glRotate changes coordinates so that the rectangle draws on a rotated plane

I am running into an issue here. I set up a square projectile with a velocity x an y, and draw the actual square to the location, by setting the vertex positions there like so.

vertices.put(new float[] { x1, y1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0.0f, 1.0f,
					     x2, y2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1.0f, 1.0f,
					     x3, y3, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1.0f, 0.0f,
					     x4, y4, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0.0f, 0.0f });
					 //  x   y   r  g  b  A   u|s  v|t

where all the x’s are locations of corners that i pass in.

I then move this rectangle (l2rArrow) along the x & y axis, and have the screen follow it:

boolean hasTranslated = false;
		if (!l2rArrow.isFired) { // if the arrow has not yet been fired we render it thus
			gl.glPushMatrix(); //save our state
				gl.glTranslatef(l2rArrow.GetToOriginX, l2rArrow.GetToOriginY, 0f); // translate to origin 0,0,0
				gl.glRotatef(LBow.getAngle(), 0f, 0f, 1f); //rotate
				gl.glTranslatef(-l2rArrow.GetToOriginX, -l2rArrow.GetToOriginY, 0f); // translate to where we want to draw it
				texture.bind(gl, Texture.TEXTURE_L2RARROW);
				mRect = new MeshRect(l2rArrow.getMyRect());
				mRect.Draw(GL10.GL_TRIANGLES, gl);
			gl.glPopMatrix(); //return to saved state
		} else { // the arrow has been fired so we need to render it like this and have the "camera" follow it
			hasTranslated = true;
				float camX = (float) ((l2rArrow.startX - l2rArrow.PosX));
				float camY = (float) ((l2rArrow.startY - l2rArrow.PosY));
				if (camY > 0) { camY = 0;}
				if (camX < -4800) { camX = -4800;}
				gl.glTranslatef(camX, camY,0f);

					texture.bind(gl, Texture.TEXTURE_L2RARROW);
					mRect = new MeshRect(l2rArrow.getMyRect());
					mRect.Draw(GL10.GL_TRIANGLES, gl);
			if (l2rArrow.hasCollided) {
				//run collision code for detecting a hit and ending turn

this works as well. When the projectile is fired we will follow it perfectly. Now though I want the arrow head to point at the angle the arrow is traveling. So I need to rotate the arrow to in mid flight. I tried translating this arrow back to 0,0 rotating it, and the putting it back but when i put the arrow back it draws on the coordinates of a rotated plane.

} else {
			hasTranslated = true;
				float camX = (float) ((l2rArrow.startX - l2rArrow.PosX));
				float camY = (float) ((l2rArrow.startY - l2rArrow.PosY));
				if (camY > 0) { camY = 0;}
				if (camX < -4800) { camX = -4800;}
				gl.glTranslatef(camX, camY,0f);
					gl.glTranslatef(l2rArrow.GetToOriginX, l2rArrow.GetToOriginY, 0f); // translate to origin 0,0,0
					gl.glRotatef((float) l2rArrow.getAngle(), 0f, 0f, 1f); //rotate
					gl.glTranslatef(-l2rArrow.GetToOriginX, -l2rArrow.GetToOriginY, 0f);
					texture.bind(gl, Texture.TEXTURE_L2RARROW);
					mRect = new MeshRect(l2rArrow.getMyRect());
					mRect.Draw(GL10.GL_TRIANGLES, gl);
			if (l2rArrow.hasCollided) {
				//run collision code for detecting a hit and ending turn

I understand this. How do I rotate the arrow, and then move it back into position on a non-rotated plane?

The arrow rests when it comes to Y=0, and as of right now Y=0 runs at the angle of the rotation.