Transparency doesn't work? - Depth test disabled & blend enabled.

Hi, I disabled the depth test and enabled the blending like said in other threads, however the map is not transparent.
Here is my current code,

boolean water = false;
for (int x = 0; x < data[z].length; x++) {
// Take a vertex from the current strip
if (((blue[z][x] / 255) < 0.4)){
glColor3f((red[z][x] / 255) / 2
+ (float) (Math.random() / 10), (green[z][x] / 255)
/ 2 + (float) (Math.random() / 10),
(blue[z][x] / 255) / 2
+ (float) (Math.random() / 10));
glVertex3f(x, data[z][x], z);
glVertex3f(x, data[z + 1][x], z + 1);
}else {
glEnable (GL_BLEND);
GL11.glAlphaFunc(GL_ALWAYS, 1);
water = true;
/glColor4d((red[z][x] / 255) / 2
+ (float) (Math.random() / 20), (green[z][x] / 255)
/ 2 + (float) (Math.random() / 20),
(blue[z][x] / 255) / 2
+ (float) (Math.random() / 20), 0.5f);

				glVertex3f(x, data[z][x], z);
				glVertex3f(x, data[z + 1][x], z + 1);

If it makes any difference, it is rendered using a Display List.

You’re calling glEnable (and making other calls) between a glBegin/glEnd pair, and that’s illegal. See glBegin

GL_INVALID_OPERATION is generated if a command other than glVertex, glColor, glSecondaryColor, glIndex, glNormal, glFogCoord, glTexCoord, glMultiTexCoord, glVertexAttrib, glEvalCoord, glEvalPoint, glArrayElement, glMaterial, glEdgeFlag, glCallList, or glCallLists is executed between the execution of glBegin and the corresponding execution glEnd.