lighting with texture 3d

Hello everyone

I have the following problem: I’m drawing a simple cube. All lighting setings are appropriate (shading is corect) but when I enable texturing shade disappears!! Does anyone know what could by reason of it??


A czy twoja karta sprzetowo wspiera tekstury 3d?

jak milo - polski akcent!! Pracuje na SGI i mam wsparcie w postaci GL_TEXTURE_3D_EXT. Tekstura nakladana jest prawidlowo niestety niknie cien - nie moge znalezc przyczyny. Swiatlo jest wlaczone. Wyglada to tak jakbym nie mial wlaczonych normalnych lub swiatlo bylo wylaczone ale to na pewno nie to!!:-((

OK, já que é assim, também me ponho a falar português. Alguém percebe o que escrevo? Julgo que não, mas se perceberem, escrevam…
Vou escrever coisas técnicas, tipo GL, para parecer que estou a dizer mesmo algo…

gopferdelli, chöne der nid normal schnurre, des verstoht jo kä sau. potz tuusig nonemol. einewäg, es chönt ganz banal an glTexEnv ligge, da weisi natürli nöd, sötsch vilich e paar code snippets zeige, wade genau machsch und wade genau willsch. aber i glaub eh nöd das mi würkli gross verstosch, odr?

aber i glaub eh nöd das mi würkli gross verstosch, odr?

Well, I can almost guess what you wrote.

Who changed the language?
Dave, i verschtos und du häsch glob recht. Er söt’s uf GL_MODULATE setze.


Kronos., por acaso até percebo… lol
Realmente, falar de coisas técnicals como GL, ou 800x600 dá para confundir o pessoal, também se pode meter umas marcas, para a confusão ser maior, ATI ou NVidia…

Originally posted by PH:
Well, I can almost guess what you wrote.

so guess

Originally posted by kon:
Dave, i verschtos und du häsch glob recht. Er söt’s uf GL_MODULATE setze.

so geil, wohär chunsch? ich bi usem schöne baselbiet, grad am rih…

Ich mag OpenGL, und du? Ph33r my german skillz.


hehe, grossartig sirknight. vor allem, da der satz sogar auch gültiges schweizerdeutsch ist. das isch sälte, das en dütsche satz glich idr schwiz isch…

kon wo stecksch? pensch aber nöd öppe scho?!

All I can gather from what you just said Dave is that you’re speaking the swiss dialect or whatever of deutsch (german for us english speakers ). I’m taking German at my university now and while I really suck at it, I can see that it looks quite a bit different than the swiss dialect your using. hehe


I’m taking German at my university now and while I really suck at it

Why would you go through all that pain . I thought you would have taken more math/CS related courses…

kon wo stecksch?

I’m guessing at “do you understand ?”.

Bruno, temos de nos juntar… Só dois a falar português?! Não pode ser… És donde?
Temos de começar a por aqui palavreado para o pessoal pensar que somos mesmos bons (!!!) nisto… Acho que já troquei mail contigo, não?! Já não me lembro… Vou escrever glDisplacementMap(…) pro pessoal pensar muito nisto… E compilador GL2… Já chega, que achas?

Kanske dags för lite svenska när vi ändå håller på?

Why would you go through all that pain . I thought you would have taken more math/CS related courses…

Well you see, for a degree here in the States we have to take all kinds of things, about half is stuff I could care less about. Including (for me) two semesters of a foreign language (both have to be the same language). What’s required here for a degree is quite a bit different than in Europe. I have to take 2 years (4 semesters) of English classes, this wierd art class (omg how boring!), geography, etc etc. The thing that sucked about this semester is that since I have not taken Discrete Math I yet (i’m in it now), they would not no matter what let me take any more CS classes. I was like, common man, I have been through this stuff years before, I have taken calculus 1 through 3, what gives. Sigh. Once I finish Discrete I i’ll get to take like 2 CS classes at the most I think. Untill I finish Discrete II I wont get to take any more than those 2 or whatever. Now a few of my CS classes I can take WHILE i’m in Discrete II though. It’s crazy b/c a lot of the classes (probably about half or more) that I am denied right now I already know and could ace the course if I took it now if I could. But university rules. Bleh.


Eh, widzicie coscie narobili?!

BTW, Ich erlernte Deutsches in der Schule für 3 Jahre(!). Aber jetzt, nach 15 Jahren kann ich nicht sogar einzelnes Wort (sogar die Wörter, die ich jetzt schreibe), verstehen

Here’s what I do when I need help translating what others are saying

if(babelfish->Translate(“”)==‘\0’) {
} else {

The thread 0x3C4 has exited with code -1 (0xFFFFFFFF)

Also SirKnight, don’t feel so bad, I’m stuck in the same boat. This semester I’ve got a DBMS class centered around Oracle8 and a data communications/networks class this semester, and the rest are all stuff like “The World Today” and “Ethnic Relations” and “World History, Origins to 1714”. It’s pretty funny, I jumped right in and took like 9 CS classes my first year because I thought all these classes would magically disappear if I didn’t take them freshman year, guess I was wrong What’s going to kill me is that next semester, I have to take 7 CS courses that won’t be offered again before I graduate

Oh, and are you going for your B.A. or your B.S., I’m after by B.S., and I don’t have to take any foreign languages, but I think I would have to if I was getting my B.A.


Originally posted by PH:
I’m guessing at “do you understand ?”.

actually, its “kon, where are you?”
you know, swiss is small…