Arbitrary OpenGL Errors in empty Game Loop

Edit: Alright after some painful debugging I found in the stack trace hat the method were called by an external program, and after some more research i discovered that AMDs Gaming Ecolved might have to do something with that. I didn’t even now that this program was still running in the background so I quit it and since then the errors are gone.

Hi Guys!
I’m struggeling to find the mistake in my code. As fas as I am concerned, there shouldn’t even be one…
On Runtime I’m getting various errors all pointing towards deprecated Fixed Function calls.
Now here’s the kicker. For Test purposes I removed all draw-calls and other OpenGl commands apart from some initializing calls. The program still prints out a load of errors (eventough not a single call is made)

I’m running on Windows 10 with an AMD Radeon R9 270, Driver Version: 15.201.1151-150821a-188665E
I’m using glfw-3.0.4 and glew 1.10.0

Here’s the code to initialize everything.

bool Application::initWindow()
	if (!glfwInit())
		Console::writeError("GLFW Init failed!");
		return false;
#if _DEBUG

	// Create a debug OpenGL context or tell your OpenGL library (GLFW, SDL) to do so.

	// Set window hints
	glfwWindowHint(GLFW_REFRESH_RATE, 60);

	window = glfwCreateWindow(WIDTH, HEIGHT, "Window", nullptr, nullptr);

	if (!window) {
		Console::writeError("Creating Window failed!");
		return false;

	glewExperimental = GL_TRUE;

	if (glewInit() != GLEW_OK)
		Console::writeError("Glew Init failed!");
		return false;

	// Glew produces an arbitrary error therefore ignore it

	glClearColor(0.49f, 0.73f, 1.0f, 0.0f);

	glViewport(0, 0, WIDTH, HEIGHT);


	return true;

Here’s the code that is called on runtime:

void Application::run() {

	float lastTime = 0;
	auto time = glfwGetTime();
	float deltaT = (float)(time - lastTime);
	lastTime = (float)time;

	// Game Loop
	while (isRunning && !glfwWindowShouldClose(window))

// Calculate Frame Time
		time = glfwGetTime();
		deltaT = float(time - lastTime);
		lastTime = time;

		//Console::writeMessage("FrameTime: " + std::to_string(deltaT));

		//handleMouseMove(window, deltaT);

		// cameraController->update(deltaT);

		// Upate Scene
		//scene->update(deltaT / 1000);

		// Render Scene


	Console::writeMessage("Application::run() finished");

The frame gets colored correctly with the clear color.
And finally here’s the output of my error handling class for a single frame. This error keep occuring every single frame. The strange thing is, that these errors do not occur on the first frame but somewhat after 10-15 seconds.

