I have this code, that draws a cloud, house, female and male

#include <iostream>
#include <ctime>
#include <vector>
#include <glut.h>

using namespace std;

class Position
    Position (float X = 0.0, float Y = 0.0)
        : x (X), y (Y)
    float x, y;

vector<Position> vecClouds;
vector<Position> vecHouses;
vector<Position> vecMales;
vector<Position> vecFemales;

const int CLOUD = 0;
const int HOUSE = 1;
const int FEMALE = 2;
const int MALE = 3;

bool bDrawCloud = false;
bool bDrawHouse = false;
bool bDrawFemale = false;
bool bDrawMale = false;

Position posMotion;

void drawCircle (double centerX, double centerY, double radiusX, double radiusY);
void drawCircleFilled (double centerX, double centerY, double radiusX, double radiusY);
void drawHouse(const Position& pos);
void drawMale(const Position& pos);
void drawFemale(const Position& pos);
void drawCloud(const Position& pos);
void drawBackground();

float width, height;    // global variables to store window width and height

void init ()
    glClearColor (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0);    // set display-window color to white

void reshape (int width, int height)
    ::width = width;
    ::height = height;

    glViewport (0, 0, width, height);

    glMatrixMode (GL_PROJECTION);        // set projection parameters
    glLoadIdentity ();
    gluOrtho2D (0.0, width, 0.0, height);

    glMatrixMode (GL_MODELVIEW);        // set projection parameters
    glLoadIdentity ();

void display ()
    glClear (GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT);        // clear display window

    if (bDrawHouse)
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < vecHouses.size(); ++i)

    if (bDrawMale)
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < vecMales.size(); ++i)

    if (bDrawFemale)
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < vecFemales.size(); ++i)

    if (bDrawCloud)
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < vecClouds.size(); ++i) {
    //move the clouds :P
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < vecClouds.size(); ++i) {
        if (vecClouds[i].x >= width)
            vecClouds[i].x = 0;

    glFlush ();            // process all openGl routines as quickly as possible

void processNormalKeys (unsigned char key, int x, int y) 
        if (key == 'R' ||key== 'r') // reset all
        if (key == 'Z' || key=='z') {
            if (bDrawFemale) {
                if (vecFemales.size() != 0)
                    vecFemales.erase(vecFemales.end() - 1);
            else if (bDrawHouse) {
                if (vecHouses.size() != 0)
                    vecHouses.erase(vecHouses.end() - 1);
            else if (bDrawMale) {
                if (vecMales.size() != 0)
                    vecMales.erase(vecMales.end() - 1);
            else if (bDrawCloud) {
                if (vecClouds.size() != 0)
                    vecClouds.erase(vecClouds.end() - 1);

        if (key == 27) //exit the screen on esc

void mouseClick (int button, int state, int x, int y)
    if (button == GLUT_LEFT_BUTTON && state == GLUT_UP)
        if (bDrawMale)
            vecMales.push_back(Position(x, height - y));

        if (bDrawHouse)
            vecHouses.push_back(Position(x, height - y));

        if (bDrawFemale)
            vecFemales.push_back(Position(x, height - y));

        if (bDrawCloud) 
            vecClouds.push_back(Position(x, height - y));

void passiveMouseMotion (int x, int y)
    posMotion.x = x;
    posMotion.y = height - y;

void processMenuEvents (int option)
        switch (option)
        case MALE:    bDrawCloud = false;
            bDrawHouse = false;
            bDrawMale = true;
            bDrawFemale = false;

        case FEMALE:    bDrawCloud = false;
            bDrawHouse = false;
            bDrawMale = false;
            bDrawFemale = true;

        case HOUSE: bDrawCloud = false;
            bDrawHouse = true;
            bDrawMale = false;
            bDrawFemale = false;

        case CLOUD:bDrawCloud = true;
            bDrawHouse = false;
            bDrawMale = false;
            bDrawFemale = false;


void createMenu()
    // create people submenu
    int menuPeople = glutCreateMenu(processMenuEvents);
    //add entries to submenu
    glutAddMenuEntry("Female", FEMALE);
    glutAddMenuEntry("Male", MALE);

    // create popup menu
    int menu = glutCreateMenu(processMenuEvents);
    //add entries to menu
    glutAddMenuEntry("Cloud", CLOUD);
    glutAddMenuEntry("House", HOUSE);

    // attach submenu to main menu
    glutAddSubMenu("People", menuPeople);

