Hello I am Baykal.Actually ,I am a composer(you can listen my music at );but I also want to make a 3d game.I have some C++ knowledge;and I have Vsiual C++6.0.I know first I must make an engine (But HOW??).Ok I know it’s hard but I beleive I can do it.How can I start?Please help me…If you can send your suggestions to my e-mail,I will be very,very,very happy…

[This message has been edited by baykal (edited 07-22-2001).]

Making an engine is not hard, it just requires a good deal of knowledge, (programming)experience and lots of time and devotion. Anyway, check out

I’m probably gonna start a flame war by saying this but here goes anyway:

There’s no point in writing your own 3dengine from scratch…

Thoasands of people have done this and you’ll end up with an engine that’s OK, maybe even pretty good. But why bother when you can just get the source code for a 3dengine and extend it to suit your needs. That way you can spend your time on the important parts of the game like the gameplay, AI, story etc. Modifying an existing engine is initially more difficult ( That’s right, MORE difficult) as the code is not yours and it’ll take a while to understand it but in the end you’ll get a more functional game engine.

If you insist on making an engine yourself then start out with NeHe’s tutorials ( ) and then look at some source code from existing engines.

I would recommend looking at the Titan engine - look at

Hope it helps,
