uvPoints[(*vertexIndex) * graphicsVertexUVSize]));

            // Object ID
            glBufferSubData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, graphicsVertexDataSize_Byte * (*vertexIndex) + graphicsVertexObjectIndexOffset_Byte    , graphicsVertexObjectIndexSize_Byte    , (const GLvoid *) objectCount);


Each vertex is supposed to have:
-vertex data (vec3)
-tangent data (vec3)
-bitangent data (vec3)
-normal data (vec3)
-UV data (vec2)
-Object Index (uint) - the last one will be used to access the data of the object that the specific drawn triangle belongs to (object data is kept in SSBO)

I did some debugging, starting by disabling SSBO and a whole bunch of shader things. It appears the culprit is my VBO. Instead of 2 test triangles being rendered, I get a mishapen single one. That disappears after the 2nd frame is drawn (then I get empty screen).

At this point, I was wondering whether the uint in the vertex data (that’s otherwise full of floats) can be the issue.

Also, this is kinda hard to debug. I was wondering whether it is a good practice (not just from debugging point of view) to create an application buffer, that keeps all the data before uploading the entire thing to opengl? So having a single glBufferData for the enture buffer, instead of multiple glBufferSubDatas. Will it make any difference?

yes, it will. read about buffer streaming, check out the commands:
–> gl{Named}BufferData() with the same size AND usage hint
–> glMap{Named}BufferRange() and the possible mapping flags


But does that mean that using my current way (huge VBO + lots of glBufferSubData commands) is incorrect and will never work?


If I use different Vertex Array structures between different rendering stages, do I need to call glEnableVertexAttribArray and specifically glDisableVertexAttribArray between each stage?

What would happen if after stage 1 that uses 5 vertex attributes, I call stage 2 uses only 2 (with different shader of course). How would OpenGL treat unused 3 attributes?

It should work but it’s very unlikely to ever be efficient.

Graphics are like networking and hard disks - they can be very latency-sensitive, so lots of small updates will always compare unfavourably to very few large updates.

thats what VAOs are about: storing the vertex attributes, their format / source buffer etc, if by “Vertex Array structures” you mean VAOs then: no, its sufficient to set up the VAOs once and just bind then when needed

Thank you very much for your help. I will try changing my code to use 1 big VBO update.

Still wondering what I’m doing wrong tho. After I commented out most of my code, it just draws 1 single triangle that is not defined by any values I’m passing. Hope it doesn’t come back to haunt my new implementation.

Hello again.

I finally had a chance to replace my glBufferSubData with the glMapBuffer function, at least for the VBO, and that seems to be working well enough. However, the SSBO (that still uses glBufferSubData) is still having issues.

Test setup: 2 objects, different geometries, different position and rotation vectors.


  • Different geometries (VBO finally working).
  • SSBO for some reason only records the first object position vec3 value.
  • The last object will always be rotated by some value. The rotation vector gets ignored except for 1 value (not sure which because of the constant rotation offset).
  • I hardcoded the object index into the buffer to use either first or 2nd object’s position, and as expected both objects only do stuff when using the 2nd object’s positions. So I don’t think VBO is the issue at all.
  • I checked my C++ code, and the pointers in the glBufferSubData are proper. Each object’s data is offset by 108 bytes, which corresponds to the struct (the rest of the SSBO related code is unchanged from above):
struct objectVarsData {
	float	posVec[3];						// 12	12
	float	rotVec[3];							// 12	24
	float	scaleVec[3];						// 12	36

	int		textureLayer;					// 4	40

	int		drawEnable;					// 4	44
	int			colorMapEnable;			// 4	48
	float			colorVec[3];				// 12	60
	float			alphaScale;				// 4	64

	int			normalMapEnable;			// 4	68

	int			specularMapEnable;			// 4	72

	int			lightMapEnable;				// 4	76
	float			lightVec[3];				// 12	88
	float			lightScale;					// 4	92

	int			controlEnable;				// 4	96
	float			controlColorVec[3];			// 12	108

and in the shader:

struct objectVarsData {
			vec3	posVec;
			vec3	rotVec;
			vec3	scaleVec;

			int		textureLayer;

			int		drawEnable;
			int			colorMapEnable;
			vec3			colorVec;
			float			alphaScale;

			int			normalMapEnable;

			int			specularMapEnable;

			int			lightMapEnable;
			vec3			lightVec;
			float			lightScale;

			int			controlEnable;
	highp	vec3			controlColorVec;

layout(std430, binding = 1) buffer objectVars
	objectVarsData objectVarsArray[100];

What could cause this bizzare behavior? Some sources state that I should be using vec4 instead of vec3, but the fail to mention cases where std430 is used, which should take care of things. Could this be the issue?

