converting OPENGL_wgl to OPENGL_glut

Hi, I am writing a graphic application that models a reactor from input files in fortran. It has been working fine until I wanted to use OPENGL_glut to create mouse menu’s that turns on and off displaying devices inside the reactor.
The problem for me is the windows display setup source code I use uses opengl_GLAUX and opengl_WGL. And there is no fortran opengl library out there that supports both WGL and GLUT (none that i can find that works).
So my decision is to not use WGL and GLAUX and stick with GLUT. Thus I need your help, because I have not much idea what to change. Below is my source file that uses the WGL and GLAUX, it should look familiar to most of you.

Module GL_Display

  Use Opengl_GL
  Use Opengl_GLU
  Use Opengl_GLAUX
  Use Opengl_WGL
  Use dfwin , C_NULL => NULL

  implicit none


    function Key_up(i)
	  Logical(4) :: Key_up
	  Integer(4), intent(in) :: i
	end function Key_up
  End Interface

    function Key_down(i)
	  Logical(4) :: Key_down
	  Integer(4), intent(in) :: i
	end function Key_down
  End Interface

    Subroutine DrawGLScene()            ! Here's Where We Do All The Drawing
	end Subroutine DrawGLScene
  End Interface

    function InitGL()                  ! All Setup For OpenGL Goes Here
       Logical(4) :: InitGL
	end function InitGL
  End Interface

  Interface LOWORD
    module procedure LOWORD_i
  End Interface
  Interface HIWORD
    module procedure HIWORD_i
  End Interface

  Logical(4), save, private :: fullscreen = .true.     ! default use full screen
  Logical(4), save, private :: active     = .true.     ! default use activeted
  Integer(4), save, private :: m_width      = 640      ! default   640
  Integer(4), save, private :: m_height     = 480      !         * 480
  Integer(4), save, private :: m_bits       = 16       !       and 16 bits of color
  Integer(4), save, private :: hRC = 0
  Integer(4), save, private :: hDC = 0
  Integer(4), save :: hwnd = 0
  Integer(4), save, private :: ignor
  Integer(4), save, private :: dwStyle
  Integer(4), save, private :: dwExStyle

  Character*(128), parameter, private :: Def_title = 'OpenGL Windows'C

  TYPE (T_DEVMODE), Pointer :: DevMode_Null => NULL() ! *djip*** pointer null for comback...

  public ReSizeGLScene, &
         InitGL, &


    Subroutine ReSizeGLScene (width, height)       !Resize And Initialize The GL Window
      use varglob
      integer(4), intent(in) :: width
      integer(4), intent(in) :: height

      Real(kind=GlDouble) :: Aspect
      Real(kind=GlDouble) :: ZWidth, ZHeight

	  if (height<=0) then; m_height=1; else; m_height=height; endif  ! Prevent A Divide By Zero By
	  if (width<=0) then; m_width=1; else; m_width=width; endif

      call glViewport(0,0,width,height)                    ! Reset The Current Viewport

	  call glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION)                     ! Select The Projection Matrix
      call glLoadIdentity                                  ! Reset The Projection Matrix

	  ! Calculate The Aspect Ratio Of The Window
	  !call glOrtho( 0.0_gldouble, ZWidth*0.7, 0.0_gldouble, ZHeight*0.7, 0.0_gldouble, 5.0_gldouble )
	  call gluPerspective(45.0_GlDouble,Aspect,0.1_GlDouble,3000.0_GlDouble)
      call glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW)                      ! Select The Modelview Matrix
      call glLoadIdentity                                  ! Reset The Modelview Matrix

	End Subroutine ReSizeGLScene

    Subroutine KillGLWindow()       ! Properly Kill The Window

      if (hRC) then                  ! Do We Have A Rendering Context?
        if (.not.(wglMakeCurrent(C_NULL,C_NULL))) then      ! Are We Able To Release The DC And RC Contexts?
          ignor = MessageBox(C_NULL,"Release Of DC And RC Failed."C,"SHUTDOWN ERROR"C,(MB_OK .or. MB_ICONINFORMATION))
        if (.Not.wglDeleteContext(hRC)) then            ! Are We Able To Delete The RC?
          ignor = MessageBox(C_NULL,"Release Rendering Context Failed."C,"SHUTDOWN ERROR"C,(MB_OK .or. MB_ICONINFORMATION))
        hRC=C_NULL                                        ! Set RC To NULL

