2 Questions - Torus & Text

I am looking to do both using the “gl…” not “glut…”.

Is this possible, all i have found is glut calls (and example programs) to do both the torus and text. If it would not be asking too much, would someone be willing to give me examples using “gl…” if possible, or direct me to a site that has this…I dont need anything special, just a very basic example so i can toss it in my program and play with it.

Hi unleashed -
to draw a torus using gl functions, you will need an algorithm. I dont know one, but im sure someone in this forum does. Or try to comp.graphics.algorithms newsgroup. That newsgroup also has a FAQ which might contain your answer.
As for text, thats easy. there is many different ways to do it, which are demonstrated using gl functions at NeHe OpenGL

if you dont die reading some pascal code, heres what i use

count:= 0;
for hAngle:= 0 to FSegments-1 do
hRad:= hAngle * (2 * pi / FSegments);

for vAngle:= 0 to FSides-1 do
vRad:= vAngle * (2 * pi / FSides);

v.x:= cos(hRad) * (Radius1 + cos(vRad) * Radius2);
v.y:= sin(hRad) * (Radius1 + cos(vRad) * Radius2);
v.z:= sin(vRad) * Radius2;

Verts[count]:= v;



count:= 0;
for hAngle:= 0 to FSegments-1 do
for vAngle:= 0 to FSides-1 do
f[2]:= hAngle * FSides + vAngle;
f[1]:= hAngle * FSides + (vAngle + 1) mod FSides;
f[0]:= (hAngle * FSides + (vAngle + FSides)) mod nVerts;
Faces[count]:= f;

f[2]:= hAngle * FSides + (vAngle + 1) mod FSides;
f[1]:= ((hAngle * FSides + (vAngle + 1) mod FSides) + FSides) mod nVerts;
f[0]:= (hAngle * FSides + (vAngle + FSides)) mod nVerts;

Faces[count]:= f;


I wont die at all, i have been coding in Modula-2 for parallel programming for quite some time. Thanks for the help!!

sorry about the layout, didnt know they stripped it clean of spaces