[OpenGL 1.X] Drawing 2D Texture with custom Transparency

Good morning.

I am an ex XNA developer and i start to migrate to OpenGL 1.X to begin.

My goal is to make a very simple 2D drawing library which could draw primitives (circles, boxes, lines) and texture. with parametrized alpha value and color.

I use C# language and OpenGL wrapper called TAO which provide me 1-1 mapping to OpenGL functions.

I have some problems on displaying a texture with both invisible part (it’s some background not to be drawn) and a custom transparency value.

I have a second problem which is (i think) is linked to the first one : i could not change the color of primitives to be drawn, it always keep the same value.

This is my code below :

First i used a class called Texture containing some information for my 2d resource :

    public sealed class Texture
        #region Fields

        private Color _alphaColor;
        private int _width;
        private int _height;
        private int _index;


        #region Properties

        public Color GetAlphaColor()
            return _alphaColor;

        public int GetWidth()
            return _width;

        public int GetHeight()
            return _height;

        public int GetIndex()
            return _index;


        #region Ctors

        public Texture(int width, int height, int index, ref Color alphaColor)
            _alphaColor = alphaColor;
            _width = width;
            _height = height;
            _index = index;


I load my texture from my own type file containing the color of background, height, width and a bytes list figuring RGB datas.

 private static Texture LoadTexture(string path)
            Texture surface;

            using (BinaryReader reader = new BinaryReader(File.Open(path, FileMode.Open)))
                byte rValue = reader.ReadByte();
                byte gValue = reader.ReadByte();
                byte bValue = reader.ReadByte();

                Color alphaColor = Color.FromArgb(rValue, gValue, bValue);

                int width = reader.ReadInt32();
                int height = reader.ReadInt32();

                int colorCount = reader.ReadInt32() / 3;

                byte[] bytes = new byte[colorCount * 4];
                int indexBytes = 0, indexColor;

                byte aValue;

                for (indexColor = 0; indexColor < colorCount; ++indexColor)
                    bValue = reader.ReadByte();
                    gValue = reader.ReadByte();
                    rValue = reader.ReadByte();

                    aValue = 255;

                    if (rValue == alphaColor.R && gValue == alphaColor.G && bValue == alphaColor.B)
                        aValue = 0;

                    bytes[indexBytes] = rValue; ++indexBytes;
                    bytes[indexBytes] = gValue; ++indexBytes;
                    bytes[indexBytes] = bValue; ++indexBytes;
                    bytes[indexBytes] = aValue; ++indexBytes;


                Gl.glBindTexture(Gl.GL_TEXTURE_2D, _textureIds[0]);

                Gl.glTexParameteri(Gl.GL_TEXTURE_2D, Gl.GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, Gl.GL_LINEAR);
                Gl.glTexParameteri(Gl.GL_TEXTURE_2D, Gl.GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, Gl.GL_LINEAR);

                Gl.glTexImage2D(Gl.GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 4, width, height, 0, Gl.GL_RGBA, Gl.GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, bytes);

                surface = new Texture(width, height, _textureIds[0], ref alphaColor);

            return surface;

In initialization process i used a PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR with default values :

pfd.nSize = (short)Marshal.SizeOf(pfd);                             
pfd.nVersion = 1;                                                   
pfd.dwFlags = Gdi.PFD_DRAW_TO_WINDOW |    Gdi.PFD_SUPPORT_OPENGL |   Gdi.PFD_DOUBLEBUFFER;                                           
pfd.iPixelType = (byte)Gdi.PFD_TYPE_RGBA;                           
pfd.cColorBits = (byte)bits;                                        
pfd.cRedBits = 0;                                                  
pfd.cRedShift = 0;
pfd.cGreenBits = 0;
pfd.cGreenShift = 0;
pfd.cBlueBits = 0;
pfd.cBlueShift = 0;
pfd.cAlphaBits = 0;                                               
pfd.cAlphaShift = 0;                                                
pfd.cAccumBits = 0;                                                 
pfd.cAccumRedBits = 0;                                              
pfd.cAccumGreenBits = 0;
pfd.cAccumBlueBits = 0;
pfd.cAccumAlphaBits = 0;
pfd.cDepthBits = 16;                                                
pfd.cStencilBits = 0;                                               
pfd.cAuxBuffers = 0;                                                
pfd.iLayerType = (byte)Gdi.PFD_MAIN_PLANE;                          
pfd.bReserved = 0;                                                 
pfd.dwLayerMask = 0;                                                
pfd.dwVisibleMask = 0;
pfd.dwDamageMask = 0;

