Best method for non-static meshes? I mean lists wont do..!

Hi im using lists for my static meshes but I need to know which is the fastest method (and not the hardest) to render non-static meshes? im making a non-static mesh format and its all setted up I already export the vertices of every frame from my modelling program and everything is good but if I call glvertex3f all the time thats very slow and more slow if I have mid to high poly characters… so whats the solution for this?

i did search on the forums but i didnt find the correct answer thanks.

VBO should fit very well for non static meshes.

well thanks i got the nehe tutorial (num 45) but it doesnt help me much to understand all this

What is it that you don’t understand?

Check the extension registry for that extension. Here’s the link:

If you never have had loaded GL extensions, then check for a library that made it for you like glew.