Here's a shader to emulate GL_LIGHTING behavior, with multiple lights!

This will give the exact same results as standard OpenGL lights. You have to tell the shader which lights are active by setting the activelights parameter to indicate the number of active lights. The shader will automatically detect what kind of light it is. I got rid of the specular color, because it was causing some weird results.

I would like to add averaged normal mapping to this, but don’t have a clue how.

This code was based on 3DLabs’ ShaderGen output.

Fragment program:

uniform sampler2D texture0;

void main (void) 
    vec4 color;
    color = gl_Color*2.0;
    color *= texture2D(texture0, gl_TexCoord[0].xy);
    gl_FragColor = color;

Vertex program:

vec4 Ambient;
vec4 Diffuse;
vec4 Specular;

attribute short activelights;

void pointLight(in int i, in vec3 normal, in vec3 eye, in vec3 ecPosition3)
   float nDotVP;       // normal . light direction
   float nDotHV;       // normal . light half vector
   float pf;           // power factor
   float attenuation;  // computed attenuation factor
   float d;            // distance from surface to light source
   vec3  VP;           // direction from surface to light position
   vec3  halfVector;   // direction of maximum highlights

   // Compute vector from surface to light position
   VP = vec3 (gl_LightSource[i].position) - ecPosition3;

   // Compute distance between surface and light position
   d = length(VP);

   // Normalize the vector from surface to light position
   VP = normalize(VP);

   // Compute attenuation
   attenuation = 1.0 / (gl_LightSource[i].constantAttenuation +
       gl_LightSource[i].linearAttenuation * d +
       gl_LightSource[i].quadraticAttenuation * d * d);

   halfVector = normalize(VP + eye);

   nDotVP = max(0.0, dot(normal, VP));
   //nDotHV = max(0.0, dot(normal, halfVector));

   //if (nDotVP == 0.0)
       pf = 0.0;
   //    pf = pow(nDotHV, gl_FrontMaterial.shininess);
   Ambient  += gl_LightSource[i].ambient * attenuation;
   Diffuse  += gl_LightSource[i].diffuse * nDotVP * attenuation;
   //Specular += gl_LightSource[i].specular * pf * attenuation;

void spotLight(in int i, in vec3 normal, in vec3 eye, in vec3 ecPosition3)
   float nDotVP;			// normal . light direction
   float nDotHV;			// normal . light half vector
   float pf;				// power factor
   float spotDot;		   // cosine of angle between spotlight
   float spotAttenuation;   // spotlight attenuation factor
   float attenuation;	   // computed attenuation factor
   float d;				 // distance from surface to light source
   vec3  VP;				// direction from surface to light position
   vec3  halfVector;		// direction of maximum highlights

   // Compute vector from surface to light position
   VP = vec3 (gl_LightSource[i].position) - ecPosition3;

   // Compute distance between surface and light position
   d = length(VP);

   // Normalize the vector from surface to light position
   VP = normalize(VP);

   // Compute attenuation
   attenuation = 1.0 / (gl_LightSource[i].constantAttenuation +
	   gl_LightSource[i].linearAttenuation * d +
	   gl_LightSource[i].quadraticAttenuation * d * d);

   // See if point on surface is inside cone of illumination
   spotDot = dot(-VP, normalize(gl_LightSource[i].spotDirection));

   if (spotDot < gl_LightSource[i].spotCosCutoff)
	   spotAttenuation = 0.0; // light adds no contribution
	   spotAttenuation = pow(spotDot, gl_LightSource[i].spotExponent);

   // Combine the spotlight and distance attenuation.
   attenuation *= spotAttenuation;

   halfVector = normalize(VP + eye);

   nDotVP = max(0.0, dot(normal, VP));
   //nDotHV = max(0.0, dot(normal, halfVector));

   //if (nDotVP == 0.0)
	   pf = 0.0;
//	   pf = pow(nDotHV, gl_FrontMaterial.shininess);
  // }
   Ambient  += gl_LightSource[i].ambient * attenuation;
   Diffuse  += gl_LightSource[i].diffuse * nDotVP * attenuation;
   //Specular += gl_LightSource[i].specular * pf * attenuation;


void directionalLight(in int i, in vec3 normal)
   float nDotVP;		 // normal . light direction
   float nDotHV;		 // normal . light half vector
   float pf;			 // power factor

   nDotVP = max(0.0, dot(normal, normalize(vec3 (gl_LightSource[i].position))));
   //nDotHV = max(0.0, dot(normal, vec3 (gl_LightSource[i].halfVector)));

   //if (nDotVP == 0.0)
	   pf = 0.0;
//	   pf = pow(nDotHV, gl_FrontMaterial.shininess);
   Ambient  += gl_LightSource[i].ambient;
   Diffuse  += gl_LightSource[i].diffuse * nDotVP;
   //Specular += gl_LightSource[i].specular * pf;

vec3 fnormal(void)
	//Compute the normal 
	vec3 normal = gl_NormalMatrix * gl_Normal;
	normal = normalize(normal);
	return normal;

void ProcessLight(in int i, in vec3 normal, in vec3 eye, in vec3 ecPosition3)
	if (gl_LightSource[i].spotCutoff==180.0)
		if (gl_LightSource[i].position.w==0.0)
			directionalLight(i, normal);
			pointLight(i, normal, eye, ecPosition3);

void flight(in vec3 normal, in vec4 ecPosition, float alphaFade)
	vec4 color;
	vec3 ecPosition3;
	vec3 eye;
	int i;

	ecPosition3 = (vec3 (ecPosition)) / ecPosition.w;
	eye = vec3 (0.0, 0.0, 1.0);

	// Clear the light intensity accumulators
	Ambient  = vec4 (0.0);
	Diffuse  = vec4 (0.0);
	Specular = vec4 (0.0);

	if (activelights>0)
	if (activelights>1)
	//if (activelights>2)
	//	ProcessLight(2,normal,eye,ecPosition3);
	//if (activelights>3)
	//	ProcessLight(3,normal,eye,ecPosition3);

   color = gl_FrontLightModelProduct.sceneColor +
      Ambient  * gl_FrontMaterial.ambient +
      Diffuse  * gl_FrontMaterial.diffuse;
    color += Specular * gl_FrontMaterial.specular;
    color = clamp( color, 0.0, 1.0 );
    gl_FrontColor = color;
    gl_FrontColor.a *= alphaFade;

void main (void)
	vec3  transformedNormal;
	float alphaFade = 1.0;

	// Eye-coordinate position of vertex, needed in various calculations
	vec4 ecPosition = gl_ModelViewMatrix * gl_Vertex;

	// Do fixed functionality vertex transform
	gl_Position = ftransform();
	transformedNormal = fnormal();
	flight(transformedNormal, ecPosition, alphaFade);

	//Enable texture coordinates
	gl_TexCoord[0] = gl_MultiTexCoord0;
	//gl_TexCoord[1] = gl_MultiTexCoord1;
	//gl_TexCoord[2] = gl_MultiTexCoord2;
	//gl_TexCoord[3] = gl_MultiTexCoord3;


How are the performance compared to the fixed path?

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