opengl mesh getting clipped.

I am having issues with my rendering, I am drawing a quad and if it rotates around the x or y axis it get’s clipped by what seems like the far clipping plane.

this is the quad data structure

typedef struct {
    float angle_in_rad;
    GLshort vertex_count;
    GLfloat vertices[12];
    GLfloat colors[16];
    GLshort indices[6];
    GLfloat tex_coords[8];

Here is the variables that I use

r2d_quad* quad;
vec3 in_vec0, in_vec1, in_vec2, in_vec3;
vec3 out_vec0, out_vec1, out_vec2, out_vec3;
mat3 in_mat, out_mat;

float x_size = 200;
float y_size = 200;
float z_size = 1;

float x_pos = 0;
float y_pos = 0;
float z_pos = 10;

float x_rot = 0.01;
float y_rot = 0.0;
float z_rot = 0.0;

vec4 iv0, iv1, iv2, iv3;         //iv = in vector    [0 - 3]
vec4 ov0, ov1, ov2, ov3;    //ov = out vector [0-3]
vec4 tv4;
vec3 tv3;
mat4 imat, omat;                //temp matrix to do some work
mat4 model_mat;


    vmathP3MakeFromElems(&eye, 0, 0, 0);
    vmathP3MakeFromElems(&center, 0, 0, -1);
    vmathV3MakeFromElems(&up, 0, 1, 0);

    vmathM4MakeLookAt(&v_mat, &center, &eye, &up);

    vec3 trans;
    vmathV3MakeFromElems(&trans, (width * 0.5), (height * 0.5), -20.0);
    vmathM4MakeTranslation(&v_mat, &trans);

    vmathM4MakeOrthographic(&p_mat, 0, width, 0, height, 1.0, 100.0);

after this I create my buffers

    pos_loc = get_attrib_location(ce_get_default_shader(), "a_pos");
    col_loc = get_attrib_location(ce_get_default_shader(), "a_col");
    mvp_matrix_loc = get_uniform_location(ce_get_default_shader(), "u_mvp_mat");
    model_mat_loc = get_uniform_location(ce_get_default_shader(), "u_mod_mat");
    view_mat_loc = get_uniform_location(ce_get_default_shader(), "u_view_mat");
    proj_mat_loc = get_uniform_location(ce_get_default_shader(), "u_proj_mat");

    quad = r2d_new_quad();

    glGenBuffers(1, &vao);

    glGenBuffers(1, &vert_buff);
    glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, vert_buff);
    glBufferData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, sizeof(quad->vertices), quad->vertices,
    glVertexAttribPointer(0, 3, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, 3 * sizeof(GLfloat),

    glGenBuffers(1, &col_buff);
    glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, col_buff);
    glBufferData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, sizeof(quad->colors), quad->colors,
    glVertexAttribPointer(1, 4, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, 4 * sizeof(GLfloat),

    glGenBuffers(1, &ind_buff);
    glBindBuffer(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, ind_buff);
    glBufferData(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, sizeof(quad->indices), quad->indices,
    glBufferData(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, sizeof(quad->indices), quad->indices,

    glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0);

then I start doing some cpu bound quad scaling since I am targeting opengles 2.0 and cannot use the instancing or more fancy features just ye.

    // scaling model
    vmathV4MakeFromElems(&iv0, quad->vertices[0], quad->vertices[1],  //making a vector4 out of each corner of the quad to then do some manipulations.
                         quad->vertices[2], 1.0);
    vmathV4MakeFromElems(&iv1, quad->vertices[3], quad->vertices[4],
                         quad->vertices[5], 1.0);
    vmathV4MakeFromElems(&iv2, quad->vertices[6], quad->vertices[7],
                         quad->vertices[8], 1.0);
    vmathV4MakeFromElems(&iv3, quad->vertices[9], quad->vertices[10],
                         quad->vertices[11], 1.0);

    vmathV3MakeFromElems(&tv3, x_size, y_size, z_size);
    vmathM4MakeScale(&imat, &tv3);
    vmathM4AppendScale(&model_mat, &model_mat, &tv3);

