Fence problem

My code looks a little like this:

for each face
if deform
apply deformation to vertices

  for each pass
      'apply' pass
      'remove' pass

   if deform
      remove deformation


But all my data is stored using VAR, so in order to the changes of the deformations being OK, I apply a fence just before the deformation, and then query it before removing the deformation. I wait until the fence is complete, then, only then, do I remove the deformation… but this doesn’t work.

And I don’t change the vertex data in the passes, just textures, lightmaps, some rotates to the texture matrix, etc…

Althought I may know why this happens: fences are used to know if a GL command as finished (making it possible to syncronize with the CPU). But what I’m doing is writing to memory, so even applying the fence, how would the GPU know that I finished writing?

I’m a bit confused here… please HELP!!!
Oh and sorry for my porr english
Well, thanks anyway…

Please insert where you set the fence and query the fence into your psuedo code - so we can spot the mistake.

This is what I think you should be doing:-

for each face

if deformed_previously
remove deformation

if deform
apply deformation to vertices

for each pass
‘apply’ pass
‘remove’ pass


I don’t know how to put the code like you did…

for each face
if deform
set fence
apply deformation to vertices

for each pass
‘apply’ pass
‘remove’ pass

if deform
wait for fence
remove deformation


To get the code to look like code, just do this:-
Do some code

…only, change the curly brackets to [ and ]

you’re not using fences as they’re intended to be used.