I initialize OpenGl wuth those flags.

 public static bool InitGL()
            Gl.glClearColor(0, 0, 0, 1);
            Gl.glGenTextures(1, _textureIds);

            _currentTexture = LoadTexture("A.pof");

            Gl.glOrtho(0, 640, 480, 0, 0, 1);


            return true;

Here come my drawing primitives :

 public static void DrawPoint(int x, int y, Color color)
            Gl.glColor3b(color.R, color.G, color.B);


            Gl.glVertex2i(x, y);


        public static void DrawLine(Point p1, Point p2, Color color)
            Gl.glColor4b(color.R, color.G, color.B, 255);


            Gl.glVertex2i(p1.X, p1.Y);
            Gl.glVertex2i(p2.X, p2.Y);


        public static void DrawFilledRectangle(Rectangle rectangle, Color color, byte alpha)
            int tempX = rectangle.X + rectangle.Width, tempY = rectangle.Y + rectangle.Height;


            Gl.glColor4b(color.R, color.G, color.B, alpha);

            Gl.glVertex2i(rectangle.X, rectangle.Y);
            Gl.glVertex2i(tempX, rectangle.Y);
            Gl.glVertex2i(tempX, tempY);
            Gl.glVertex2i(rectangle.X, tempY);


        public static void DrawRectangle(Rectangle rectangle, Color color)
            int tempX = rectangle.X + rectangle.Width, tempY = rectangle.Y + rectangle.Height;

            Gl.glColor4b(color.R, color.G, color.B, 255);

            Gl.glVertex2i(rectangle.X, rectangle.Y);
            Gl.glVertex2i(tempX, rectangle.Y);
            Gl.glVertex2i(tempX, tempY);
            Gl.glVertex2i(rectangle.X, tempY);


Now my texture drawing function :

 public static void DrawTexture(Texture texture, Point point, byte alpha)
            Gl.glAlphaFunc(Gl.GL_GREATER, 0);

            Gl.glColor4b(255, 255, 255, alpha);
            Gl.glBlendFunc(Gl.GL_SRC_ALPHA, Gl.GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA);
            Gl.glBindTexture(Gl.GL_TEXTURE_2D, texture.GetIndex());

            Gl.glTexCoord2d(0, 0);
            Gl.glVertex2i(point.X, point.Y);

            Gl.glTexCoord2d(1, 0);
            Gl.glVertex2i(point.X + texture.GetWidth(), point.Y);

            Gl.glTexCoord2d(1, 1);
            Gl.glVertex2i(point.X + texture.GetWidth(), point.Y + texture.GetHeight());

            Gl.glTexCoord2d(0, 1);
            Gl.glVertex2i(point.X, point.Y + texture.GetHeight());



I use this function to call drawings :

public static bool DrawGLScene()
            Gl.glClear(Gl.GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | Gl.GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT);
            Point p1 = new Point(0, 0);
            Point p2 = new Point(30, 200);
            DrawTexture(_currentTexture, p1, 255);

            DrawTexture(_currentTexture, p2, 64);

            DrawRectangle(new Rectangle(0, 0, 50, 60), Color.White);
            DrawFilledRectangle(new Rectangle(0, 0, 50, 60), Color.Blue, 255);

            DrawLine(p1, p2, Color.Blue);

            DrawPoint(p2.X, p2.Y, Color.White);
            return true;

But the second drawing texture 'DrawTexture(_currentTexture, p2, 64):wink: is not transparent …