    // translate model
    vmathV4MakeFromElems(&iv0, quad->vertices[0], quad->vertices[1],
                         quad->vertices[2], 1.0);
    vmathV4MakeFromElems(&iv1, quad->vertices[3], quad->vertices[4],
                         quad->vertices[5], 1.0);
    vmathV4MakeFromElems(&iv2, quad->vertices[6], quad->vertices[7],
                         quad->vertices[8], 1.0);
    vmathV4MakeFromElems(&iv3, quad->vertices[9], quad->vertices[10],
                         quad->vertices[11], 1.0);

    vmathV3MakeFromElems(&tv3, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos);
    vmathM4MakeTranslation(&imat, &tv3);
    vmathM4SetTranslation(&model_mat, &tv3);

    vmathM4MulV4(&ov0, &model_mat, &iv0);
    vmathM4MulV4(&ov1, &model_mat, &iv1);
    vmathM4MulV4(&ov2, &model_mat, &iv2);
    vmathM4MulV4(&ov3, &model_mat, &iv3);

    quad->vertices[0] = ov0.x;
    quad->vertices[1] = ov0.y;
    quad->vertices[2] = ov0.z;

    quad->vertices[3] = ov1.x;
    quad->vertices[4] = ov1.y;
    quad->vertices[5] = ov1.z;

    quad->vertices[6] = ov2.x;
    quad->vertices[7] = ov2.y;
    quad->vertices[8] = ov2.z;

    quad->vertices[9] = ov3.x;
    quad->vertices[10] = ov3.y;
    quad->vertices[11] = ov3.z;

this is my rendering loop

    glClearColor(0.2f, 0.3f, 0.3f, 1.0f);


    glUniformMatrix4fv(model_mat_loc, 1, GL_FALSE,;

    // projection * view * model * vertex_pos;
    glUniformMatrix4fv(view_mat_loc, 1, GL_FALSE, mat4_get_data(&v_mat));
    glUniformMatrix4fv(proj_mat_loc, 1, GL_FALSE, mat4_get_data(&p_mat));

    //--------------- update vertex data --------------------- 

    // negative translate model
    vmathV4MakeFromElems(&iv0, quad->vertices[0], quad->vertices[1],
                         quad->vertices[2], 1.0);
    vmathV4MakeFromElems(&iv1, quad->vertices[3], quad->vertices[4],
                         quad->vertices[5], 1.0);
    vmathV4MakeFromElems(&iv2, quad->vertices[6], quad->vertices[7],
                         quad->vertices[8], 1.0);
    vmathV4MakeFromElems(&iv3, quad->vertices[9], quad->vertices[10],
                         quad->vertices[11], 1.0);

    vmathM4MakeIdentity(&imat);         //before rotating I have to translate the model back to the center
    vmathV3MakeFromElems(&tv3, -x_pos, -y_pos, -z_pos);
    vmathM4MakeTranslation(&imat, &tv3);

    vmathV3MakeFromElems(&tv3, -x_pos, -y_pos, -z_pos);
    vmathM4MakeTranslation(&imat, &tv3);
    vmathM4SetTranslation(&model_mat, &tv3);

    vmathM4MulV4(&ov0, &model_mat, &iv0);
    vmathM4MulV4(&ov1, &model_mat, &iv1);
    vmathM4MulV4(&ov2, &model_mat, &iv2);
    vmathM4MulV4(&ov3, &model_mat, &iv3);

    quad->vertices[0] = ov0.x;
    quad->vertices[1] = ov0.y;
    quad->vertices[2] = ov0.z;

    quad->vertices[3] = ov1.x;
    quad->vertices[4] = ov1.y;
    quad->vertices[5] = ov1.z;

    quad->vertices[6] = ov2.x;
    quad->vertices[7] = ov2.y;
    quad->vertices[8] = ov2.z;

    quad->vertices[9] = ov3.x;
    quad->vertices[10] = ov3.y;
    quad->vertices[11] = ov3.z;