      if (hDC .and. (.Not.ReleaseDC(hWnd,hDC)))	then    ! Are We Able To Release The DC
          ignor = MessageBox(C_NULL,"Release Device Context Failed."C,"SHUTDOWN ERROR"C,(MB_OK .or. MB_ICONINFORMATION))
          hDC= C_NULL                                      ! Set DC To NULL
      if (hWnd .and. (.Not.DestroyWindow(hWnd))) then   ! Are We Able To Destroy The Window?
          ignor = MessageBox(C_NULL,"Could Not Release hWnd."C,"SHUTDOWN ERROR"C,(MB_OK .or. MB_ICONINFORMATION))
          hWnd= C_NULL                                     ! Set hWnd To NULL
      if (fullscreen) then                              ! Are We In Fullscreen Mode?
          ignor = ChangeDisplaySettings(DevMode_Null,0) ! If So Switch Back To The Desktop
          ignor = ShowCursor(.TRUE.)                    ! Show Mouse Pointer
 	End Subroutine KillGLWindow

!/*	This Code Creates Our OpenGL Window.  Parameters Are:					*
! *	title			- Title To Appear At The Top Of The Window				*
! *	width			- Width Of The GL Window Or Fullscreen Mode				*
! *	height			- Height Of The GL Window Or Fullscreen Mode			*
! *	bits			- Number Of Bits To Use For Color (8/16/24/32)			*
! *	fullscreenflag	- Use Fullscreen Mode (TRUE) Or Windowed Mode (FALSE)	*/
    Function CreateGLWindow(title, width, height, bits, fullscreenflag)

      Logical :: CreateGLWindow
	  Character*(*), Intent(in), Optional :: title
	  Integer, Intent(in), Optional :: width, height, bits
	  Logical, Intent(in), Optional :: fullscreenflag

      TYPE (T_DEVMODE) :: dmScreenSettings                   ! Device Mode
      character szApp*20

      Integer(GLuint) :: PixelFormat    ! Holds The Results After Searching For A Match
      Integer hInstance                 ! Holds The Instance Of The Application
      Type (t_WNDCLASS) wc              ! Windows Class Structure

      integer  ipfd
      parameter (ipfd=or(or(   PFD_DRAW_TO_WINDOW,  &  ! Format Must Support Window
                               PFD_SUPPORT_OPENGL), &  ! Format Must Support OpenGL 
			                   PFD_DOUBLEBUFFER))      ! Must Support Double Buffering

	  ! pfd Tells Windows How We Want Things To Be
	  pfd = t_PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR( sizeof(pfd),       &  ! Size Of This Pixel Format Descriptor
                                     1,                 &  ! Version Number (?)
                                     ipfd,              &
                                     PFD_TYPE_RGBA,     &  ! Request An RGBA Format
                                     bits,              &  ! Select Our Color Depth
                                     0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,  &  ! color bits ignord (?)
                                     0,                 &  ! no alpha buffer
                                     0,                 &  ! Shift Bit Ignored (?)
                                     0,                 &  ! no accumulation buffer
                                     0, 0, 0, 0,        &  ! Accumulation Bits Ignored (?)
                                     16,                &  ! 16Bit Z-Buffer (Depth Buffer)  
                                     0,                 &  ! no stencil buffer
                                     0,                 &  ! no auxiliary buffer
                                     PFD_MAIN_PLANE,    &  ! Main Drawing Layer
                                     0,                 &  ! Reserved (?)
                                     0, 0, 0 )             ! Layer Masks Ignored (?)

      if (PRESENT(fullscreenflag)) fullscreen=fullscreenflag    ! Set The Global Fullscreen Flag
      if (PRESENT(width)) m_width=width                         ! Set The Global width
      if (PRESENT(height)) m_height=height                      ! Set The Global height
      if (PRESENT(bits)) m_bits=bits                            ! Set The Global height

      hInstance         = GetModuleHandle(C_NULL)                    ! Grab An Instance For Our Window

      szApp = 'OpenGL'C             ! *DJIP*** C is use for C string..with DVF..

