how to calculate the view martix

Given a position vecotr,a oreintation matrix(3x3),so how can i calculate the view matrix!Could someone explain the process in more detail?Thank u~~~

Let R be the orientation matrix and T the translation vector. The view matrix V can then expressed as:

| R11 R12 R13 T1 |
| R21 R22 R23 T2 |
| R31 R32 R33 T3 |
| 0 0 0 1 |

Thank u,i want to know the process of computing this matrix!

If you are given R and T, there is nothing to compute, you only need to place the elements of R and T into result 4 by 4 matrix as thokra showed.

It is formed by multiplying the orientation matrix by the translation matrix ( ):

[ 1 0 0 T1 ][ R11  R12  R13  0 ]    [ R11 R12 R13 T1 ]
[ 0 1 0 T2 ][ R21  R22  R23  0 ]  = [ R21 R22 R23 T2 ] 
[ 0 0 1 T3 ][ R31  R32  R33  0 ]    [ R31 R32 R33 T3 ]
[ 0 0 0 1  ][  0    0    0   1 ]    [  0   0   0  1  ]

If O is a 3x3 orthogonal matrix with the orientation of the camera (first column points to the right, middle column up, last column points negative view direction) and p is the position of the camera, then a point y in view space is transformed to world space as:

y = T(p) * R(O) * x,

where T§ returns a 4x4 translation matrix and R(O) returns a 4x4 rotation matrix (like in the other posts).

However, the view matrix should do the opposite. I.e., it should transform a world space point to view space:

x = inv(T(p) * R(O)) * y = R(O') * T(-p) * y,

where O’ is the transpose matrix and inv is matrix inversion.

So the view matrix is given by:

V = R(O') * T(-p).