regarding camera position

What is the default position of the camera if you don’t specify in gluLookAt?

I think the default position is at origin.So how does -ve parameters make sense in Orthographic projection.

I believe it is glLookAt(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -100.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0). Not sure what you mean by -ve unless you mean why are the near and far parameters negative of the value you pass to glOrtho. I think it is probably just to maintain similarity to glFrustum to reduce confusion when passing the arguments, but I could be wrong.

You are at the origin (0,0,0) looking down the Z axis.


You specify -ve parameters in glOrtho but when the camera is at origin how does the -ve values make sense…I mean the values lie behind the camera and are not rendered.

Originally posted by karteek:
You specify -ve parameters in glOrtho but when the camera is at origin how does the -ve values make sense…I mean the values lie behind the camera and are not rendered.

It actually make sense. You can put object behind the camera and get it rendered if you use glOrtho. glFrustum and glOrtho are quite different.

How can you render a scene which is behind the camera.What is the difference in glOrtho and glFrustum in rendering a scene?I think both will not render a scene which is behind the camera.

Originally posted by karteek:
[b]How can you render a scene which is behind the camera.What is the difference in glOrtho and glFrustum in rendering a scene?I think both will not render a scene which is behind the camera.


ok first, without specifying a position you are at (0,0,0) and looking down the negative z-axis.
glOrtho sets a orthographic projection (also known as affine projection), which means no perspective effect.
glFrustum sets a perspective projection, where things get smaller in the distance (like in the real world).

ok, these are simple explainations, but should give you a clue what this is all about. look at the openGL specification to get a deeper look what glOrtho an glFrustum do.