    // attach the menu to the right button

void main (int argc, char** argv)

    glutInit (&argc, argv);                            // initialize GLUT
    glutInitDisplayMode (GLUT_SINGLE | GLUT_RGB);    // set display mode
    glutInitWindowPosition (20, 20);        // set top left display window position
    glutInitWindowSize (600, 600);            // set display window width and height
    glutCreateWindow ("Graphic's HW");    // create display window

    init ();                                // execute initialization function
    createMenu ();
    glutKeyboardFunc (processNormalKeys);
    glutMouseFunc (mouseClick);
    glutPassiveMotionFunc (passiveMouseMotion);
    glutReshapeFunc (reshape);
    glutDisplayFunc (display);                // send graphics to display window
    glutIdleFunc (display);
    glutMainLoop ();                        // dispaly everthing and wait

void drawCircle (double centerX, double centerY, double radiusX, double radiusY)
    const float DEG2RAD = 3.14159 / 180;
    glBegin (GL_LINE_LOOP);
        for (int i = 0; i < 360; i++) {
            float degInRad = i * DEG2RAD;
            glVertex2d (centerX + cos (degInRad) * radiusX, 
                            centerY + sin (degInRad) * radiusY);

void drawCircleFilled (double centerX, double centerY, double radiusX, double radiusY)
    const float DEG2RAD = 3.14159 / 180;
        glVertex2d (centerX, centerY);
        for (int i = -1; i < 360; i++) {
            float degInRad = i * DEG2RAD;
            glVertex2d (centerX + cos (degInRad) * radiusX, 
                            centerY + sin (degInRad) * radiusY);

void drawHouse(const Position& pos)
    // draw house roof
    float roofBase = 0.07 * width;
    float roofHeight = 0.07 * height;
    glColor3f(80 / 255.0, 67 / 255.0, 169 / 255.0); 
    glVertex2f(pos.x - roofBase / 2, pos.y);
    glVertex2f(pos.x, pos.y + roofHeight*5/6);
    glVertex2f(pos.x + roofBase / 2, pos.y);


    //draw the rest of the roof
    glColor3f(26 / 255.0, 15 / 255.0, 92 / 255.0); 
    glVertex2f(pos.x, pos.y + roofHeight*5/6);
    glVertex2f(pos.x + roofBase / 2, pos.y);
    glVertex2f(pos.x + roofBase / 2+roofBase*2, pos.y);
    glVertex2f(pos.x+ roofBase / 2 + roofBase*16/10, pos.y + roofHeight*5/6);


    // draw house wall
    float wallWidth = roofBase;
    float wallHeight = roofHeight*5/4;
    glColor3f(80 / 255.0, 80 / 255.0, 80 / 255.0);
    glVertex2f(pos.x - wallWidth / 2, pos.y);
    glVertex2f(pos.x + wallWidth / 2, pos.y);
    glVertex2f(pos.x + wallWidth / 2, pos.y - wallHeight);
    glVertex2f(pos.x - wallWidth / 2, pos.y - wallHeight);


    //draw the rest of the wall
    glColor3f(60 / 255.0, 60 / 255.0, 60 / 255.0);
    glVertex2f(pos.x + wallWidth / 2, pos.y);
    glVertex2f(pos.x + wallWidth / 2, pos.y - wallHeight);
    glVertex2f(pos.x + wallWidth / 2+wallWidth*2, pos.y - wallHeight);
    glVertex2f(pos.x + wallWidth / 2+ wallWidth*2, pos.y);

    //draw left window
    glColor3f(255/255.0,204/255.0, 51/255.0);
    glVertex2f(pos.x + wallWidth*9/10 , pos.y-wallHeight/3);
    glVertex2f(pos.x + wallWidth*9/10 , pos.y - wallHeight +wallHeight/3 );
    glVertex2f(pos.x + wallWidth*9/10  + wallWidth*4/9 , pos.y - wallHeight +wallHeight/3);
    glVertex2f(pos.x + wallWidth*9/10  + wallWidth*4/9 , pos.y - wallHeight / 3);

    //draw right window
    glColor3f(255 / 255.0, 204 / 255.0, 51 / 255.0);
    glVertex2f(pos.x + wallWidth*7/4, pos.y - wallHeight / 3);
    glVertex2f(pos.x + wallWidth*7/4, pos.y - wallHeight + wallHeight / 3);
    glVertex2f(pos.x + wallWidth*7/4 + wallWidth * 4 / 9 , pos.y - wallHeight + wallHeight / 3);
    glVertex2f(pos.x + wallWidth*7/4 + wallWidth * 4 / 9 , pos.y - wallHeight / 3);
    // draw door
    float doorWidth = wallWidth / 4.0;
    float doorHeight = wallHeight / 1.9;
    glColor3f(204/255.0, 204/255.0, 153/255.0);
    glVertex2f(pos.x - doorWidth, pos.y - (wallHeight - doorHeight));
    glVertex2f(pos.x + doorWidth, pos.y - (wallHeight - doorHeight));
    glVertex2f(pos.x + doorWidth, pos.y - wallHeight);
    glVertex2f(pos.x - doorWidth, pos.y - wallHeight);


void drawMale(const Position& pos)
    glColor3f(26 / 255.0, 15 / 255.0, 92 / 255.0);

    double scale = width / 100.0;
    // draw head
    double headScale = scale;
    double refX = pos.x - headScale / 2.0;
    double refY = pos.y - headScale / 2.0;
    drawCircleFilled(refX+headScale/2, refY+ headScale , headScale, headScale);

