Trivial curious question: benefits to opengl and those that proceed it.

I’m interested in gui design, but implementing seems to be another story?
There are numerous technologies out there for doing gui design, but doing so in opengl seems daunting, (with or with out freetype or cg gui) when it’s usually the last thing you design? when imo gui design oop for 2d or 3d seems complicated then doing it in the browser, or server side. i find it difficult to visualise it in oop.

What LESSONS could someone take away from opengl? Imo there’s a grave yard of libraries on github.

I don’t want to use unity, or unreal engine, tork engine YET (while they’re free.) but setting up a gui in those environments are easier? (i have no intentions majoring in computer science, or eventually having my a frame work left to rot on github. so with that perspective maybe that’s another reason why people learn opengl or direct x. but i do enjoy learning.) so i’m trying to save my self a heap of headaches while i also believe learning opengl gives you a greater appreciation of the inner working of those engines listed above.

So if i was to go down the rabbit whole, should i build gui first (with a library based gui, but i won’t actually understand the workings.) then build a separate gl renderer later, or just build it in a predefined engine with less abstraction.

Gui example: text above a fixed coordinate?
Gui example: 2.5d interface?
Gui example:Read-write
Gui: start-exit

Theres not alot of examples or guides on gui building on opengl just libraries.

I’m leveraging towards glfw as the api window, then comes opengl.

The most important lesson is that OpenGL isn’t a library for GUI design: it’s a low-level graphics library that you the very basic building blocks: points, lines and polygons; textures and vertices.