    // rotation model
    vmathV4MakeFromElems(&iv0, quad->vertices[0], quad->vertices[1],
                         quad->vertices[2], 1.0);
    vmathV4MakeFromElems(&iv1, quad->vertices[3], quad->vertices[4],
                         quad->vertices[5], 1.0);
    vmathV4MakeFromElems(&iv2, quad->vertices[6], quad->vertices[7],
                         quad->vertices[8], 1.0);
    vmathV4MakeFromElems(&iv3, quad->vertices[9], quad->vertices[10],
                         quad->vertices[11], 1.0);

    vmathV3MakeFromElems(&tv3, x_rot, y_rot, z_rot);
    vmathM4MakeRotationZYX(&model_mat, &tv3);

    vmathM4MulV4(&ov0, &model_mat, &iv0);
    vmathM4MulV4(&ov1, &model_mat, &iv1);
    vmathM4MulV4(&ov2, &model_mat, &iv2);
    vmathM4MulV4(&ov3, &model_mat, &iv3);

    quad->vertices[0] = ov0.x;
    quad->vertices[1] = ov0.y;
    quad->vertices[2] = ov0.z;

    quad->vertices[3] = ov1.x;
    quad->vertices[4] = ov1.y;
    quad->vertices[5] = ov1.z;

    quad->vertices[6] = ov2.x;
    quad->vertices[7] = ov2.y;
    quad->vertices[8] = ov2.z;

    quad->vertices[9] = ov3.x;
    quad->vertices[10] = ov3.y;
    quad->vertices[11] = ov3.z;

    // translate model back to it's original position
    vmathV4MakeFromElems(&iv0, quad->vertices[0], quad->vertices[1],
                         quad->vertices[2], 1.0);
    vmathV4MakeFromElems(&iv1, quad->vertices[3], quad->vertices[4],
                         quad->vertices[5], 1.0);
    vmathV4MakeFromElems(&iv2, quad->vertices[6], quad->vertices[7],
                         quad->vertices[8], 1.0);
    vmathV4MakeFromElems(&iv3, quad->vertices[9], quad->vertices[10],
                         quad->vertices[11], 1.0);

    vmathM4MakeIdentity(&imat);                                          //do some final matrix calculations
    vmathV3MakeFromElems(&tv3, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos);
    vmathM4MakeTranslation(&imat, &tv3);
    vmathM4SetTranslation(&model_mat, &tv3);

    vmathM4MulV4(&ov0, &model_mat, &iv0);
    vmathM4MulV4(&ov1, &model_mat, &iv1);
    vmathM4MulV4(&ov2, &model_mat, &iv2);
    vmathM4MulV4(&ov3, &model_mat, &iv3);

    quad->vertices[0] = ov0.x;
    quad->vertices[1] = ov0.y;
    quad->vertices[2] = ov0.z;

    quad->vertices[3] = ov1.x;
    quad->vertices[4] = ov1.y;
    quad->vertices[5] = ov1.z;

    quad->vertices[6] = ov2.x;
    quad->vertices[7] = ov2.y;
    quad->vertices[8] = ov2.z;

    quad->vertices[9] = ov3.x;
    quad->vertices[10] = ov3.y;
    quad->vertices[11] = ov3.z;
    /* //--------------- update vertex data --------------------- */

    //--------------- pack vertex data into a buffer ---------------------
    // eventually pack into 1 large array and batch draw calls.
    //--------------- pack vertex data into a buffer ---------------------

    glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, vert_buff);
    glBufferData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, sizeof(quad->vertices), quad->vertices,

    glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, col_buff);
    glBufferData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, sizeof(quad->colors), quad->colors,

    glDrawElements(GL_TRIANGLES, quad->vertex_count, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, 0);


This is the complete code relevant to the rendering.

This is a video of the problem, you’ll see rotating around y, x or xyz at the same time causes clipping.
This is a video rotating around the xyz axis:
This is a video rotating around the x axis:
This is a video rotating around the y axis: - YouTube
This is a video rotating around the z axis:

can anyone help me figure out why I am getting clipping like this?