How to get 'buffer' array data from one fragment shader to a second one

Hi. I have two fragment shaders.
I want to fill the ‘buffer LinkedList’ in the first shader,
and read LinkedList’s data in the second fragment shader.

Excerpt from the first fragment shader:

// (copied out of an incomplete code sample found in the Internet)
struct LinkedListEntry
    vec4 color;
    uint depth;
    uint next;
    uint dummy;

layout (std430, binding = 1) buffer LinkedList
    LinkedListEntry linkedList[];

void main()
    LinkedList[index] = ...

What is the easiest way to get the data of LinkedList from the first fragment shader to the
second one?

I’m a beginner in what concerns OpenGL Shading Language, so please excuse eventual ‘stupid questions’ :slight_smile:

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