OpenGL context without using X11


can i create an opengl context without using X11?

I’m creating an embedded application for a company that need OpenGL render bur i cant use X11 (because it’s heavy and memory usage of it is high) i need an other way to do it

hardware is:
CPU: arm
ram: 128MB

Are You planning to have hw rendering there?
If not you can try mesa(swrast)+wayland.

Most linux opengl propretriary drivers are X drivers: they implement GLX and pull all X11 dependiences. There are some hw drivers (some even open source) which can work with wayland or android instead of x11 (some mesa drivers can do that).

Which display server does your system run? Does it implement the GLX protocol? Is the hardware even capable of acceleration or do you need a software fallback?

I really don’t think any sane company would base a product on something as experimental as Wayland.

For embedded systems you may be better off looking at OpenGL ES and its platform interface layer EGL, see

You could use the SRM library (Simple Rendering Manager), which is a C library designed for rendering using OpenGL ES 2.0 within a KMS/DRM context (no Xorg or Wayland needed). One of its significant advantages is that it streamlines all DRM/KMS configurations for you. Additionally, it facilitates the sharing of OpenGL textures between GPUs in a multi-GPU setup from a single allocation.

It has been tested on Intel GPUs (i915 driver), Nvidia GPUs (nouveau and nvidia-drm drivers) and in Mali GPUs (Lima driver).

I also tested it on a really cheap ARM board and works perfectly.

Here’s a basic example which simply changes the screen color of all connected screens using glClear():

#include <SRMCore.h>
#include <SRMDevice.h>
#include <SRMListener.h>
#include <SRMCrtc.h>
#include <SRMEncoder.h>
#include <SRMPlane.h>
#include <SRMConnector.h>
#include <SRMConnectorMode.h>
#include <SRMBuffer.h>

#include <SRMList.h>
#include <SRMLog.h>

#include <GLES2/gl2.h>
#include <GLES2/gl2ext.h>

#include <math.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

float color = 0.f;

/* Opens a DRM device */
static int openRestricted(const char *path, int flags, void *userData)

    // Here something like libseat could be used instead
    return open(path, flags);

/* Closes a DRM device */
static void closeRestricted(int fd, void *userData)

static SRMInterface srmInterface =
    .openRestricted = &openRestricted,
    .closeRestricted = &closeRestricted

static void initializeGL(SRMConnector *connector, void *userData)

    /* You must not do any drawing here as it won't make it to
     * the screen. */

    SRMConnectorMode *mode = srmConnectorGetCurrentMode(connector);


    // Schedule a repaint (this eventually calls paintGL() later, not directly)

static void paintGL(SRMConnector *connector, void *userData)

    glClearColor((sinf(color) + 1.f) / 2.f,
                 (sinf(color * 0.5f) + 1.f) / 2.f,
                 (sinf(color * 0.25f) + 1.f) / 2.f,

    color += 0.01f;

    if (color > M_PI*4.f)
        color = 0.f;


static void resizeGL(SRMConnector *connector, void *userData)
    /* You must not do any drawing here as it won't make it to
     * the screen.
     * This is called when the connector changes its current mode,
     * set with srmConnectorSetMode() */

    // Reuse initializeGL() as it only sets the viewport
    initializeGL(connector, userData);

static void pageFlipped(SRMConnector *connector, void *userData)

    /* You must not do any drawing here as it won't make it to
     * the screen.
     * This is called when the last rendered frame is now being
     * displayed on screen.
     * Google v-sync for more info. */

static void uninitializeGL(SRMConnector *connector, void *userData)

    /* You must not do any drawing here as it won't make it to
     * the screen.
     * Here you should free any resource created on initializeGL()
     * like shaders, programs, textures, etc. */

static SRMConnectorInterface connectorInterface =
    .initializeGL = &initializeGL,
    .paintGL = &paintGL,
    .resizeGL = &resizeGL,
    .pageFlipped = &pageFlipped,
    .uninitializeGL = &uninitializeGL

static void connectorPluggedEventHandler(SRMListener *listener, SRMConnector *connector)

    /* This is called when a new connector is avaliable (E.g. Plugging an HDMI display). */

    /* Got a new connector, let's render on it */
    if (!srmConnectorInitialize(connector, &connectorInterface, NULL))
        SRMError("[srm-basic] Failed to initialize connector %s.",

static void connectorUnpluggedEventHandler(SRMListener *listener, SRMConnector *connector)

    /* This is called when a connector is no longer avaliable (E.g. Unplugging an HDMI display). */

    /* The connnector is automatically uninitialized after this event (if initialized)
     * so calling srmConnectorUninitialize() is a no-op. */

int main(void)
    setenv("SRM_DEBUG", "4", 1);
    setenv("SRM_EGL_DEBUG", "4", 1);

    SRMCore *core = srmCoreCreate(&srmInterface, NULL);

    if (!core)
        SRMFatal("[srm-basic] Failed to initialize SRM core.");
        return 1;

    // Subscribe to Udev events
    SRMListener *connectorPluggedEventListener = srmCoreAddConnectorPluggedEventListener(core, &connectorPluggedEventHandler, NULL);
    SRMListener *connectorUnpluggedEventListener = srmCoreAddConnectorUnpluggedEventListener(core, &connectorUnpluggedEventHandler, NULL);

    // Find and initialize avaliable connectors

    // Loop each GPU (device)
    SRMListForeach (deviceIt, srmCoreGetDevices(core))
        SRMDevice *device = srmListItemGetData(deviceIt);

        // Loop each GPU connector (screen)
        SRMListForeach (connectorIt, srmDeviceGetConnectors(device))
            SRMConnector *connector = srmListItemGetData(connectorIt);

            if (srmConnectorIsConnected(connector))
                if (!srmConnectorInitialize(connector, &connectorInterface, NULL))
                    SRMError("[srm-basic] Failed to initialize connector %s.",

    while (1)
        /* Udev monitor poll DRM devices/connectors hotplugging events (-1 disables timeout).
         * To get a pollable FD use srmCoreGetMonitorFD() */

        if (srmCoreProccessMonitor(core, -1) < 0)

    /* Unsubscribe to DRM events
     * These listeners are automatically destroyed when calling srmCoreDestroy()
     * so there is no need to free them manually.
     * This is here just to show how to unsubscribe to events on the fly. */


    // Finish SRM

    return 0;

I hope you find this library useful for your specific use case.