      wc%style          = ior(ior(CS_HREDRAW,CS_VREDRAW),CS_OWNDC) ! Redraw On Size, And Own DC For Window.
      wc%lpfnWndProc    = loc(WndProc)                             ! WndProc Handles Messages
      wc%cbClsExtra     = 0                                        ! No Extra Window Data
      wc%cbWndExtra     = 0                                        ! No Extra Window Data
      wc%hInstance      = hInstance                                ! Set The Instance
      wc%hIcon          = LoadIcon(C_NULL, IDI_WINLOGO)            ! Load The Default Icon
      wc%hCursor        = LoadCursor(C_NULL, IDC_ARROW)            ! Load The Arrow Pointer
      wc%hbrBackground	= C_NULL                                   ! No Background Required For GL
      wc%lpszMenuName   = C_NULL                                   ! We Don't Want A Menu
      wc%lpszClassName  = loc(szApp)                               ! Set The Class Name

      if (RegisterClass(wc) .eq. 0) then                           ! Attempt To Register The Window Class
        ignor = MessageBox(C_NULL,"Failed To Register The Window Class."C,"ERROR"C, (MB_OK .or.MB_ICONEXCLAMATION))
        CreateGLWindow = .FALSE.                                   ! Return FALSE

      if (fullscreen)  then                                      ! Attempt Fullscreen Mode?
!        call memset(dmScreenSettings,0,sizeof(dmScreenSettings)) ! Makes Sure Memory's Cleared
		dmScreenSettings%dmSize=sizeof(dmScreenSettings)         ! Size Of The Devmode Structure
		dmScreenSettings%dmPelsWidth	= width                  ! Selected Screen Width
		dmScreenSettings%dmPelsHeight	= height                 ! Selected Screen Height
		dmScreenSettings%dmBitsPerPel	= bits                   ! Selected Bits Per Pixel

        ! Try To Set Selected Mode And Get Results.  NOTE: CDS_FULLSCREEN Gets Rid Of Start Bar.
        if (ChangeDisplaySettings(dmScreenSettings,CDS_FULLSCREEN)) then !=DISP_CHANGE_SUCCESSFUL)
            ! If The Mode Fails, Offer Two Options.  Quit Or Use Windowed Mode.
            if (MessageBox(C_NULL,"The Requested Fullscreen Mode Is Not Supported By
Your Video Card. Use Windowed Mode Instead?"C,"NeHe GL"C,ior(MB_YESNO,MB_ICONEXCLAMATION))==IDYES) then 
                fullscreen=.FALSE.        ! Windowed Mode Selected.  Fullscreen = FALSE
                ! Pop Up A Message Box Letting User Know The Program Is Closing.
                ignor = MessageBox(C_NULL,"Program Will Now Close."C,"ERROR"C,ior(MB_OK,MB_ICONSTOP))
                CreateGLWindow = .FALSE.                ! Return FALSE

      if (fullscreen)  then                                         ! Are We Still In Fullscreen Mode?
        dwExStyle=WS_EX_APPWINDOW                                  ! Window Extended Style
        dwStyle=ior(ior(WS_POPUP,WS_CLIPSIBLINGS),WS_CLIPCHILDREN) ! Windows Style
        ignor = ShowCursor(.FALSE.)                                ! Hide Mouse Pointer
        dwExStyle= ior(WS_EX_APPWINDOW, WS_EX_WINDOWEDGE)          ! Window Extended Style

      ! Create The Window
      hWnd=CreateWindowEx( dwExStyle,     & ! Extended Style For The Window
                           "OpenGL"C,     & ! Class Name
                           title,         & ! Window Title
                           dwStyle,       & ! Window Style
                           0, 0,          & ! Window Position
                           width, height, & ! Selected Width And Height
                           C_NULL,        & ! No Parent Window
                           C_NULL,        & ! No Menu
                           hInstance,     & ! Instance
                           C_NULL)          ! Dont Pass Anything To WM_CREATE
      if (hWnd == 0) then
        call KillGLWindow()                        ! Reset The Display
        ignor = MessageBox(C_NULL,"Window Creation Error."C,"ERROR"C,ior(MB_OK,MB_ICONEXCLAMATION))
        CreateGLWindow = .FALSE.                   ! Return FALSE

