Multisampling Sample Positions > 4


this is a basic question which requires some indepth knowledge.

I want to query the sample positions of a 16x MSTexture. Simple enough:

for(i : 16)
glGetMultisamplefv(GL_SAMPLE_POSITION, i, (GLfloat*)&samplingPoints[i][0]);

However, I notice that only the first 4 positions are non 0 and show the rotateted 2x2 pattern:

0.375000, 0.125000
0.875000, 0.375000
0.125000, 0.625000
0.625000, 0.875000

What about the other 12.
I have been told that msaa uses super sampling beyond that but is there some definitive documentation.
Also, how will fragment coordinates behave?


This is the sampling pattern in the fragment shader when using per sample shading, written to ssbo from shader:

0 0.062500, 0.000000
1 0.250000, 0.125000
2 0.187500, 0.375000
3 0.437500, 0.312500
4 0.500000, 0.062500
5 0.687500, 0.187500
6 0.750000, 0.437500
7 0.937500, 0.250000
8 0.000000, 0.500000
9 0.312500, 0.625000
10 0.125000, 0.750000
11 0.375000, 0.875000
12 0.562500, 0.562500
13 0.812500, 0.687500
14 0.625000, 0.812500
15 0.875000, 0.937500

Why do they differ from the actual point query?

Also: Which Sequence produces these coordinates?

Best regards,

Is the correct framebuffer bound at the point that you perform the query? Have you checked the value of glGetIntegerv(GL_SAMPLES)?

You are right of course.

I have become so used to the new GL4.5 syntax using named calls, that I forgot to think.

Interesting though, that such a call without bound framebuffer produces such half assed output.
It was probably the default framebuffer sporting 2x2 ms.

Ok, another question for the stupid folder.