glBlitFrameBufferExt problem on ATI card

I have another problem related to this thread (glBlitFramebufferEXT and AA set by the Graphics card settings - OpenGL: Basic Coding - Khronos Forums)
that’s driving me mad:

I create 2 hidden FBOs: one with multisampling (let’s call it A) and one with no multisampling (let’s call it B), both are created with Color and Depth renderBuffer attached.

I want to copy the depthBuffer of A to B, with the glBlitFramebufferEXT(), but I have a strange behaviour.

Creation of the FBO without multisample:

            fbo = gl.GenFramebuffersEXT();


                rbColor = gl.GenRenderbuffersEXT();
                gl.BindRenderbufferEXT(gl.RENDERBUFFER_EXT, rbColor);
                gl.RenderbufferStorageEXT(gl.RENDERBUFFER_EXT, gl.RGB, Width, Height);
                gl.FramebufferRenderbufferEXT(gl.FRAMEBUFFER_EXT, gl.COLOR_ATTACHMENT0_EXT, gl.RENDERBUFFER_EXT, rbColor);
                rbDepth = gl.GenRenderbuffersEXT();
                gl.BindRenderbufferEXT(gl.RENDERBUFFER_EXT, rbDepth);
                gl.RenderbufferStorageEXT(gl.RENDERBUFFER_EXT, gl.DEPTH_COMPONENT, Width, Height);
                gl.FramebufferRenderbufferEXT(gl.FRAMEBUFFER_EXT, gl.DEPTH_ATTACHMENT_EXT, gl.RENDERBUFFER_EXT, rbDepth);
            _status = gl.CheckFramebufferStatusEXT(gl.FRAMEBUFFER_EXT);

Creation of the FBO with multisample

            rbColor = gl.GenRenderbuffersEXT();
            gl.BindRenderbufferEXT(gl.RENDERBUFFER_EXT, rbColor);
            gl.RenderbufferStorageMultisampleEXT(gl.RENDERBUFFER_EXT, samples, gl.RGB, Width, Height);

            rbDepth = gl.GenRenderbuffersEXT();
            gl.BindRenderbufferEXT(gl.RENDERBUFFER_EXT, rbDepth);
            gl.RenderbufferStorageMultisampleEXT(gl.RENDERBUFFER_EXT, samples, gl.DEPTH_COMPONENT, Width, Height);

            fboMultisample = gl.GenFramebuffersEXT();
            gl.FramebufferRenderbufferEXT(gl.FRAMEBUFFER_EXT, gl.COLOR_ATTACHMENT0_EXT, gl.RENDERBUFFER_EXT, rbColor);
            gl.FramebufferRenderbufferEXT(gl.FRAMEBUFFER_EXT, gl.DEPTH_ATTACHMENT_EXT, gl.RENDERBUFFER_EXT, rbDepth);

            _status = gl.CheckFramebufferStatusEXT(gl.FRAMEBUFFER_EXT);

Copy of the 2 FBO:

 glBindFramebufferEXT(GL_READ_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT, fboMultiSample);
 glBindFramebufferEXT(GL_WRITE_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT, fbo);
 glBlitFramebufferEXT(0, 0, width, height, 0, 0, width, height, GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT, gl.NEAREST);

On 2 ATI cards I tested (ATI FirePro v3750 and FirePro v4800 ) the copy works if I create the 2 FBOs before the viewport is shown for the first time, whilst if I create them after the first OnPaint of my viewport, I get GL_INVALID_OPERATION error. (if I try to copy the color buffer that works fine, though).

This problem occurs only if I force the AntiAliasing from the graphics card driver settings.

On an NVIdia card (Gefoce 8600M GS) it works fine in both cases.

Am I doing something wrong or are there some problems/limitations on ATI cards with glBlitFrameBuffer?