VBO and glDrawElements, textures, glfw, and glew.

Well i have been trying to upgrade my current primitive system to use vertex buffer objects, however when i finally got it done it would not display the texture on the screen or load anything in particular.


    struct vertex_t {
        float x, y, z;
            float u, v;
            float r, g, b, a;
    struct openext{
            GLuint vertex_buffer; //texture vertex buffer.
            GLuint index_buffer; //index buffer.
            vertex_t buffer[4];
    void create_vertex_buffer(widget *control)
            float x2,x1;
            float y2,y1;
            //GLfloat vertex[36];
            GLuint index[4] = {0,1,2,3};
            control->actualpos.x = control->pos.x + control->parent->actualpos.x;
            control->actualpos.y = control->pos.y + control->parent->actualpos.y;
            x1 = (float)control->imgpos.x  / control->img->width;
            x2 = (float)(control->imgpos.x + control->width) / control->img->width;
            y1 = (float)control->imgpos.y / control->img->height;
            y2 = (float)(control->imgpos.y + control->height) / control->img->height;
            /*index 0*/
            //texture coords
            control->oglbuf.buffer[0].u = x1; control->oglbuf.buffer[0].v = y2;
            //vertex coords
            control->oglbuf.buffer[0].x = control->actualpos.x; control->oglbuf.buffer[0].y = control->actualpos.y; control->oglbuf.buffer[0].z = 0;
            //color coords
            control->oglbuf.buffer[0].r = 1.0; control->oglbuf.buffer[0].b = 1.0; control->oglbuf.buffer[0].g = 1.0; control->oglbuf.buffer[0].a = 1.0;
            /*index 1*/
            //texture coords
            control->oglbuf.buffer[1].u = x2; control->oglbuf.buffer[1].v = y2;
            //vertex coords
            control->oglbuf.buffer[1].x = control->actualpos.x + control->sizex; control->oglbuf.buffer[1].y = control->actualpos.y; control->oglbuf.buffer[1].z = 0;
            //color coords
            control->oglbuf.buffer[1].r = 1.0; control->oglbuf.buffer[1].b = 1.0; control->oglbuf.buffer[1].g = 1.0; control->oglbuf.buffer[1].a = 1.0;
            /*index 2*/
            //texture coords
            control->oglbuf.buffer[2].u = x2; control->oglbuf.buffer[2].v = y1;
            //vertex coords
            control->oglbuf.buffer[2].x = control->actualpos.x + control->sizex; control->oglbuf.buffer[2].y = control->actualpos.y + control->sizey; control->oglbuf.buffer[2].z = 0;
            //color coords
            control->oglbuf.buffer[2].r = 1.0; control->oglbuf.buffer[2].b = 1.0; control->oglbuf.buffer[2].g = 1.0; control->oglbuf.buffer[2].a = 1.0;
            /*index 3*/
            //texture coords
            control->oglbuf.buffer[3].u = x1; control->oglbuf.buffer[3].v = y1;
            //vertex coords
            control->oglbuf.buffer[3].x = control->actualpos.x; control->oglbuf.buffer[3].y = control->actualpos.y + control->sizey; control->oglbuf.buffer[3].z = 0;
            //color coords
            control->oglbuf.buffer[3].r = 1.0; control->oglbuf.buffer[3].b = 1.0; control->oglbuf.buffer[3].g = 1.0; control->oglbuf.buffer[3].a = 1.0;
            glBufferData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER,sizeof(control->oglbuf.buffer),control->oglbuf.buffer,GL_STATIC_DRAW);//fill up the array with vertex and color-data
            glBufferData(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER,4 * sizeof(GLuint),index,GL_STATIC_DRAW);//this one with indices
    void draw_widget_test(widget *control) //draws all the image widgets on the canvas.
            glColor4f(1, 1, 1, 1);// set the image color properties, 1 being highest 0.0000 being lowest
            glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, control->img->texid);
            glBindBufferARB(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, control->oglbuf.vertex_buffer);
            glVertexPointer(3, GL_FLOAT, sizeof(struct vertex_t), (GLvoid *)offsetof(struct vertex_t, x));
            glTexCoordPointer(2, GL_FLOAT, sizeof(struct vertex_t), (GLvoid *)offsetof(struct vertex_t, u));
            glColorPointer(4, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, sizeof(struct vertex_t), (GLvoid *)offsetof(struct vertex_t, r));
            glBindBufferARB(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, control->oglbuf.index_buffer);
            glBindBufferARB(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0);

This is the code i am using to try and draw the Texture to the screen. Also i have initialized Glew and GLFW i initialized Glew right after i made the GLFW window.

void init_screen(int swidth, int sheight, int mode)
	GLenum err = 0;

	if( !glfwInit())

	// Finally we can Open an OpenGL window
	if(!glfwOpenWindow ( swidth, sheight, 0,0,0,0,0,0, mode))

	glfwSetWindowTitle( TITLE);//Sets the Windows Name
	the_screen.height = sheight;
	the_screen.width = swidth;

	err = glewInit();

		//Problem: glewInit failed, something is seriously wrong.

And for the top of each Cell that contains the includes for GLFW and Glew i did this.

#include <GL/glew.h>
#include <glfw.h>

I hope someone can help me pinpoint the problem i am currently faced with as i can not get this to work at all no matter how many different things i try…