Matrices math

Starting from 3 angles, I’m trying to create a global rotation matrix and get the angles back again.

First of all, I calculate a global rotation matrix multiplying the 3 angles rotation matrices

    float xRot=45*DEG_TO_RAD, yRot=30*DEG_TO_RAD; zRot=20*DEG_TO_RAD; 

    // build rotateX matrix
    matX= new float[16];
    matX[5] = cosf(xRot);
    matX[6] = sinf(xRot);
    matX[9] = -matX[6];
    matX[10] = matX[5];
    // build rotateY matrix
    matY= new float[16];
    matY[0] = cosf(yRot);
    matY[2] = sinf(yRot);
    matY[8] = -matY[2];
    matY[10] = matY[0];
    // build rotateZ matrix
    matZ= new float[16];
    matZ[0] = cosf(zRot);
    matZ[1] = sinf(zRot);
    matZ[4] = -matZ[1];
    matZ[5] = matZ[0];

    matXY=new float[16];
    matXYZ=new float[16];
    matXY= matrixMultiply(matX, matY);
    matXYZ=matrixMultiply(matXY, matZ); //calculate final rotation matrix matXYZ

And then I try to get the angles back:

	float angle_x,angle_y,angle_z,tr_x,tr_y;
	angle_y = -asin( matXYZ[2]);        /* Calculate Y-axis angle */
        float C =  cos( angle_y );
        if ( fabs( C ) > 0.005 )             /* Gimball lock? */
		tr_x      =  matXYZ[10] / C;           /* No, so get X-axis angle */
		tr_y      = -matXYZ[6]  / C;
		angle_x  = atan2( tr_y, tr_x ) ;
		tr_x      =  matXYZ[0] / C;            /* Get Z-axis angle */
		tr_y      = -matXYZ[1] / C;
		angle_z  = atan2( tr_y, tr_x ) ;
    else  /* Gimball lock has occurred */
		angle_x  = 0;                      /* Set X-axis angle to zero */
		tr_x      = matXYZ[5];                 /* And calculate Z-axis angle */
		tr_y      = matXYZ[4];	
		angle_z  = atan2( tr_y, tr_x ) ;

I’d expect angle_x, angle_y, angle_z to be equal to: float xRot=45, yRot=30; zRot=20;

And instead they are not. What am I doing wrong?

Here also the matrix multuplication function:

float* matrixMultiply(float* m1, float* m2)
	float *finalMat;
	finalMat=new float[16];
    // Fisrt Column
    finalMat[0] = m1[0]*m2[0] + m1[4]*m2[1] + m1[8]*m2[2] + m1[12]*m2[3];
    finalMat[1] = m1[1]*m2[0] + m1[5]*m2[1] + m1[9]*m2[2] + m1[13]*m2[3];
    finalMat[2] = m1[2]*m2[0] + m1[6]*m2[1] + m1[10]*m2[2] + m1[14]*m2[3];
    finalMat[3] = m1[3]*m2[0] + m1[7]*m2[1] + m1[11]*m2[2] + m1[15]*m2[3];
    // Second Column
    finalMat[4] = m1[0]*m2[4] + m1[4]*m2[5] + m1[8]*m2[6] + m1[12]*m2[7];
    finalMat[5] = m1[1]*m2[4] + m1[5]*m2[5] + m1[9]*m2[6] + m1[13]*m2[7];
    finalMat[6] = m1[2]*m2[4] + m1[6]*m2[5] + m1[10]*m2[6] + m1[14]*m2[7];
    finalMat[7] = m1[3]*m2[4] + m1[7]*m2[5] + m1[11]*m2[6] + m1[15]*m2[7];
    // Third Column
    finalMat[8] = m1[0]*m2[8] + m1[4]*m2[9] + m1[8]*m2[10] + m1[12]*m2[11];
    finalMat[9] = m1[1]*m2[8] + m1[5]*m2[9] + m1[9]*m2[10] + m1[13]*m2[11];
    finalMat[10] = m1[2]*m2[8] + m1[6]*m2[9] + m1[10]*m2[10] + m1[14]*m2[11];
    finalMat[11] = m1[3]*m2[8] + m1[7]*m2[9] + m1[11]*m2[10] + m1[15]*m2[11];
    // Fourth Column
    finalMat[12] = m1[0]*m2[12] + m1[4]*m2[13] + m1[8]*m2[14] + m1[12]*m2[15];
    finalMat[13] = m1[1]*m2[12] + m1[5]*m2[13] + m1[9]*m2[14] + m1[13]*m2[15];
    finalMat[14] = m1[2]*m2[12] + m1[6]*m2[13] + m1[10]*m2[14] + m1[14]*m2[15];
    finalMat[15] = m1[3]*m2[12] + m1[7]*m2[13] + m1[11]*m2[14] + m1[15]*m2[15];
	return finalMat;

I do not tested your code but the angles are in radians. Do not forget to convert them back.

BTW: why have you decided to allocate memory in the heap during matrix multiplication?

euler angles suffer from singularities. that’s why you are getting wrong results. use quaternions instead :wink: