Collision Detection with Q3 Bezier Patches?

Iam currently using a Brush based collision detection to detect collisions. Its working pretty well. Now I started drawing Q3s Bezier Patches and I realized that the brushes don’t seem to cover those ( for example I can walk into the tongue of Q3DM1 ). Do I need to do another collision detection just for those bezier patches or did I miss something?

The bezier-patches are tesselated into small thin brushes for collision detection.

Got any examples for that maybe?

This is what I did in the past:

  • tesselate the patch at a fixed resolution.
  • merge the resulting coplanar triangles into polygons.
  • create brushes for those polygons.

It’s way inneficient, but I could reuse the previous collision detection code.

What is the reason for not covering those Bezier Patches as Brushes?

[This message has been edited by Dtag (edited 02-04-2003).]

Any ideas? Maybe a link to an open source engine that uses this tesselation into brushes?