Fragment shader compilation problem

For several days I am trying to reach the problem with my shader. I have several varying floats and problem comes in question when I call my function join. Adding this line causes error which states: “Could not pack varying _v_linejoin”. I am using Qt platform and OpenGL 3.2.

This is my code for fragment shader:

precision highp float;

const float PI = 3.14159265358979323846264;
const float THETA = 15.0 * 3.14159265358979323846264/180.0;

float cap( int type, float dx, float dy, float t ){
		float d = 0.0;
		dx = abs(dx);
		dy = abs(dy);
		// None
		if      (type == 0)  discard;
		// Round
		else if (type == 1)  d = sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy);
		// Triangle in
		else if (type == 3)  d = (dx+abs(dy));
		// Triangle out
		else if (type == 2)  d = max(abs(dy),(t+dx-abs(dy)));
		// Square
		else if (type == 4)  d = max(dx,dy);
		// Butt
		else if (type == 5)  d = max(dx+t,dy);
		return d;

float join( in float type, in float d, in vec2 segment, in vec2 texcoord, in vec2 miter, in float miter_limit, in float linewidth )
		float dx = texcoord.x;
		// Round join
		// --------------------------------
		if( type == 1.0 )
			if (dx < segment.x) {
				d = max(d,length( texcoord - vec2(segment.x,0.0)));
				//d = length( texcoord - vec2(segment.x,0.0));
			} else if (dx > segment.y) {
				d = max(d,length( texcoord - vec2(segment.y,0.0)));
				//d = length( texcoord - vec2(segment.y,0.0));
		else if ( type == 2.0 )
			if( (dx < segment.x) ||  (dx > segment.y) )
				d = max(d, min(abs(miter.x),abs(miter.y)));
		// Miter limit
		// --------------------------------
		if( (dx < segment.x) ||  (dx > segment.y) )
			d = max(d, min(abs(miter.x),abs(miter.y)) - miter_limit*linewidth/2.0 );
		return d;

uniform sampler2D u_dash_atlas;

varying vec4  v_color;
varying vec2  v_segment;
varying vec2  v_angles;
varying vec2  v_linecaps;
varying vec2  v_texcoord;
varying vec2  v_miter;
varying float v_miter_limit;
varying float v_length;
varying float v_linejoin;
varying float v_linewidth;
varying float v_antialias;
varying float v_dash_phase;
varying float v_dash_period;
varying float v_dash_index;
varying vec2  v_dash_caps;
varying float v_closed;

	void main() 
		//gl_FragColor = vec4(0.,0.,0.,1.);

		// If color is fully transparent we just discard the fragment
		if( v_color.a <= 0.0 )

		// Test if dash pattern is the solid one (0)
		bool solid =  (v_dash_index == 0.0);

		// Test if path is closed
		bool closed = (v_closed > 0.0);

		vec4 color = v_color;
		float dx = v_texcoord.x;
		float dy = v_texcoord.y;
		float t = v_linewidth/2.0-v_antialias;
		float width = v_linewidth;
		float d = 0.0;
		vec2 linecaps = v_linecaps;
		vec2 dash_caps = v_dash_caps;
		float line_start = 0.0;
		float line_stop  = v_length;
		if( solid ) 
			d = abs(dy);
			if( (!closed) && (dx < line_start) )
				d = cap( int(v_linecaps.x), abs(dx), abs(dy), t );
			else if( (!closed) &&  (dx > line_stop) )
				d = cap( int(v_linecaps.y), abs(dx)-line_stop, abs(dy), t );
                                d = join( v_linejoin, abs(dy), v_segment, v_texcoord,
                                                  v_miter, v_miter_limit, v_linewidth );
			gl_FragColor = vec4(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);


I have no idea why it fails to compile.

I think you may be exceeding the maximum number of varying components. You can check with glGet to see how many you can use.

data returns one value, the number components for varying variables, which must be at least 60.

data returns one value, the number 4-vectors for varying variables, which is equal to the value of GL_MAX_VARYING_COMPONENTS and must be at least 15.

data returns one value, the maximum number of interpolators available for processing varying variables used by vertex and fragment shaders. This value represents the number of individual floating-point values that can be interpolated; varying variables declared as vectors, matrices, and arrays will all consume multiple interpolators. The value must be at least 32.

Other people have had the same problem too: