how to pause a rotating object, by stopping its updating process?

So i have a rotating shape that when 1 is pressed it goes normal speed, 2 its pressed, but when you hit zero its suppose to stop right where it is, and I cant find a way to do it, and I cant use the idle function. I am told that I should stop the updating of the “angle” in the callback, which i update via angle +=1, but every way I try i end up reseting the angle to zero instead of stoping the update process heres my code

from OpenGL.GL import *
from OpenGL.GLU import *
from OpenGL.GLUT import *

import math 
s = 4
zaxis = 1
seconds = 3600/36
angle = 0
def main ():
    glutInit (sys.argv)                          # initial the openGL system
    glutInitDisplayMode (GLUT_SINGLE | GLUT_RGB) # use single buffer and RGB mode
    glutInitWindowSize (500, 500)                # window size
    glutInitWindowPosition (0, 0)                # window position
    glutCreateWindow ("Polygon [Chan]")                  # create window with given caption
    glutDisplayFunc (mydisplay)                  # bind the display callback
    glutTimerFunc(seconds,rotate, 0)
    myinit ()                                    # initialize states and attributes
    glutMainLoop ()                              # enter the event loop

def myinit ():
    glClearColor (1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0)            # black background
    glColor3f (1.0, 0.0, 0.0)                    # draw in white
    glMatrixMode (GL_PROJECTION)                 # modify the projection matrix
    glLoadIdentity ()                            # start with no transformation
    glOrtho (-1.5, 1.5, -1.5, 1.5, -1.0, 1.0)    # setting the viewing volume (used in 2D or 3D)
    # gluOrtho2D (-1.0, 1.0, -1.0, 1.0)          # setting the viewing window (used in 2D)

def mydisplay ():
    global angle

def rotate(n):
    global angle
    global seconds
    angle += 1
    if angle > 360:
        angle -= 360
    glutTimerFunc(seconds,rotate, 0)
def keypress(key, x, y):
    global s
    global seconds
    global zaxis
    global angle
    if key == "0" :
    if key == "1" :   
        seconds = 3600/36

    if key == "2" :
        seconds = 72

    if key == "3" :   
        s = 3

    if key == "4" :
        s = 4

    if key == "5" :
        s = 5

    if key == "6" :
        s = 6

    if key == "7" :
        s = 7

    if key == "8" : 
        s = 8

    if key == "9" :
        s = 9

    if key == "9" :
        s = 9
    if key == "a" :
        s = 10
    if key == "b" :
        s = 11
    if key == "c" :
        s = 12
    if key == "d" :
        s = 13
    if key == "e" :
        s = 14
    if key == "f" :
        s = 15
    if key == "g" :
        s = 16
    if key == "h" :
        s = 17
    if key == "i" :
        s = 18
    if key == "j" :
        s = 19

    if key == "r" :
        zaxis = -1

def drawPolygon (n):
    glClear (GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT)                # clear the window
    vertices = []
    for i in range (n):
        angle = math.pi * 2 * i / n
        vertices.append ((math.cos (angle), math.sin (angle)))
    glBegin (GL_LINES)                           # define a set of line segments
    for i in range (n):
        for j in range (i):
            glVertex2f (vertices [j][0], vertices [j][1])
            glVertex2f (vertices [i][0], vertices [i][1])
    glEnd ()                                     # end of definition
    glFlush ()                                   # flush so the image appears

main ()                                          # run the program

you have to make the angle+1 conditional, by setting a condition variable to false when you detect the keypress 0.