opengl for web based jukebox

im just a beginner but i have a question on opengl.
Is it possible to use Opengl on visual c++ to program a GUI for a web-based jukebox application?
If so, is it a good idea(how difficult) or should i use some other language. I need to get cd spinning and also an arm for picking up cd and placing it on player. lights flashing etc. also need to have action buttons on graphics in order to play mp3’s, cds etc. college project. need some ideas!
thanks alot.

Hi Vedder,
OpenGL is good for any graphics solution. Your question is somewhat off-topic in this forum, but I would consider how to do the sound part first. It’s not that difficult to code a basic GUI in OpenGL if you have some experience, but how are you going to do all that other stuff in C++ - playing mp3s, cds, what not ? Unless you have a library that does all that (or you interface with some other program that does it for you) you’re looking at some advanced coding. If I was in your position I would skip the GUI part and focus on multimedia first. If you can write something that plays all those formats you mentioned on a platform of your choice (Windows or Linux and C++) given command line parameters, then you can jump into GUI. If this is just a small project and you don’t want to deal with all that sound coding, you might consider Java - it comes with a lot of multimedia support, and although graphics is not going to be like that in OpenGL, it might be easier to use.


Originally posted by vedder:
im just a beginner but i have a question on opengl.
Is it possible to use Opengl on visual c++ to program a GUI for a web-based jukebox application?
If so, is it a good idea(how difficult) or should i use some other language. I need to get cd spinning and also an arm for picking up cd and placing it on player. lights flashing etc. also need to have action buttons on graphics in order to play mp3’s, cds etc. college project. need some ideas!
thanks alot.