GLE tubing and extrusion library Windows x64 platform

Hello everyone.

I’m new to openGL, sorry if I don’t describe problem clearly or said nonsense :slight_smile:

I encountered a little problem. My program is 64 bit architecture, I was trying to find ‘The GLE Tubing and Extrusion Library’ (GLE Tubing and Extrusion Fact Sheet) library with 64 bit architecture, but only was able to find x32.
Could you please answer: Is there a version of the library for 64-bit architecture? (as I saw it distributed as source code, hence are there any possibility to rebuild it for x64?)

If to be more detailed: I have Windows x64 Wpf application, I want to insert chart using this library inside my app using WindowsFormsHost Wpf control.

I’ve created a small C++ wrapper around thislib, included “Gle32v3.h” header in it. When I compile this for Win32, I pass GLE32V3.lib as Additional Dependency for linker and everything works fine.
But when I’m trying to compile it for x64 bit, linker gives me an error: "Unresolved external symbol (functions from Gle32v3.h).
As I understood linker needs x64 version of Gle32v3.lib as additional dependency. (I’ve found only header file for this lib, but no implementation code)

I will be much grateful if anyone could help me with that please.