Shadow Map & Manual Depth Test

I’m trying to do shadow mapping with a color buffer, so instead of using GL_COMPARE_R_TO_TEXTURE I’m doing things myself. I’ve got everything working with depth textures and GL_COMPARE_R_TO_TEXTURE, but I can’t seem to get it to work when I do it myself. I’ve posted both shaders below, and they’re very similar. The depth-component texture works, but the RGBA texture doesn’t generate shadows.

I’m writing the following as depth to the color buffer:

	vec4 mvp_Vertex = gl_ModelViewProjectionMatrix * gl_Vertex;
	frag_Depth = mvp_Vertex.z/mvp_Vertex.w;

Here is the relevant part of the shader using color buffers

	uniform sampler2D frag_Shadowmap;
	uniform vec2 frag_Dimensions;
	varying vec4 frag_Vertex;
	varying vec3 frag_Normal;
	varying vec4 frag_ShadowCoord;

	float ShadowMap(sampler2D shadowmap, vec4 texCoord) {
		if (frag_ShadowCoord.q < 0.0) return 1.0;
		float depth = texture2D(shadowmap,;
		return float( depth <= texCoord.p / texCoord.q );

And the same code using depth buffers

	uniform sampler2DShadow frag_Shadowmap;
	uniform vec2 frag_Dimensions;
	varying vec4 frag_Vertex;
	varying vec3 frag_Normal;
	varying vec4 frag_ShadowCoord;

	float ShadowMap(sampler2DShadow shadowmap, vec4 texCoord) {
		if (frag_ShadowCoord.q < 0.0) return 1.0;
		float depth = shadow2D(shadowmap, texCoord.stp/texCoord.q).x;
		return depth;

You need to pass down both z and w to the fragment shader and do the division there. Otherwise you’re getting the wrong depth distribution.

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