Understanding function for generating sphere ...


So I have been looking around for a good function that generates a sphere for OpenGL and I found the function below.

I am not trying to simply cut and paste code in my project so I and trying to understand how it works.

It seems to me that the first three arguments are the x, y, and z coordinates of the center of the sphere and the fourth is the radius.

What I don’t understand is the fifth argument; is that the number of sections or “poles” for the sphere being generated?

Thank you for your time:

Source: Render Sphere in OpenGL ES for iOS, converted from http://www.codesampler.com/oglsrc/oglsrc_9.htm · GitHub

void renderSphere(float cx, float cy, float cz, float r, int p)


    float theta1 = 0.0, theta2 = 0.0, theta3 = 0.0;

    float ex = 0.0f, ey = 0.0f, ez = 0.0f;

    float px = 0.0f, py = 0.0f, pz = 0.0f;

    GLfloat vertices[p*6+6], normals[p*6+6], texCoords[p*4+4];


    if( r < 0 )

        r = -r;


    if( p < 0 )

        p = -p;


    for(int i = 0; i < p/2; ++i)


        theta1 = i * (M_PI*2) / p - M_PI_2;

        theta2 = (i + 1) * (M_PI*2) / p - M_PI_2;


        for(int j = 0; j <= p; ++j)


            theta3 = j * (M_PI*2) / p;


            ex = cosf(theta2) * cosf(theta3);

            ey = sinf(theta2);

            ez = cosf(theta2) * sinf(theta3);

            px = cx + r * ex;

            py = cy + r * ey;

            pz = cz + r * ez;


            vertices[(6*j)+(0%6)] = px;

            vertices[(6*j)+(1%6)] = py;

            vertices[(6*j)+(2%6)] = pz;


            normals[(6*j)+(0%6)] = ex;

            normals[(6*j)+(1%6)] = ey;

            normals[(6*j)+(2%6)] = ez;


            texCoords[(4*j)+(0%4)] = -(j/(float)p);

            texCoords[(4*j)+(1%4)] = 2*(i+1)/(float)p;



            ex = cosf(theta1) * cosf(theta3);

            ey = sinf(theta1);

            ez = cosf(theta1) * sinf(theta3);

            px = cx + r * ex;

            py = cy + r * ey;

            pz = cz + r * ez;


            vertices[(6*j)+(3%6)] = px;

            vertices[(6*j)+(4%6)] = py;

            vertices[(6*j)+(5%6)] = pz;


            normals[(6*j)+(3%6)] = ex;

            normals[(6*j)+(4%6)] = ey;

            normals[(6*j)+(5%6)] = ez;


            texCoords[(4*j)+(2%4)] = -(j/(float)p);

            texCoords[(4*j)+(3%4)] = 2*i/(float)p;


        glVertexPointer(3, GL_FLOAT, 0, vertices);

        glNormalPointer(GL_FLOAT, 0, normals);

        glTexCoordPointer(2, GL_FLOAT, 0, texCoords);

        glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP, 0, (p+1)*2);



You can’t render an actual sphere in OpenGL (at least not directly); you can only render triangles. So you must render triangles that look like a sphere. Because a sphere is defined by mathematics, you can make a triangular sphere mesh as finely detailed as you like. Therefore, most sphere-generation algorithms have a parameter that lets you control how finely detailed the triangular mesh will be. The larger [var]p[/var] is, the more triangles will be used, and therefore the more like a sphere it will look.

Usually, this particular algorithm will have two such variables (one for the number of latitude segments, and one for the number of longitude ones). This one uses the same value for both.

Thank you; I will play around with it; Really trying to understand the procedural generation side of things.

[QUOTE=Alfonse Reinheart;1264396]You can’t render an actual sphere in OpenGL (at least not directly); you can only render triangles. So you must render triangles that look like a sphere. Because a sphere is defined by mathematics, you can make a triangular sphere mesh as finely detailed as you like. Therefore, most sphere-generation algorithms have a parameter that lets you control how finely detailed the triangular mesh will be. The larger [var]p[/var] is, the more triangles will be used, and therefore the more like a sphere it will look.

Usually, this particular algorithm will have two such variables (one for the number of latitude segments, and one for the number of longitude ones). This one uses the same value for both.[/QUOTE]

One last question;

I assume I am correct with my original summation that cx, cy, and cz coorespond with the world coordinates for the center of the sphere that would be created with this function.

Is it best to simply use zeros (0) for that and then use a Model Matrix or translation?

Or it really doesn’t matter in the long run?

Thank you.

[QUOTE=Alfonse Reinheart;1264396]You can’t render an actual sphere in OpenGL (at least not directly); you can only render triangles. So you must render triangles that look like a sphere. Because a sphere is defined by mathematics, you can make a triangular sphere mesh as finely detailed as you like. Therefore, most sphere-generation algorithms have a parameter that lets you control how finely detailed the triangular mesh will be. The larger [var]p[/var] is, the more triangles will be used, and therefore the more like a sphere it will look.

Usually, this particular algorithm will have two such variables (one for the number of latitude segments, and one for the number of longitude ones). This one uses the same value for both.[/QUOTE]