      if (hDC == 0)  then                          ! Did We Get A Device Context?
        call KillGLWindow()                        ! Reset The Display
        ignor = MessageBox(C_NULL,"Can't Create A GL Device Context."C,"ERROR"C,ior(MB_OK,MB_ICONEXCLAMATION))
        CreateGLWindow = .FALSE.                   ! Return FALSE

	  if (PixelFormat == 0) then                   ! Did Windows Find A Matching Pixel Format?
        call KillGLWindow()                        ! Reset The Display
        ignor = MessageBox(C_NULL,"Can't Find A Suitable PixelFormat."C,"ERROR"C,ior(MB_OK,MB_ICONEXCLAMATION))
        CreateGLWindow = .FALSE.                   ! Return FALSE

	  if(SetPixelFormat(hDC,PixelFormat,pfd) == 0) then ! Are We Able To Set The Pixel Format?
        call KillGLWindow()                         ! Reset The Display
        ignor = MessageBox(C_NULL,"Can't Set The PixelFormat."C,"ERROR"C,ior(MB_OK,MB_ICONEXCLAMATION))
        CreateGLWindow = .FALSE.                    ! Return FALSE

      if (hRC == 0) then                            ! Are We Able To Get A Rendering Context?
        call KillGLWindow()                         ! Reset The Display
        ignor = MessageBox(C_NULL,"Can't Create A GL Rendering Context."C,"ERROR"C,ior(MB_OK,MB_ICONEXCLAMATION))
        CreateGLWindow = .FALSE.                    ! Return FALSE

      if(wglMakeCurrent(hDC,hRC) == 0) then       ! Try To Activate The Rendering Context
        call KillGLWindow()                         ! Reset The Display
        ignor = MessageBox(C_NULL,"Can't Activate The GL Rendering Context."C,"ERROR"C,ior(MB_OK,MB_ICONEXCLAMATION))
        CreateGLWindow = .FALSE.                    ! Return FALSE

      ignor = ShowWindow(hWnd,SW_SHOW)              ! Show The Window
      ignor = SetForegroundWindow(hWnd)             ! Slightly Higher Priority
      ignor = SetFocus(hWnd)                        ! Sets Keyboard Focus To The Window
      call ReSizeGLScene(width, height)             ! Set Up Our Perspective GL Screen

	  if (.not.(InitGL())) then                     ! Initialize Our Newly Created GL Window
        call KillGLWindow()                         ! Reset The Display
        ignor = MessageBox(C_NULL,"Initialization Failed."C,"ERROR"C,ior(MB_OK,MB_ICONEXCLAMATION))
        CreateGLWindow = .FALSE.                    ! Return FALSE

      CreateGLWindow = .TRUE.                     ! Success
    End function CreateGLWindow

    integer function WinMain( hInstance, hPrevInstance, lpCmdLine, nCmdShow )
    !DEC$ IF DEFINED (_X86_)
    !DEC$ attributes stdcall, alias: '_WinMain@16' :: WinMain
    !DEC$ ELSE
    !DEC$ attributes stdcall, alias: 'WinMain' :: WinMain
    Use VarGlob
        implicit none
        integer hInstance
        integer hPrevInstance
        integer lpCmdLine
        integer nCmdShow

        logical done
        type (t_MSG) msg
        type (t_WNDCLASS) wc
        TYPE (T_DEVMODE) dmScreenSettings
        fullscreen= .FALSE.
		call GetData
		                          ! Windowed Mode

    ! Create Our OpenGL Window
    if (.not.CreateGLWindow("RFSP Visualizer",640,480,16,fullscreen)) then
		WinMain = 0
        return                                       ! Quit If Window Was Not Created

        done = .true.
        do while  (done)                                ! Loop That Runs While done=.TRUE.
           if (not(active)) then
              ignor = WaitMessage()                     ! wait for a new message...
           if (PeekMessage(msg, C_NULL, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE)) then
               if (msg%message==WM_QUIT) then
                    done = .false.
                    ignor = TranslateMessage(msg)       ! Translate The Message
                    ignor = DispatchMessage(msg)        ! Dispatch The Message
             call DrawGLScene()
			 call SwapBuffers(hDC)
   		   end if
	    end do