Most importantly, since glMapBuffer is so much easier to use. I was wondering whether I can use glMapBuffer at the same time, for both VBO and SSBO. So it would look something like that:


for (each object) {



Or will this cause an issue?

Yes. A vec3 is aligned as if it were a vec4 for both std140 and std430. The only difference between the two is that std140 rounds the alignment of all arrays and structures to that of a vec4, while std430 doesn’t.

See § “Standard Uniform Block Layout” in the specification for the precise rules.

I had the same problem some time ago.
I’d recommend you read carefully § of .

Those complicated rules made me develop typed buffer, that can bind customized structures to GPU.

You should be able to, yes.

However, after you get your correctness bugs fixed and start looking at performance, I think you may find (as I have) that you get much better performance by avoiding use of glMapBuffer(). Unless you orphan the buffer before you call it, it is likely to cause internal synchronization in the GL driver (read: your CPU draw thread prevented from running while the GL driver and GPU “catches up” with the work you fed it thus far).

Better to look at using PERSISTENT+COHERENT mapped buffers, or UNSYNCHRONIZED buffer mapping in combination with buffer orphaning. For details, see Buffer Object Streaming in the wiki. At least familiarize yourself with how to orphan a buffer, and try it when you hit odd buffer update stalls.

Thank you all for the answers. I have started repackaging my structs to avoid using vec3s.

The major issue was me using incorrect attribute buffering (buffered integer as a float for object indexing), fixing that coupled with redoing my structs fixed the issue and I can actually render things properly.

However, as I was adding stuff to the structs, I actually stumbled upon another issue that might have been preventing my program from working.

This is the struct that I used in C++ and its GLSL counterpart the last time the code worked:

struct graphicsObjectData {
	float	posVec[3]
	float	rotVec[3];					// 12	24
	float	sclVec[3];					// 12	36
	int		textureLayer;			// 4	40
struct objectData {
	vec2 posXY;			// 8	8
	vec2 posZ_rotX;		// 8	16
	vec2 rotYZ;			// 8	24
	vec2 sclXY;			// 8	32
	float sclZ;				// 4	36
	int textureLayer;		// 4	40

And the data was uploaded using glBufferSubData:

			glBindBuffer(GL_SHADER_STORAGE_BUFFER, this->objectSSBO);

				objectDataBuffer.posVec[0] = object->posVec[0];
				objectDataBuffer.posVec[1] = object->posVec[1];
				objectDataBuffer.posVec[2] = 1.0 - graphics2DDepthChange*(*objectCount); // change if the triangles are outside the camera limit
				objectDataBuffer.rotVec[0] = object->rotVec[0];
				objectDataBuffer.rotVec[1] = object->rotVec[1];
				objectDataBuffer.rotVec[2] = object->rotVec[2];
				objectDataBuffer.sclVec[0] = object->scaleVec[0];
				objectDataBuffer.sclVec[1] = object->scaleVec[1];
				objectDataBuffer.sclVec[2] = object->scaleVec[2];
				objectDataBuffer.textureLayer = object->textureLayer;

			glBufferSubData(GL_SHADER_STORAGE_BUFFER, sizeof(graphicsObjectData)*objectIndex, sizeof(graphicsObjectData), &(objectDataBuffer));

… however the moment I add another integer to the struct, the problem of objects being messed up returns. The new structs from C++ and GLSL are:

struct graphicsObjectData {
	float	posVec[3];						// 12	12
	float	rotVec[3];						// 12	24
	float	sclVec[3];						// 12	36
	int		textureLayer;					// 4	40
	int		drawEnable;					// 4	44
struct objectData {
	vec2 posXY;			// 8	8
	vec2 posZ_rotX;			// 8	16
	vec2 rotYZ;			// 8	24
	vec2 sclXY;			// 8	32
	float sclZ;					// 4	36
	int textureLayer;		// 4	40
	int drawEnable;			// 4	44	

Since this is the only difference between the working state and not, I think adding 2 integers in a row causes some sort of offset in the struct layout, if not in GLSL then definetely in C++. I was wondering whether there’s a solution for this.

Unless the amount of memory involved is significant, I’d suggest the opposite: add padding fields to the C++ structure so that you can just use vec3s in the GLSL structures. Or move the int/float fields to occupy what would otherwise be padding.

