HexSwirl help :(

ive been working on this project for sometime now, and i just cant get my hexswirl function to work :frowning: please help. its supposed to look like this: http://www.slidefinder.net/C/Computer_Graphics_using_OpenGL_3rd/15456597/p2 (the picture in slide 22 or 24)
I need this for a project which is due next week :frowning:

by the way this is what ive come up with so far:

void Polygon11::draw(float n, float s, float a)
float r1;
double inc = 5.0/100;
double angleInc = 23.14159265/6.0;
double aaa;
r1 = radius;
for (int j = 0; j < 50; j++)
aaa = j
for (int i = 0; i < 6 ; i++)
a += angleInc;
glVertex2f(r1scos((iaaa)+10),r1ssin((iaaa)+10)); glEnd();
r1 += inc;


Try this

I initially posted the code but have now removed it since this is your assignment and u should know how to do it.

Basically, the inner loop creates a hexagon. The outer loop reduces the radius and rotates the hexagon slightly (3 degrees). Which gives this output

mobeen you’re so kind :slight_smile:

Hmmm atleast he tried his best to get it work.

After posting i realised I shouldn’t have posted the code since this was an assignment given to him. May be i will edit my reply to remove the code.

:smiley: well i didn’t get to see the code and fortunately got it to work by my self although it doesn’t look half as good as yours :slight_smile: thank you very much for your kind help though. i greatly appreciated you putting some time out for me and helping me. :slight_smile: you cant imagine how happy i am that i finally got it to work! i really do like opengl and i am looking forwanrd to doing more and more projects using this wonderfull language :slight_smile: i just wanted to ask and see if you might have any tips for me and what book i should be using.