convert opengl to opengl with shader

I trying to convert a opengl 2.0 project without shader in a opengl 2.0 project with shader.
My problem is this:
I have

void RenderFrame()
    glMultMatrixf(&g_camera.getViewMatrix()[0][0]);//in g_camera.getViewMatrix() i have a correct view matrix with 
    //rotation's and orientation

    RenderModel();// draw mesh 
void RenderModel()

    m[3][0] = g_meshPosition.x;
    m[3][1] = g_meshPosition.y;
    m[3][2] = g_meshPosition.z;

glDrawElements(GL_TRIANGLES, pMesh->triangleCount * 3,
            GL_UNSIGNED_INT, g_model.getIndexBuffer() + pMesh->startIndex);


In my project i have only shader and for each shader a Model view matrix and projection matrix.
But the demo project first set the correct view matrix(that I have ) then set the position of the mesh(that i have) and then draw.

But how i can do this with shaders?

What is shader?

//Vertex Shader
#version 110

void main()
   gl_Position = gl_ModelViewProjectionMatrix * gl_Vertex;

//Fragment Shader
#version 110

uniform vec4 MyColor;

void main()
  gl_FragColor = MyColor;

and you can find more examples on the web.
Try to download RenderMonkey. It has many shader examples.

and also, there is an app for that