What is [var]sizeof(graphicsObjectData)[/var]? On a 64-bit system, it’s conceivable that C++ is rounding the size to a multiple of 8 (implementations are free to add any amount of padding anywhere other than before the first member).

Unless the amount of memory involved is significant, I’d suggest the opposite: add padding fields to the C++ structure so that you can just use vec3s in the GLSL structures. Or move the int/float fields to occupy what would otherwise be padding.

What is sizeof(graphicsObjectData)? On a 64-bit system, it’s conceivable that C++ is rounding the size to a multiple of 8 (implementations are free to add any amount of padding anywhere other than before the first member).

I actually realized what the problem was, based on this Stackoverflow page. Not the first time GLSL weird packaging rules caused issues. I think I’m starting to dislike it.

sizeof(graphicsObjectData) is actually what it’s supposed to be, right now its 44 bytes, at least with Visual Studio. GCC might be doing it differently.

Right now I decided to separate the floats so I define each float component separately, but I was wondering whether vec3(posX, posY, posZ) actually takes away anything from the performance.

I will give padding a go tho just for practice. I am planning to draw up to 10 million objects and even so I might lose like a few mebibytes, which shouldn’t be a problem for SSBO (which is why I decided to use it).

Edit: On the other hand, if I have 10+ million extra bytes to send to the GPU due to padding, it might slow things down quiet a bit.

[QUOTE=CaptainSnugglebottom;1290473]I actually realized what the problem was, based on this Stackoverflow page[/QUOTE].
I’m not sure why I overlooked that in my previous post. If a structure contains vec2s, the structure itself needs to be aligned to a multiple of 8, which means that it’s size will be a multiple of 8.

It really isn’t that weird. GLSL vectors are first-class objects, so they need to be aligned to a multiple of their size (i.e. a vec2 needs 8-byte alignment). Note that SSE has the same requirement, so you should try to use 8-byte alignment on float arrays where practical (modern compilers will try to use SSE vectorisation where possible; if you want the code to work on non-SSE CPUs, you have to request that explicitly).

Depending upon the GPU architecture, it may improve it. On GPUs where everything is a vec4, putting all of the components in the same vec4 will be more efficient for operations which use all of the components. But I have no idea whether that’s applicable to any GPU which supports SSBOs.

In which case, packing may be worthwhile. But I’d suggest first trying reordering so that the scalar fields use the “spare” components.

Hmm, well I finished the thing, and SSBO + VBO only provides a 2x performance increase over calling draw for each object separately. For 10000 sprites, with texturing and alpha channels, I get around 3 FPS (up from 1-1.5 FPS). Kind of a let down, lol.

I wonder how else I can change the pipeline to get a decent performance.

Would instancing be possible for different geometries within the same draw call? So that, I make objects with their own VBOs (VAO is the same for all objects) and then pass the VBO pointers, instead of going through each object and loading data into a single big VBO?

For 10000 sprites, with texturing and alpha channels, I get around 3 FPS (up from 1-1.5 FPS).

You can get better performance than that with immediate mode rendering. So clearly, you’re doing something wrong. This would be performance I might expect if you rendered each sprite with a separate shader or something.

Odds are good you’re hitting a software path somehow.

I thought the performance remained low due to me re-writing the SSBO/VBO with the same object data that remains constant. If I find a way to avoid that, the performance would improve. Right now I am looking at multi-threading SSBO/VBO filling. I can have both SSBO and VBO mapped at the same time (to answer my earlier questions), so technically I can separate loading 10000 objects into loading 2500 objects in 4 threads. I think glMapBuffers will help preventing OpenGL throwing an out of context error.

Also I technically draw things twice, due to the nature of my renderer, and stage 4 requires its own FBO since OpenGL doesn’t handle feedback.

Also I redraw things a couple of times after that, which I can remove completely if I use my brain and move things around.

But comparing to the 1:1 rendering, keeping all things the same, the performance should still be better. I am not sure where else the drop could be.

Hmm, I think I know what you meant now. Guess I will try SubDating everything now. Can’t make it worse, that’s for sure.


EDIT: The work load is now spread out a bit, but overall performance is just as poor. Weird. Also, apparently glBufferSubData is faster on the SSBO than VBO (VBO’s takes 36%+).

Have you done any actual performance testing or profiling to determine where your bottleneck is? Because you seem to be assuming that uploading 10,000 sprites is your bottleneck, which seems decidedly unlikely. If you really can’t transfer more than a few hundred kilobytes per second to your GPU, then your card has serious problems. It seems far more likely that you’re screwing something else up.