Opengl32 Link errors

Error 1 error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol __imp__wglGetProcAddress@4 referenced in function “int (__stdcall*__stdcall WinGetProcAddress(char const *))(void)” (?WinGetProcAddress@@YGP6GHXZPBD@Z) C:\Users\epic\Desktop\OPENGL3DVISION\OGL-3DVision-Wrapper-master\src\gl_custom.obj OpenGL3DVision

Error 2 error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol __imp__wglGetProcAddress@4 C:\Users\epic\Desktop\OPENGL3DVISION\OGL-3DVision-Wrapper-master\src\wgl_custom.obj OpenGL3DVision

Error 3 error LNK1120: 1 unresolved externals C:\Users\Relican\Desktop\OPENGL3DVISION\OGL-3DVision-Wrapper-master\FPSInject_Template\Development\opengl32.dll OpenGL3DVision

These are the errors i am getting when i compile this source code “”“/ GitHub - helifax/OGL-3DVision-Wrapper: OpenGL Wrapper to enable 3D Vision Support under Windows / “”” Any Advice I am using what the source code readme calls for which is this



Visual Studio 2013
NVAPI libraries.
DirectX Software Development Kit
For x64 build it requires “Intel C++ Compiler” (as Ms decided NOT to support emmbeded assembly into C/C++ code in x64)


  1. is a function found inside of the windows library ( should be easily corrected by linking the standard windows library files ) and opengl32/glu32/glew library files
  2. should be fixed when you fix 1.
  3. You might want to ask GClements. He has far more knowledge on this than I do. But my best guess ( and I mean I’m shooting the moon with this BB Gun here ) you do not have the correct file path for the DLL or did not implement it correctly when you initialized it.