Trying to load multiple models in C for openGL

I have a .obj loader that reads in and separates the obj files into verts, faces and normals, as seen here in a IONmodel.c file

(also if it looks too long, just scroll down to the bottom for what exactly is needed help with…It sounds pretty simple, I just need help with return variables and such)

IONmodel* ION_loadModel(const char* filename){

IONmodel* newModel = (IONmodel*)malloc( sizeof(IONmodel) );
    //STRANGE: MING does NOT like 70,000 as a char array size
    char stringArray[40000][51];
    char keySpace[] = " ";
    int i = 0;
    int j =0;
    int k =0;
    int text = 0;
    long size = 0;
    int keySpacePositionTemp2;
    int keySpacePositionTemp3;
    float temp = 0.000000000;
    float temp2 = 0.000000000;
    float temp3 = 0.000000000;

    float *vertexBuffer;
    float *Faces_Triangles;
    float *normals;

	long TotalConnectedPoints = 0;
    long TotalConnectedTriangles = 0;

	int tempInt1 = 0;
	int tempInt2 = 0;
	int tempInt3 = 0;

    int triangle_index = 0;
    int normal_index = 0;

    //create file reader
	FILE *file = fopen(filename, "r");

    //Check to see if file exists
	if (file == NULL)
	    printf("ERROR OPENING FILE!");
		return -1; // -1 means file opening fail

    //Check file size
	fseek(file, 0, SEEK_END);
	size = ftell(file);
    printf("Size of file: %d 
	fseek(file, 0, SEEK_SET);

    vertexBuffer = (float*) malloc (size);
    Faces_Triangles = (float*) malloc(size*sizeof(float));
    normals  = (float*) malloc(size*sizeof(float));

    //parse through entire obj file and store as a 2D char array
    char line[50];
	while( fgets(line, sizeof(line), file) != NULL)
            //output file as a string
            for(text = 0; text <= sizeof(line); text++){
            //read in file as a 2D array of chars
                stringArray[i][text] = line[text];

    //close obj file

    //seperating portions of the .obj file into v, vt, f
    for(j = 0; j < i; j++){

            //PORTION v
            if(strncmp (stringArray[j], "v  ",3) == 0){
                printf("Entered v portion -----  

                //read in initial number, 0+3 ignores initial white space
                temp = atof(&stringArray[j][0+3]);
                printf("float converted from the string: %f
", temp);

                //temp2 read in.  Reads in leading whitespace as an index
                keySpacePositionTemp2 = strcspn (&stringArray[j][0+3],keySpace);

                printf("Key Space Position for temp2: %d
", keySpacePositionTemp2);

                temp2 = atof(&stringArray[j][keySpacePositionTemp2+3]);
                printf("float converted from the string: %f
", temp2);

                //temp3 read in.  Reads in leading whitespace of previous and current for index
                keySpacePositionTemp3 = strcspn (&stringArray[j][keySpacePositionTemp2+4],keySpace);

                printf("Key Space Position temp3: %d
", keySpacePositionTemp2+keySpacePositionTemp3);

                temp3 = atof(&stringArray[j][keySpacePositionTemp2+keySpacePositionTemp3+4]);
                printf("float converted from the string: %f
", temp3);

                //use the temp values and store them into the vector buffer
                vertexBuffer[TotalConnectedPoints] = temp;
                vertexBuffer[TotalConnectedPoints+1] = temp2;
                vertexBuffer[TotalConnectedPoints+2] = temp3;

                //increment counter by sets of 3 (X, Y, Z)
				TotalConnectedPoints += POINTS_PER_VERTEX;

            //PORTION vt
            else if(strncmp (stringArray[j], "vt  ",3) == 0){
                printf("Entered vt portion -----  

                //read in initial number, 0+3 ignores initial white space
                temp = atof(&stringArray[j][0+4]);
                printf("float converted from the string: %f
", temp);

                //temp2 read in.  Reads in leading whitespace as an index
                keySpacePositionTemp2 = strcspn (&stringArray[j][0+4],keySpace);

                printf("Key Space Position for temp2: %d
", keySpacePositionTemp2);

                temp2 = atof(&stringArray[j][keySpacePositionTemp2+4]);
                printf("float converted from the string: %f
", temp2);

                //temp3 read in.  Reads in leading whitespace of previous and current for index
                keySpacePositionTemp3 = strcspn (&stringArray[j][keySpacePositionTemp2+5],keySpace);

                printf("Key Space Position temp3: %d
", keySpacePositionTemp2+keySpacePositionTemp3);

                temp3 = atof(&stringArray[j][keySpacePositionTemp2+keySpacePositionTemp3+5]);
                printf("float converted from the string: %f
", temp3);


            //PORTION f reads in only first values before '/' calculations will be done later
            //PORTION f ignores vt and n delimiters
            else if(strncmp (stringArray[j], "f  ",2) == 0){
                printf("Entered f portion -----  

                //read in initial number, 0+2 ignores initial white space
                tempInt1 = atoi(&stringArray[j][0+2]);
                printf("int converted from the string: %d
", tempInt1);

