related to OpenGL SC 1.0.1

Safety critical Open GL i.e. Open GL SC 1.0.1 spec does not give any information related to windows management using GLUT. Are GLUT API’s supported by Safety critical systems that follow Open GL SC 1.0.1 spec??

Are GLUT API’s supported by Safety critical systems that follow Open GL SC 1.0.1 spec?

GLUT itself calls very few OpenGL functions (mostly from glut{Solid,Wire}{Cube,Sphere,…}), so there is not a strong reason why GLUT could not work with a OpenGL SC profile context.

However, another important role of GLUT is to abstract away the platform specifics of creating a context in the first place and there the standard GLUT functionality wont help you (GLUT is much older than OpenGL SC). A specific GLUT implementation may have extensions to support creating such a context, but you’d have to check your implementation.

FWIW I somehow have the impression the real question you are trying to ask is: “How do I create an OpenGL SC context?” - it’s a good question, I failed to find an answer. My vague guess is you need to ask a vendor that actually sells an implementation of the SC profile.

Whether or not GLUT is supported is up to the vendor. GLUT itself is not part of OpenGL SC. For context management, surfaces, etc., it is likely that your vendor supports EGL.