How to make Window look like skin/3d

Like winamp or all these new programs with cool skins, i was wondering how they do it, is there any API or development libraries to do them? I’m tired of the tradition rectangular windows with the title bars. Please help.

Originally posted by eddiehsu:
Like winamp or all these new programs with cool skins, i was wondering how they do it, is there any API or development libraries to do them? I’m tired of the tradition rectangular windows with the title bars. Please help.

the skin aspect is basically just displaying bitmaps made by artists (possibly with some transparency tricks). The shape of a window can be redefined by SetWindowRgn.

WinAMP also specifically created a skinUI API called super llama or something like that. It’s a library that can be used with other programs, (possibly for a fee). The website has some info on it.

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