Novice user wanting to know what "raw stereo"

We are seeing " technical issues" with a software application when it tries to start in OpenGL (Raw Stereo).

Basically the application states “OpenGL (Raw Stereo) is not available” when switching into stereo mode using a nVIDIA FX 3400 video card with current drivers. The card supports quad buffering and has 256 MB RAM, so should be suitably powerful.

As newbies to the OpenGL world, can someone tell us (i) what OpenGL (Raw Stereo) mode is and (ii) what the other (if any) OpenGL modes are?

Also, any thoughts on whether an nVIDIA FX 3400 chipset should support OpenGL (Raw Stereo)?

Searched via google but have not found simple definition(s) of OpenGL raw stereo.

Thanks in advance.


Stereo means that you have four color-buffers: front-left,front-right,back-left and back-right.

Unfortunately geforces only have front and back (so 2) buffers. Stereo also means that the rendering will be displaid on 2 screens (generally monitors), this is not like twin-view or so.

You meant that you have quad-buffer, but I wonder which: color, depth, stencil and accumulation maybe.

Hope that helps.