OpenGL Error: Using glGetIntegerv in a Core context with parameter <pname> and enum '0xbb1' which was removed from Core OpenGL (GL_INVALID_ENUM) [Source = API, Type = Error, Severity = High, ID = 3200]
OpenGL Error: Using glGetIntegerv in a Core context with parameter <pname> and enum '0xd3b' which was removed from Core OpenGL (GL_INVALID_ENUM) [Source = API, Type = Error, Severity = High, ID = 3200]
OpenGL Error: glPushClientAttrib has been removed from OpenGL Core context (GL_INVALID_OPERATION) [Source = API, Type = Error, Severity = High, ID = 3203]
OpenGL Error: Using glGetIntegerv in a Core context with parameter <pname> and enum '0xbb0' which was removed from Core OpenGL (GL_INVALID_ENUM) [Source = API, Type = Error, Severity = High, ID = 3200]
OpenGL Error: Using glGetIntegerv in a Core context with parameter <pname> and enum '0xd35' which was removed from Core OpenGL (GL_INVALID_ENUM) [Source = API, Type = Error, Severity = High, ID = 3200]
OpenGL Error: glPushAttrib has been removed from OpenGL Core context (GL_INVALID_OPERATION) [Source = API, Type = Error, Severity = High, ID = 3203]
OpenGL Error: Using glGetIntegerv in a Core context with parameter <pname> and enum '0xba4' which was removed from Core OpenGL (GL_INVALID_ENUM) [Source = API, Type = Error, Severity = High, ID = 3200]
OpenGL Error: Using glGetIntegerv in a Core context with parameter <pname> and enum '0xd38' which was removed from Core OpenGL (GL_INVALID_ENUM) [Source = API, Type = Error, Severity = High, ID = 3200]
OpenGL Error: glMatrixMode has been removed from OpenGL Core context (GL_INVALID_OPERATION) [Source = API, Type = Error, Severity = High, ID = 3203]
OpenGL Error: glPushMatrix has been removed from OpenGL Core context (GL_INVALID_OPERATION) [Source = API, Type = Error, Severity = High, ID = 3203]
OpenGL Error: Using glGetIntegerv in a Core context with parameter <pname> and enum '0xba3' which was removed from Core OpenGL (GL_INVALID_ENUM) [Source = API, Type = Error, Severity = High, ID = 3200]
OpenGL Error: Using glGetIntegerv in a Core context with parameter <pname> and enum '0xd36' which was removed from Core OpenGL (GL_INVALID_ENUM) [Source = API, Type = Error, Severity = High, ID = 3200]
OpenGL Error: glMatrixMode has been removed from OpenGL Core context (GL_INVALID_OPERATION) [Source = API, Type = Error, Severity = High, ID = 3203]
OpenGL Error: glPushMatrix has been removed from OpenGL Core context (GL_INVALID_OPERATION) [Source = API, Type = Error, Severity = High, ID = 3203]
OpenGL Error: Using glDisable in a Core context with parameter <cap> and enum '0xb50' which was removed from Core OpenGL (GL_INVALID_ENUM) [Source = API, Type = Error, Severity = High, ID = 3200]
OpenGL Error: Using glEnable in a Core context with parameter <cap> and enum '0xbc0' which was removed from Core OpenGL (GL_INVALID_ENUM) [Source = API, Type = Error, Severity = High, ID = 3200]
OpenGL Error: glAlphaFunc has been removed from OpenGL Core context (GL_INVALID_OPERATION) [Source = API, Type = Error, Severity = High, ID = 3203]
OpenGL Error: Using glDisable in a Core context with parameter <cap> and enum '0xde0' which was removed from Core OpenGL (GL_INVALID_ENUM) [Source = API, Type = Error, Severity = High, ID = 3200]
OpenGL Error: Using glEnable in a Core context with parameter <cap> and enum '0xde1' which was removed from Core OpenGL (GL_INVALID_ENUM) [Source = API, Type = Error, Severity = High, ID = 3200]
OpenGL Error: glMatrixMode has been removed from OpenGL Core context (GL_INVALID_OPERATION) [Source = API, Type = Error, Severity = High, ID = 3203]
OpenGL Error: glLoadIdentity has been removed from OpenGL Core context (GL_INVALID_OPERATION) [Source = API, Type = Error, Severity = High, ID = 3203]
OpenGL Error: glOrtho has been removed from OpenGL Core context (GL_INVALID_OPERATION) [Source = API, Type = Error, Severity = High, ID = 3203]
OpenGL Error: glMatrixMode has been removed from OpenGL Core context (GL_INVALID_OPERATION) [Source = API, Type = Error, Severity = High, ID = 3203]
OpenGL Error: glLoadIdentity has been removed from OpenGL Core context (GL_INVALID_OPERATION) [Source = API, Type = Error, Severity = High, ID = 3203]
OpenGL Error: glMatrixMode has been removed from OpenGL Core context (GL_INVALID_OPERATION) [Source = API, Type = Error, Severity = High, ID = 3203]
OpenGL Error: glPopMatrix has been removed from OpenGL Core context (GL_INVALID_OPERATION) [Source = API, Type = Error, Severity = High, ID = 3203]
OpenGL Error: glMatrixMode has been removed from OpenGL Core context (GL_INVALID_OPERATION) [Source = API, Type = Error, Severity = High, ID = 3203]
OpenGL Error: glPopMatrix has been removed from OpenGL Core context (GL_INVALID_OPERATION) [Source = API, Type = Error, Severity = High, ID = 3203]
OpenGL Error: glPopAttrib has been removed from OpenGL Core context (GL_INVALID_OPERATION) [Source = API, Type = Error, Severity = High, ID = 3203]
OpenGL Error: glPopClientAttrib has been removed from OpenGL Core context (GL_INVALID_OPERATION) [Source = API, Type = Error, Severity = High, ID = 3203]

Any help is greatly appreciated!