                //tempInt2 read in.  Reads in leading whitespace as an index
                keySpacePositionTemp2 = strcspn (&stringArray[j][0+2],keySpace);

                printf("Key Space Position for temp2: %d
", keySpacePositionTemp2);

                tempInt2 = atoi(&stringArray[j][keySpacePositionTemp2+2]);
                printf("int converted from the string: %d
", tempInt2);

                //tempInt3 read in.  Reads in leading whitespace of previous and current for index
                keySpacePositionTemp3 = strcspn (&stringArray[j][keySpacePositionTemp2+3],keySpace);

                printf("Key Space Position temp3: %d
", keySpacePositionTemp2+keySpacePositionTemp3);

                tempInt3 = atoi(&stringArray[j][keySpacePositionTemp2+keySpacePositionTemp3+3]);
                printf("int converted from the string: %d
", tempInt3);

                int vertexNumber[4] = { 0, 0, 0 };

                vertexNumber[0]	= tempInt1;
                vertexNumber[1]	= tempInt2;
                vertexNumber[2]	= tempInt3;

				vertexNumber[0] -= 1;
				vertexNumber[1] -= 1;
				vertexNumber[2] -= 1;
				printf("VertexNumber is: %d %d %d
                printf("Face vertex at 0 and minusing -1 for obj count: %d %d %d
", vertexNumber[0],vertexNumber[1],vertexNumber[2]);

                //arrange vertexBuffer into sets of 3 triangle groupings
				int tCounter = 0;
				int l = 0;
				for (l = 0; l < POINTS_PER_VERTEX; l++)

					Faces_Triangles[triangle_index + tCounter   ] =  vertexBuffer[3*vertexNumber[l] ];
					Faces_Triangles[triangle_index + tCounter +1 ] = vertexBuffer[3*vertexNumber[l]+1 ];
					Faces_Triangles[triangle_index + tCounter +2 ] = vertexBuffer[3*vertexNumber[l]+2 ];
					tCounter += POINTS_PER_VERTEX;


                //calculate normals to be used for lighting
				float coord1[3] = {Faces_Triangles[triangle_index], Faces_Triangles[triangle_index+1],Faces_Triangles[triangle_index+2]};
				float coord2[3] = {Faces_Triangles[triangle_index+3],Faces_Triangles[triangle_index+4],Faces_Triangles[triangle_index+5]};
				float coord3[3] = {Faces_Triangles[triangle_index+6],Faces_Triangles[triangle_index+7],Faces_Triangles[triangle_index+8]};
				float *norm = ION_calculateModelNormals( coord1, coord2, coord3 );

                //insert normals to appropriate pointers
				tCounter = 0;
				int m = 0;
				for (m = 0; m < POINTS_PER_VERTEX; m++)
					normals[normal_index + tCounter ] = norm[0];
					normals[normal_index + tCounter +1] = norm[1];
					normals[normal_index + tCounter +2] = norm[2];
					tCounter += POINTS_PER_VERTEX;

				triangle_index += TOTAL_FLOATS_IN_TRIANGLE;
				normal_index += TOTAL_FLOATS_IN_TRIANGLE;
				//for some reason not used here...
				TotalConnectedTriangles += TOTAL_FLOATS_IN_TRIANGLE;

printf ("triangle_index: %d
", triangle_index);
printf("normal_index: %d
printf("TotalConnectedTriangles: %d
printf("Total connected points: %d
int testSize = sizeof(vertexBuffer);
printf("Total vertex index: %d", testSize);


	return newModel;

(please excuse the sloppy code, I’m testing it in bits and pieces)
The code WILL load and separate just fine as well.

I also have a IONmodel.h file with a typedef struct:

typedef struct
    float* vertexBuffer;
    float* Faces_Triangles;
    float* normals;
    long  TotalConnectedTriangles;
} IONmodel;

Now my question is. I would like to pass the variables down form the loader to other functions, like my drawing function, but how do I do this. Also, I noticed it only works if I load just ONE model and that’s it.

So what I would like to do is be able to load multiple models and draw them.

Here are my drawing functions:

IONmodel* ION_calculateModel()
    long i = 0, j = 0, k;

    glRotatef(rotate, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);

    // Draw all the vertices needs total number of verticies num_vertex_indices
    while (i <= TotalConnectedTriangles)

        // Draw the vertex and texture as sets of 3 (TRIANGLES)
        for (k = 0; k < 3; k++)

            //to test shape with color depth
            float red;
            float green;
            red = red + 0.0001;
            green = green + 0.0001;

            i = i + 3;



//reset rotations
    if(rotate == 360)
        rotate = 0;

    return 0;

so in my main I would call for example:

int main(int argc, char **argv)

    return 0;

The ION_loadModel will work but I can’t get renderModel working, because, frankly, I dont know how to pass variables down to other functions or how to use the typedef struct to my advantage, getter/setters maybe?

you’ll notice that there are variables being called in the other functions like ‘TotalConnectedTriangles’ because I made all of the loader’s variables public, but what was happening was that if I loaded 2 or more models, it would just overwrite the public variables and make an awful mess.

I seriously need help :slight_smile: