NVIDIA Update Breaks Shader


I recently updated my NVIDIA GeForce driver to version 364.72, and a shader program that worked perfectly fine before does not seem to compile anymore. I haven’t changed a thing to the script itself after the update, however now I get the following error:

error: Type mismatch between variable "i_Color" matched by location "1"

The vertex shader has a variable ‘out vec4 o_Data1’ bound to location 1, while the fragment shader has a variable ‘in vec4 i_Color’ bound there as well. I’ll post my shaders below, but as you’ll see, they’re quite straightforward. I’m using it for font rendering from a single texture, allowing the font to change color in the fragment shader. I’m not sure what could possibly be going wrong. I’ve got other programs with a similar structure, that still work after the update. Note that these scripts were code-generated. That’s why I use layout location on all of my data, it made the scripts much easier to mix and match.

My vertex shader:

#version 450 core

layout(location = 0)
uniform mat4 u_Matrix;

layout(location = 0)
in vec4 i_Vertex;

layout(location = 3)
in mat4 i_Matrix;

layout(location = 2)
in vec4 i_Data1;

layout(location = 1)
out vec4 o_Data1;

layout(location = 1)
in vec2 i_Data0;

layout(location = 0)
out vec2 o_Data0;

void main()
    o_Data1 = i_Data1;
    o_Data0 = i_Data0;

    gl_Position = u_Matrix * i_Matrix * vec4(i_Vertex.x + 0.0, i_Vertex.y - 0.0, i_Vertex.z, 1.0);

My fragment shader:

#version 450 core

layout(location = 1)
uniform sampler2D u_Texture;

layout(location = 1)
in vec4 i_Color;

layout(location = 0)
in vec2 i_Coord;

out vec4 o_Color;

void main()
    o_Color = texelFetch(u_Texture, ivec2(i_Coord), 0);
    if(o_Color.a > 0.0)
        o_Color.rgb = i_Color.rgb * (1.0 - o_Color.rgb);

    if(o_Color.a == 0.0)

Does anyone have an idea what’s going wrong here? Thanks in advance!

This issue ‘sort of’ got fixed, so I’m posting a solution here in case anyone else runs into this problem. It would seem there is an issue with how the driver is handling its interfaces. Once I changed the vec2 into a vec4, both the ‘out o_Data0’ in the vertex shader, and ‘in i_Coord’ in the fragment shader, the problem was fixed. Ofcourse I had to add two additional zeros in the vertex shader to fill the vec4. Props to Kai from the LWJGL forums for helping with this issue.

Apparently 364.72 isn’t the most stable of releases: Nvidia Geforce 364.72 drivers come with plenty of issues

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