
I am starting to program OpenGL and i got the red book. This book is a little over my head and I was looking to learn the basics online looks like a good site. However they use include <gl.glaux.h> can i have some information on the differencs and can some one tell me which one is better and why you would use them in different places

Avoid using glaux it is no longer supported, though the examples are still helpfull in learning GL. GLUT is used now in place of glaux, and it very well support with lot’s of examples.

Another reason you may see people use glaux is that is supports BMP image loading.
But there is code out there for loading other formats without using the glaux.

You may also want to look at this site for examples.

Nehe has examples of programing in GLUT and windows, MAC and Linux

Originally posted by sloanscroggin:
I am starting to program OpenGL and i got the red book. This book is a little over my head and I was looking to learn the basics online looks like a good site. However they use include <gl.glaux.h> can i have some information on the differencs and can some one tell me which one is better and why you would use them in different places