how to create a line,elipse and circle

please help me…i really need to know how to create this thing with openGL.can somebody help me.i’m new in openGL

Hi !

You use DDA (Digital Differential Analyzer) for lines and sin and cos for circles and ellipses, use google to search for it.

OpenGL already has support for lines so I don’t know why you need it, circles and ellipses area very easy (just draw line segments between the caclulated points using GL_LINESTRIP.

Something like this:
x = xpos + xradius * cos( v)
y = ypos + yradius * sin( v)

If I remember correct , v is the angle in radians (2*pi is a full circle).


This pdf might get you started:


Originally posted by mael:
please help me…i really need to know how to create this thing with openGL.can somebody help me.i’m new in openGL

for the line

//for the circle or elipse
first when you set your projection mode
you need to use glOrtho

you can use either DDA or midpoint algorithm (also called bresenham algorithm )to draw the circle or elipse

Also you can use gluSphere ,check the REDbook/msdn for the more detailed explaination

[This message has been edited by RunningRabbit (edited 06-18-2003).]

[This message has been edited by RunningRabbit (edited 06-19-2003).]