Draw a 3D in Open G L

I have several forms in a 3D space that I placed randomly in space
now i need on the environment and go forward and back, left and right
I’ve used this function glulookat" and change the first parameter of 3. Whether this is true?
Also, when I use the “glutpostredisplay” function to be reconstructed page fault location varies according to the randomness of natural forms locations.
What should I do to error does not change the location of the screen to move the camera?
Thank you

I have several forms in a 3D space that I placed randomly in space
now i need on the environment and go forward and back, left and right
I’ve used this function glulookat" and change the first parameter of 3. Whether this is true?
Also, when I use the “glutpostredisplay” function to be reconstructed page fault location varies according to the randomness of natural forms locations.
What should I do to error does not change the location of the screen to move the camera?
Thank you[/QUOTE]

Is quite hard to understand you man :slight_smile:
I am not exacly sure what you need but you can check here:

It goes all the way from creating a window to render 3d object with a 3d camera.