    // draw neck
    double neckScale = scale / 3.0;
    refX = pos.x - neckScale / 2.0;
    refY = pos.y - headScale / 2.0;
    glVertex2d(refX, refY);
    glVertex2d(refX + neckScale, refY);
    glVertex2d(refX + neckScale, refY - neckScale);
    glVertex2d(refX, refY - neckScale);

    // draw chest
    double chestScale = scale * 1.75;
    refX -= (chestScale / 2.0 - neckScale / 2.0);
    refY -= neckScale;
    glVertex2d(refX, refY);
    glVertex2d(refX + chestScale, refY);
    glVertex2d(refX + chestScale, refY - chestScale);
    glVertex2d(refX, refY - chestScale);

    // draw left leg
    double legWidth = chestScale / 3.0;
    double legHeight = chestScale;
    refX += legWidth / 3.0;
    refY -= chestScale;
    glVertex2d(refX, refY);
    glVertex2d(refX + legWidth, refY);
    glVertex2d(refX + legWidth, refY - legHeight);
    glVertex2d(refX, refY - legHeight);

    refX += legWidth + legWidth / 3.0;
    // draw right leg
    glVertex2d(refX, refY);
    glVertex2d(refX + legWidth, refY);
    glVertex2d(refX + legWidth, refY - legHeight);
    glVertex2d(refX, refY - legHeight);


void drawFemale(const Position& pos)
    glColor3f(1.0, 0.0, 127/255.0);

    double scale = width / 100.0;
    // draw head
    double headScale = scale;
    double refX = pos.x - headScale / 2.0;
    double refY = pos.y - headScale / 2.0;
    drawCircleFilled(refX + headScale / 2, refY + headScale, headScale, headScale);

    // draw body
    double neckScale = scale / 3.0;
    refX = pos.x - neckScale / 2.0;
    refY = pos.y - headScale / 2.0;
    double chestScale = scale * 1.75;
    refX -= (chestScale / 2.0 - neckScale / 2.0);
    refY -= neckScale;
    drawCircleFilled(refX+chestScale/2, refY-chestScale/2, chestScale / 2, chestScale*3/4);

    // draw dress
    double legWidth = chestScale / 2.0;
    double legHeight = chestScale;
    refX += legWidth / 2.0;
    refY -= chestScale;
    glVertex2d(refX, refY);
    glVertex2d(refX + legWidth, refY);
    glVertex2d(refX + legWidth+ legWidth , refY - legHeight);
    glVertex2d(refX - legWidth , refY - legHeight);

    refX += legWidth + legWidth / 3.0;


void drawCloud(const Position& pos)
    int x = pos.x, y = pos.y;
        glColor3f(255.0, 255.0, 255.0);
        drawCircleFilled(x, y, 80, 45);
        glColor3f(255.0, 255.0, 255.0);
        drawCircleFilled(x + 25, y + 15, 35, 35);
        glColor3f(255.0, 255.0, 255.0);
        drawCircleFilled(x + 25, y - 15, 35, 35);
        glColor3f(255.0, 255.0, 255.0);
        drawCircleFilled(x - 25, y - 15, 35, 35);
        glColor3f(255.0, 255.0, 255.0);
        drawCircleFilled(x - 25, y + 15, 35, 35);

void drawBackground() {
glColor3f(102 / 255.0, 51 / 255.0, 0 / 255.0);
    glVertex2d(0, 0);
    glVertex2d(width, 0);
    glVertex2d(width, height*65/100);
    glVertex2d(0, height*65/100);
    glColor3f(135 / 255.0, 206 / 255.0, 250 / 255.0);
    glVertex2d(0, height*65/100);
    glVertex2d(width, height*65/100);
    glVertex2d(width, height);
    glVertex2d(0, height);

I want before I click on the male, female or house so I position them on the screen to be able to push the up arrow and there size increase and there bottom arrow and it decrease
I just did this so far and I got stuck, any help?

if (key == GLUT_KEY_UP)
// increase the size
else if (key == GLUT_KEY_DOWN)
// decrease the size

I don’t know am I suppose to use a loop?