How to unite vc++6.0 and openGL ?

I have got Microsoft VC++ 6.0 Compiler and
I also have latest openGL files how do I
unite both so that I can compile a source code written with openGL functions & libraries with VC++ 6.0 ?

You need to include the header files and link to opengl32.lib, glu32.lib glaux.lib ( project->settings->link).

I think it would be wise for you to check out

Originally posted by kan:
I have got Microsoft VC++ 6.0 Compiler and
I also have latest openGL files how do I
unite both so that I can compile a source code written with openGL functions & libraries with VC++ 6.0 ?

get the libraries and headers - glut.h, glaux.h,glut.h,gllib.h,glview.h. supporting dlls are opengl32.dll,glut32.dll,glu32.dll,gllib.dll.

well, i’m not sure how many of these are redundant files.
