Windows 8: creating OpenGL contexts and win32

Will the techniques for creating OpenGL contexts change on Windows 8?

The technique I learned for Windows 7 involves getting a win32 window device context and then using GLEW to get an OpenGL 4.X context. AFAIK, that means I have to use the win32 API to create menus and windows, which is what I am learning how to do. Even if I don’t have to use win32, I can at least make it work, which I can’t say for the newer Foundation classes (and especially .NET).

I’ve read that MS is revamping the UI for Windows 8, and I am concerned that my OpenGL + win32 efforts will go down in flames for lack of support. Hopefully someone informed can comment on the situation.

Please note that I am talking about creating contexts for potentially complex/general applications (e.g. may have multiple windows and or multiple threads), so relying on an updated GLUT (or similar) is not what I am looking for.

There is no change for creating GL contexts. The only thing is you can’t create a MetroUI/WinRT application that uses OpenGL.

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