How to include GLM in iphone project


I am trying to include the glm library in my iPhone project. I have downloaded the files, and copied them into my project folder, and then dragged them over the Xcode file browser so it links the files.

I am then trying to include it by doing

#include <glm/glm.hpp>

But I get an error saying file not found. I’m not sure why, has anyone used it? Do I need to do something more?


I have the current version version 0.9.3.B

This is really more about setting up a proper project build; it’s not about OpenGL or GLM.

Is the GLM directory in your include paths? You need to ensure that it is.


Sorry about that, didn’t occur to me that was the issue. I haven’t come across needing to use an include path yet, so thats probably the problem. Will have a look and find out how to add it