    ! Shutdown
    call KillGLWindow()                             ! Kill The Window
    WinMain = msg.wParam
	return                                          ! Exit The Program
    end function WinMain

integer function WndProc( hwnd, message, wParam, lParam )
!DEC$ attributes stdcall :: WndProc

    implicit none

    integer hwnd
    integer message
    integer wParam
    integer lParam
	type (T_PAINTSTRUCT)    lpPaint

    select case (message)				    ! Tells Windows We Want To Check The Message
        case (WM_ACTIVATE)
		    if (HIWORD(wParam) == 0) then
			   active = .true.
			   active = .false.
            WndProc = 0
        case (WM_CREATE)
            WndProc = 0
        case (WM_DESTROY)
            WndProc = 0
        case (WM_CLOSE)
            call PostQuitMessage(0)         ! This Sends A 'Message' Telling The Program To Quit
            WndProc = 0
        case (WM_KEYUP)
			if (key_up(wParam)) then
               call DrawGLScene()
			   call SwapBuffers(hDC)
            WndProc = 0
        case (WM_KEYDOWN)
			if (wParam == VK_ESCAPE) then   ! Tells Windows We Want To Check The Message
			    ignor = SendMessage(hWnd,WM_CLOSE,0,0)
			    if (key_down(wParam)) then
                   call DrawGLScene()
				   call SwapBuffers(hDC)
			end if
            WndProc = 0
        case (WM_SIZE)
			call ReSizeGLScene(LOWORD(lParam),HIWORD(lParam))
!        case (WM_MOUSEMOVE)
!			call motion (LOWORD_1(lParam),HIWORD_1(lParam))
!            return
!        case (WM_LBUTTONDOWN)
!			Type_Render = GL_LINE_STRIP
!			Rotation = .true.
!			mouse_r = coord( LOWORD_1(lParam), -HIWORD_1(lParam) )
!			call DrawGLScene()
!           call SwapBuffers(hDC)
!           return
!        case (WM_LBUTTONUP)
!			Type_Render = GL_QUAD_STRIP
!			Rotation = .false.
!			call DrawGLScene()
!           call SwapBuffers(hDC)
!            return
        case (WM_PAINT)
			ignor = BeginPaint (hwnd, lpPaint)
			call DrawGLScene()
			ignor = EndPaint (hwnd, lpPaint)
            WndProc = 0
			call SwapBuffers(hDC)
        case default
            WndProc = DefWindowProc(hwnd, message, wParam, lParam)
        end select
end function WndProc

! *DJIP***  this function do not exist in Fortan let's done it....
    integer function LOWORD_i(lParam)
      integer lParam
      integer glnWidth

      glnWidth = and(lParam, #0000FFFF)  !  low word	


    end function LOWORD_i

    integer function HIWORD_i(lParam)
      integer lParam
      integer glnLength

      glnLength = ishft(lParam, -16)     !  high word


    end function HIWORD_i

End Module

Thank you for ANYONE that helps me with this, I have been trying to solve this for a while now.

I don’t think you’ll find any fortran experts here… If you know C, you could look at some glut tutorials, grasp the concepts, and with that knowledge redesign your application. Or look for a glut tutorial in fortran

From what I saw and understood, your app just creates a window. There is no OpenGl rendering going on. So basically, you will have to change everything :slight_smile:

is it me or is that code box really tiny… :slight_smile:

It’s like reading a newspaper through a key hole.

Ah well…

This is just the create windows Module, all drawing occurs in different modules. I just wondering what I can replace functions such as



if (.not.(wglMakeCurrent(C_NULL,C_NULL))) then

with since these are called with wgl.
I want to rewrite this file but I do not know enough OpenGL to do it. I want to keep it as minimum as possible. I really just need the resize and create Windows.

This isn’t about knowing OpenGL. OpenGL exists on a lower level than this.

glutSwapBuffers may be something you’re looking for…however, I don’t think GLUT has a MakeCurrent function, because GLUT isn’t designed to support multiple windows.

no modus, it isn’t just you. It seems to default to a stupidly small size.

okay so if I have 1 window only I can elimiate the makecurrent functions then.

gluswapbuffers seems to do something different from swapbuffers, or is the syntax just different.

With only one window, there’s no need to pass a window handle to the function.

The difference is, GLUT is a toolkit that creates a window and manages averything behind the scenes for you, while WGL is API on top of Windows API. Basically, you can elliminate everything except your ReSizeGLScene, and replace it with the GLUT-specific code.

Ahhh I see now. So I guess the file is junk then if I have to rewrite everything.