Need help finding an OpenGL 4+ debugger for my laptop with NVIDIA Optimus

I need a OpenGL debugger that suports NVIDIA Optimus technology. I need to capture frames and is possible to analyze shaders and see what is going one in them.

It would be very helpful if someone can guide me or tell me how can I do that.

As far as i can tell from Nvidia website i can not do shader debugging with my current setup and so far Intell Graphics Frame Analyzer for OpenGL 2015 R4 is not very helpful.

[QUOTE=lummxx;1281417]I need a OpenGL debugger that suports NVIDIA Optimus technology. I need to capture frames and is possible to analyze shaders and see what is going one in them.

It would be very helpful if someone can guide me or tell me how can I do that.

As far as i can tell from Nvidia website i can not do shader debugging with my current setup and so far Intell Graphics Frame Analyzer for OpenGL 2015 R4 is not very helpful.[/QUOTE]

I’ve used this tool with great results:

It allows everything that you might need although it won’t do gpu timing for intel cards.

This works pretty well for intel cards:

I use both to get the best overall coverage of tests.